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Ear Mites Or Yeast Infection


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My 12 mths old Lab has for the past few nights woken up in the middle of the night and shakes his ears furiously and scratches his ears..

Is that a sign of ear mites OR yeast infection? ... I clean his ears regularly - daily by wiping with a piece of damp face towel. I recently took him swimming in the Gold Coast and also a ce in my friend's swimming pool. When he wakes in the night, I let him out and he shakes his head again & again and sometimes I notice water coming out ?? :)

How can you tell which one of it is bothering him as he has been sleeping through the night for some time now... normally after I let him out (BTW, he sleeps in his crate), he will come inside and shake a few more times, then settle down to sleep until morning.

Sorry to be asking - I don't know whether to take him to the Vet or just get some ear drops??

Any advice is appreciated :thumbsup:

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