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Good Dog Trainer & Vet Adelaide


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Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can recommend a good trainer and vet in Adelaide, preferably SE suburbs at least for vet (they're in Myrtle Bank) for son's dog? He and his girlfriend have moved back to Adelaide *sniff* and they're not impressed with the vet they went to the other day. Apparently the reception staff were not the friendliest, and the vet didn't do a very thorough examination or weigh the dog. Not that there was a problem, but for a first visit, he thought they'd be a bit more thorough. I don't know who they went to.

Anyway, any suggestions welcome.

They'll also need a behaviourist b/c the dog has issues with other dogs approaching her whilst she's on lead. She can get pretty nasty, and it needs to be addressed. She's OK when off lead, and with dogs she knows, but otherwise it can be a big problem.

Thanks everyone.

ETA: I'm sure they'd travel a bit if there's a REALLY good vet somewhere else

Edited by greytdog
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I agree with you about a first visit to a vet. Our vet not only does a thorough exam & weighing on the first visit, but she also takes a complete history of the dog, recording it all. She's got me so well trained that I'm collecting info from the breeder from whom I'm taking a new adult tibbie, before the tib even comes.

Can't help you with the name of a SA vet. Our friends who own tibs live in the Adelaide Hills.

But some time back I was given the name of recommended dog trainers in Adelaide. Shall check if I still have them.

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Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can recommend a good trainer and vet in Adelaide, preferably SE suburbs at least for vet (they're in Myrtle Bank) for son's dog? He and his girlfriend have moved back to Adelaide *sniff* and they're not impressed with the vet they went to the other day. Apparently the reception staff were not the friendliest, and the vet didn't do a very thorough examination or weigh the dog. Not that there was a problem, but for a first visit, he thought they'd be a bit more thorough. I don't know who they went to.

Anyway, any suggestions welcome.

They'll also need a behaviourist b/c the dog has issues with other dogs approaching her whilst she's on lead. She can get pretty nasty, and it needs to be addressed. She's OK when off lead, and with dogs she knows, but otherwise it can be a big problem.

Thanks everyone.

ETA: I'm sure they'd travel a bit if there's a REALLY good vet somewhere else

Hopefully Ness will see this and pop in as it is over her way so she may have vet recommendations.

They are near the freeway so have easy access to the Adelaide Hills -Scholars in Collars do training classes at Mt Barker and other locations, a bit of a hike but due to the freeway not too difficult to get to http://www.scholarsincollars.com.au/about.html Alexis also does behaviour consults and is a great trainer with a lot of experience.

Otherwise: http://www.petdogtraining.com.au/home.html are in the eastern suburbs, not sure where they hold their classes.

There are actually not any obedience clubs over that way. I think this would be their closest club http://www.positivelydogs.com/about.htm that I can think of. Otherwise SAODC in the parklands near town - http://www.sadogobedience.org.au/

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Otherwise: http://www.petdogtraining.com.au/home.html are in the eastern suburbs, not sure where they hold their classes.

this was not so good for my dog. she used to shut down when stressed and refuse food. this is purely positive training school where food is used all the time continually and no other reward (sometimes praise was used). when the dog didn't want the food the trainers seemed at a loss and had no other suggestions for me which didn't help me at all.

so i think the training method needs to match the dog. funnily enough, my dog responded much better to training with praise and correction and she became very confident using this method so we are very pleased now.

Edited by Jaxx'sBuddy
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i think the training method needs to match the dog.

I'd agree with that. I found I had to use a different method with the tibs than I used with the working dog breeds. And among the tibs themselves, they differed on what was rewarding. For a couple, it's a physical hug....for the one next door, it's definitely food.

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I take my two to the Hawthorn Vet Clinic on Belair Road. Its probably only 5 minutes max from Myrtle Bank. The two vets that work there are great, seem very thorough and don't try and over service. The clinic are happy for you to pop in whenever you want to weigh the dogs on the scales in the waiting room and the dogs always get a treat from the vet nurse whenever we call in. The dogs are greeted by name and not pressured in the consult room. If the dog isn't happy on the table then the vets will exam the dog on the floor (well least Fiona is happy to).

ETA. I would be loathed to recommend SAODC to a dog with behavioral issues although I would probably say the same about most clubs. They aren't equipped to deal with anything more than pet dog training with no real behaviorial issues.

Canine Behavioural School - the positivelydogs link that piper provided would be my recommendation. They have trainers equipped to deal with dogs like you describe and will also help intergrate the dog into a class situation.

Edited by ness
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ETA. I would be loathed to recommend SAODC to a dog with behavioral issues although I would probably say the same about most clubs. They aren't equipped to deal with anything more than pet dog training with no real behaviorial issues.

Canine Behavioural School - the positivelydogs link that piper provided would be my recommendation. They have trainers equipped to deal with dogs like you describe and will also help intergrate the dog into a class situation.

Can't help with vets that side of town but agree with Ness about training. SAODC is a great club but not suited to dogs with issues. One of the other club's mentioned with smaller classes that can offer individual help would be better IMO :)

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Thanks everyone. I'll send the link to this thread to him. I'm sure there'll be something to suit.

I tend to agree that a general class may not be the idea. I think the issue needs to be addressed first. Aside from that, she's a lovely dog, and son has already done a lot of training with her. She was originally a rescue, and, I would imagine, had never left her back yard. She wasn't even lead trained. Now she's going well on the lead, does basic commands, including waiting at the door until she's invited out. Also lets go of her toys on command. Son is doing pretty well for his first "alone" dog (ie not the family pet), but we need to get this problem addressed, and I think it is a job for a professional.

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We are about to start training with Mark Singer, he has a good reputation and some other DOLERS have used him. Will let you know how it goes

Mark Singer is a fantastic behaviourist and I highly recommend him. I have used his services and I know a few other DOLers have also done this with great success. Mark came highly recommended by many others when I was seeking a behaviourist and he was more than happy to spend time talking to me on the phone before I booked with him during which he figured out what the problem was straight away, just by asking a few questions. This is a link to his website and all prices are listed so you know what you're up for before you even call him. http://www.caninetraining.com.au/

Thanks for that. I read a bit on his website; sounds interesting. Have sent link to son.

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Can't help with the dog trainer, but know of two good vets.

O'Halloran Hill vet is my regular vet. She is extremely good with dogs and very knowledgeable.

Aldgate vet is the vet I go to if my dog needs surgery [much better prices than O'Halloran Hill who charge like wounded bulls for surgery]. Dr Nadia is an excellent vet and was recommended to me by a breeder.

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Have no recommendation re a dog trainer, but my vets, husband and wife, at the Hub Vet clinic are the best vets I have ever had in over 40 years of dealing with vets.

Hub vet clinic is at Aberfoyle Park, about 20 minutes by car from Myrtle Bank, in a southerly direction, their staff are very friendly and efficient always helpful.

Recommend them for surgery and their prices are very realistic, not over the top like some vets, their clinic motto is "We care because they are family" should your pet have surgery they always phone you within 24-48 hours after to see how things are going.

They are just fantastic. :mad

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