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Speciality Etiquette


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That's even more reason to stick to All Breeds, there at least you stand a chance and the result is not always known unless you continue to come up against a magnificient speciem of a dog.

The specialty option is in my opinion a NO BRAINER, a complete WASTE OF TIME, and a WASTE OF MONEY & EFFORT.

And attitudes like this are the reason that breed clubs fold.

If people do not enter the specialty shows held by small clubs, they run the risk of not having clubs at all.

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You are showing under a speciality judge and you have paid for his/her critique. I am under the

Actually many breed shows dont have specialist judges.

Ok, my error, however if you enter a speciality show, why don't you have specialty judges? This is a very poor refelection on the management/committee of your breed club. If a specialty judge cannot be obtained, what's the point of having a specialty show? If they are not specialty judges their critique is not worth the paper it's written on so why would any exibitor 1-2-3 etc bother to stick around for a critique that is of no value. May as well just stick to all breeds until the club can get it's act together.

Dlanigervon, not all clubs have the luxury of a large entry. Every year, the OES club of WA has to put in extra effort fundraising etc in order to get an interstate judge to come over, and no not all of them are breed specialists, because you do eventually run out of them. last year we went with a judge who had been out of the breed for a number of years but had the breed in the past. This year we have to do extra fundraising in order to get another interstate judge so we considered getting a local judge, because we only had 7 entries in the breed last year. The OES breed club is actually lucky, as we have the option of fundraising through Dulux paints. I would hate to know how difficult it is for a breed club of similar size to fundraise without those options behind them. I think there are many breed clubs out there who do a fantastic job keeping their clubs going, and NOT supporting them is quite damaging to the breed.

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That's even more reason to stick to All Breeds, there at least you stand a chance and the result is not always known unless you continue to come up against a magnificient speciem of a dog.

The specialty option is in my opinion a NO BRAINER, a complete WASTE OF TIME, and a WASTE OF MONEY & EFFORT.

I gather you havent shown GSD speciality style long :)

or you go with your eyes shut

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Ok, my error, however if you enter a speciality show, why don't you have specialty judges? This is a very poor refelection on the management/committee of your breed club. If a specialty judge cannot be obtained, what's the point of having a specialty show? If they are not specialty judges their critique is not worth the paper it's written on so why would any exibitor 1-2-3 etc bother to stick around for a critique that is of no value. May as well just stick to all breeds until the club can get it's act together.

I experienced this last year, Although it was a lovely show, well run, it was a breed club show, and the only managed to get a terrier judge to do judging... It would of been nice to have a judge with experience in the breed.

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I love the GSD specialty shows, they are great to attend and exhibit and also to go and watch. Not a waste of time in my opinion :)

It's a great chance to see where the breed is at, what sites and kennels are producing and what we need to work on to improve the breed more :thumbsup:

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I love the GSD specialty shows, they are great to attend and exhibit and also to go and watch. Not a waste of time in my opinion :cry:

It's a great chance to see where the breed is at, what sites and kennels are producing and what we need to work on to improve the breed more :(

hi Pockets,

I was not commenting on GSD specialty, there an exhibitor has the advantage of specialty judges, with critiues that are worthwhile, which if you take notice of them, will help you to improve your standard of breeding, thus the standard of the overall breed, to which I see, you agree.

The discussion was about the less popular breed specialty shows, and the lack of specialty judges to judge them, also the sportsmanship and etiquitte exhibited by the exhibitors.

I cannot personally see the sense in attending a specialty show (say GSDs) and be judged by a Terrier Judge, to me it just doesn't make sense, especially when there are very low entries and on most occassions the result is known before you even attend. UNLESS it is for a social day out and a catchup with friends and hang the results.

Now regardless of who the judge may be, and or their decission, you or any other exhibitor does not have the right to leave the ring in a huff before the judge has given his/her critique. For God's sake you knew who the judge was before tou entered the show, accept it. If you do not accept his/her ruling and leave, this only proves a very poor refelection on the exhibitors character and their sportsmanship. I will also bet that, that exhibitor will be the first and loudest to complain.

Ps. I also show GSDs both specialty and allbreeds and do very well in both rings with the same dogs.

Pss. Isn't a GSD, Gods gift to man?. Now that will burr some people up. Have fun all.

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I agree :-) I wouldn't enter a specialty if it wasn't under a GSD judge, pointless as you say :-)

It would be nice to have a large club with the funds/entry numbers AND a range of specialist judges to choose from :rofl: There aren't that many BT specialist judges in the World.

Biggest specialty entry I am aware of for my breed in Australia was 76 under a reknowned international specialist (this was also coupled with a Terrier specialty the following day judged by another reknowned breed specialist).

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