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One Dropped Testicle


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Hey guys,

We are looking at a puppy tonight. He is by far the best puppy in the pack, however, only one testicle has dropped. We are assured that generally the other one will drop, however if it doesn't:

- does that affect his ability to breed?

- could it have ant affect on his temperament?

- Are there any long term health issues with this?

We are soon the be the proud parents of the MOST LOVED DOGUE DE BORDEAUX in Australia ! ! !

Keen to hear your thoughts

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I'd be concerned if both are not down by 8 weeks. They should really be there by 6 weeks. if you are planning to show him, you would be taking abig chance if both are not down at time of purchase.

Is the other one easy to find?

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If the testicle doesn't drop then it is pretty much essential that he IS neutered. That could be the only thing which saves his life when he gets older.

I personally have had dogs from two different breeds which have retained a testicle until 9 months of age, but in my case, I bred both so keeping them to see what happened wasn't an issue for me.

If you are considering showing, then regardless of whether he is the pick of litter or not, I'd be inclined to want two fully descended testicles at 8 weeks.

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Hmm, I would think not having a descended testicle would mean he's not the pick of the litter? Wasn't someone saying there's a general rule about which one it is and whether it will drop or not? I can't remember which now..

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If you breed from a dog with an undescended testicle you may be perpetuating that trait which is not good!

I am with the others who wonder

- how is that the pick of the litter when that breed has sooooo many health problems associated with it. To be the pick it has to be "perfect!"

- is the breeder aware that you intend to breed this dog, or will she have you on a "breeders terms" contract and she will arrange for him to be a stud.

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A dog with an undescended testicle will need surgery to have it found and removed - so I would drop it like a hot potato

I would also worry about any breeder offering a one testicle dog on main register as a breeding prospect. There are too many Bordeauxs out there on Mains that should not be. I would ask around some other breeders, especially Leanne from Bellarouge, for advice or other choices.

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