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Pulled Muscle?


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My lab played with a friends lab yesterday and seemed fine directly after. Now this afternoon I have noticed that he is avoiding the sit position, his one leg shakes if he does sit and he sits off to the side. Could he have pulled a muscle? I think if he is the same in the morning I will take him to the vet. He is eating and otherwise himself.

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He could have pulled a muscle or even tweeked a nerve in his back.

I would definately get it checked though as I would be worried about a torn or snapped cruciate. One of my fears!

If he is sore tomorrow, definately get him checked.

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How did you go??

He is much better today! He has been less active so if he is not back to his usual self tomorrow than he is off to the vet but he isnt in any pain from what I can tell, he even tried to run and play with his toys but we discouraged him as I dont want him to get hurt again, he has been lying inside with me the whole day, its really hot outside!

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Great to hear, hopefully he is all better by today.

Probably best to keep him quiet for a few days after he is feeling all better

He is 110% this morning, will possibly still take him to chiro next week just to get the all clear.

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