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Kennel Cough?


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Max is coughing. Well, he sounds like he got a fishbone stuck in the back of his throat.

He is fully vaccinated (he was a surrender to SAD so they have his immunisation history).

He seems happy enough, playing, eating, drinking - just coughing occassionally (enough to bring up white frothy stuff).

Do I just keep an eye on him, when would you take him to the vet?

(SAD have offered to cover his vet fees if I take him to one of their vets but I'm happier to do that myself, I'm sure their resourses are stretched enough).

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If it is a mild case of KC, the vet won't help . . . it will pass on its own with no real probs. KC is a virus, and they don't respond to antibiotics. Most clear without treatment. A severe case may incur a secondary bacterial infection. In which case the vet can supply you with antibiotics that will kill off the secondary infection. If it were my dog, I'd give something to soothe the cough, eg, honey-water or normal Benedryl and only go the vet if it gets serious.

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Where do I get it Erny?

I'm taking Max to the vet because I'm a bit worried about him. I realise it's a virus and there's probably nothing they can do, but given tomorrow is a public holiday and he has worsened overnight, I want to get him checked out.

He has lost his bounce & excitement, not interested in his food. He is also coughing up coloured phlem (tmi, I'm sorry!).

I realise these are probably normal symptoms of kennel cough, but hey, can't hurt to be better safe than sorry.

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two of mine had a mild case of KC, got it off a dog at the park, but it passed, I took them to the vet and he said exactly what sandgrubber said about keeping an eye on them as it can turn into a secondary infection. Mine coughed more if they were running around so a few days of doing nothign and it passed. But they were not bringing anything up when they coughed and definatley no colored phlem. Good luck hope Max is ok!!

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Definitely agree with the active manuka honey - you can also order it on many online health stores (if you can find a place that can get it to you quickly).

Sash had it approx 3 times last year, the only time I took her to the vet was when she had a discharge from her nose and eyes (although it wasn't coloured). A young healthy dog should be able to fight it off themselves (with the help of AMH) - however if you are concerned and he is not himself, a vet visit never hurts especially if it will help put your mind at ease :grouphug:

But it is a scary sounding thing when your dog is hacking away... ;) Best to be on the safe side if you are unsure how bad it is.

Hope Max gets better soon!!

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All good.

Vet has given 8 days of antibiotics. He said there is a secondary infection but it's not the nastiest he's seen so we don't need to by worry warts. Max will get over it with ab's, plenty of fresh water and as much as we can make the pug rest (yeah right!).

I'm going to the shops this afternoon so I'll pop into the health food shop for the honey.

He also mentioned that we could use Durotuss if the cough was bothering him, but it doesn't seem to be so I think we'll be right.

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The honey is good because it soothes the cough and if he has a sore throat too. Active Manuka Honey is handy to always have as it can be used for so many things! I also give it to Sasha when she has an upset tummy (she has a sensitive tummy) and to boost her immune system when I feel she is low.

It is a little more expensive, but has so many uses and it's natural :laugh:

ETA - glad Max is now on the mend! :laugh: How is he settling in?

Edited by Kelly_Louise
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He is settling in beautifully. Honestly - it's just like he's always been here. After one short week, he has routine, he seems settled, he has so much time for us, so much energy. He has rock solid nerves (which is great with our somewhat boisterous 3 year old) and just adores people in general (even if they're not 'his' people!).

I was just talking to my hubby and told him what the vet told me - that a healthy, happy, young pug in a pound is not something you stumble across that often - they are normally handed back to their breeders when they can't stay in their home - and hubby said he was just meant to be ours :laugh:

We're very, very happy - well, everyone except the cat - don't know if they'll ever be friends :laugh:

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