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French Bulldog Wanted


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My in-laws own a gorgeous 1yo desexed French Bulldog who is deaf. He was a gift to us from a breeder when I lived with my in-laws, and when my husband and I moved out, Louis stayed with them (he is too spoilt to hang outside during the day so he was better off with them!). :rofl: They dote on him but he is feeling a bit lonely with no other dogs to play with anymore. They would love to offer another special-needs Frenchie a home, so if you hear of any, please let me know. They now have a soft spot for deaf dogs and have done really well with his training, so a deaf dog would be perfect. :rofl: They are looking for something from a puppy up to about 2 years old. I think a desexed girl would be best but Louis is fine with male dogs, so a placid male would also be fine. Thanks!

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