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Dog Blog


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I received an Email from Dogs Qld on Monday. It was a newsletter they are calling the Dog Blog that they are going to be sending out monthly with updates on what is happening. They are also running a photo comp according to this email to build up a gallery for the new website they are launching in Feb. Do the other states do this or is Qld starting a new trend?

Is Qld under new management or something? First they change their name, then the are trialing a new award, now this?

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I believe the CCCQ have had a name change to come into alignment with the other states. If you go back a few issues of Dog world, it is in the President's message about the name change.

Maybe, just maybe they are starting to get out of the dim dark doldrums of fogeyism and will become a little more proactive in promoting pedigree dogs to the wider community and move into the 21st centuary.

If it takes off, it will be a nice change. Their old website was a pain to navigate and an eyesaw.

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