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Dog Not Eating


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my English springer bitch, has not been eating the last couple of days (sat/sun) I have noticed too that she is eating grass and vomiting. (not bringing up much) she has always been a finiky eater.

she is bright eyed and bushy tailed. jumping around and generally acting fine.

I listened to her stomach with a stethescope, ndd can hear squishy? type sounds In comparison, I listened to our other dogs stomach, and could hear nothing. (whats a dogs stomach supposed to sound like?)

quite frankly, if it can be avoided, i would prefer not to have to take her to the vet (money money money) but if I have to of course I will.

any suggestions?

Yes she could have got hold of something inappriate. (and eaten it)

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hmmmmm Not sure what to say here. It sounds like it could be just a bit of an upset tummy if she's otherwise okay. Cold nose and healthy gums etc.... Sometimes they can get over that in a day or two and their bodies will tell them not to eat (fasting can be good). I've had it happen many time over the years.

But I would be concerned if it went longer than 48 hours.

LOL I know the feeling of doing something you think is very useful - like listening to their tummy, getting the information and then thinking "right. And so what exactly does that mean anyway???" I have no idea what they should sound like, but I know what it sounds like when things are not good - very gurgly.

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so, if I can hear her stomach from across the room, not good, and buckle up for big vet bill?

Oh, and friday evening, she was seen to vomit, so I would say 3 days? although she ate last night

Edited by paddles
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I,d say her stomach is empty hence the noises.Can you tempt her with some chicken or something nice that she likes . Both of mine recently went off their food and ate grass(at different times) also had a bit of the runs. After a few days ever thing returned to normal, I put it down to a virus of some kind that will pass.

It would be different if she was lethargic and not alert.

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Has she defecated?

she could have a blockage, a foreign object or potentially an intersusseption. Her stomach is gurgling from gas and movement, if it has been that many days she may need something like metranidazol tablets at least

quite frankly, if it can be avoided, i would prefer not to have to take her to the vet (money money money) but if I have to of course I will.

We cant diagnose things over the internet we can make educated guesses. The longer you leave things though usually the more expesive they will be when you eventually decide to take the dog to the vet. I'm sure you would not put up with aching stomach for days.

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She is passing increadibly smelly (oh my God!!! you would not believe the stench) black slime, with grass in it.

I'll ring the vet this morning, and presumably take her in. I'm just terrified of her needing to have surgery

Big bill and possibly still no dog at the end. (of course if she needs surgery, then she'll get surgery)

she's still bouncy and happy. gums not quite right tho, dehidrated a little I think

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current diagnosis is gastro. She has been put on 2 lots of antibiotics, and a very restricted diet for a week or more (dependant on what happens) if she gets worse, of course she'll go back, but since she is happy, not dehydrated, and still passing fecal matter (yes I took a sample to the vet, and stunk out the practice) the vet feels that she is not blocked. no temp etc either, not tenderness in the stomach either.

Just gave her some steamed chicken, and she ate that happily enough.

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current diagnosis is gastro. She has been put on 2 lots of antibiotics, and a very restricted diet for a week or more (dependant on what happens) if she gets worse, of course she'll go back, but since she is happy, not dehydrated, and still passing fecal matter (yes I took a sample to the vet, and stunk out the practice) the vet feels that she is not blocked. no temp etc either, not tenderness in the stomach either.

Just gave her some steamed chicken, and she ate that happily enough.

Sounds similar to what Kei has had over the past week :rofl: He seemed to get better and then last night went down hill again yesterday with the runs, wouldn't eat or drink and I was ready to rush him off to the vet first thing this morning. However today he is bright and energetic and wants to eat so I'm just keeping an eye on him for now. Hasn't pooped yet today so I'm still w a i t i n g for that one :) his diagnosis was dietry indescretion or gastritis too. Must be getting around :D

Hope your girl is okay.

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I'm to just feed her small meals of steamed chicken, adding a little rice tomorrow if all looks good. something I tried today, and I'm assuming it won't hurt, is I put a little of the water I steamed the chicken over, into her drinking water. she drank the whole bowl down. so now I have no worries about her dehydrating.

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I'm to just feed her small meals of steamed chicken, adding a little rice tomorrow if all looks good. something I tried today, and I'm assuming it won't hurt, is I put a little of the water I steamed the chicken over, into her drinking water. she drank the whole bowl down. so now I have no worries about her dehydrating.

I do this too :cheer:

I save the stock from the boiled chicken and then water it down slightly and give it to Kei to drink after his meal. He enjoys his 'soup' and I worry less about dehydration.

Just don't over-do the liquid or your dog might vomit it back up again, give her small amount though and it wont hurt at all :vomit:

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