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Natures Gift Dog Food


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I am currently trying to improve the diet of my stone-forming dally. His vet notes say he can be given a good quality canned food as long as it doesn't contain liver etc.

Can anyone tell me if Nature's Gift Chicken/Rice and/or Chicken/oats is made only from muscle meat or do they use liver and what not in the mix??

I have emailed them this question but don't expect an answer till Monday or later. Meanwhile I have some in the house (I always have it for emergencies with my raw food ingredients! My other dalmatians have done well on it) so I'd love to give him some today if I felt it was safe.

Anybody very knowledgable on NG???

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I have fed NG for years. When April was about 10 she developed an alergy to wheat, I discovered. She would become incontinent. Even if someone gave her a biscuit or toast crusts etc. So for the last years of her life she lived on a 1/3 tin of NG, I didn't get the pasta one att, & mostly raw chicken pieces with the occasional lamb bone. She did well on this diet & it also helped her teeth. The last year I discovered Pro Plan salmon with oats & then Purina One salmon & oats & she was able to have that on occasion as well.

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Hi Winterpaws.

I havent really switched to tinned food as a preferred option or anything :angel: I just try to feed my dogs what is good for them and what is within my budget and circumstances at any given time - usually thats raw etc but now and then I will add some good quality commercial.

I know that raw and VAN are best for them but I can't always feed them the most ideal diet. For all sorts of reasons occassionally I include something pre-made - specifically Eagle Pack dry and NG tinned chicken - in their diet. I don't have a hard and fast rule about it - I just know what's "optimal" for their health and try to get as close to that as I can.

I always have NG canned chicken and rice on stand-by for emergencies - eg run out of raw food ingredients, can't get to the city for supplies, dog is unwell so needs something easily digestible, or I just feel lazy and reckon one night of "junk food" wont kill em LOL etc.

BUT because of his health issues it's impossible to feed my new guy Tango the way I would normally feed my dogs. I can't give him much meat and certainly not beef or lamb and he can't have nice big fat RMBs (poor love). I also cant feed him VAN as it has yeast in it, amongst other things that are high in purines. So here I am trying to improve his health and put weight on him as he is skinny as a rake and under-nourished. THis is not easy with a stone-forming dally as all the best foods are verboten!!!

The vet recommended a little bit of tinned chicken dog food (without offal) so I'm trying to do the right thing for his health by following the vets recommendations while we monitor his progress.

He is also getting dairy proteins and a tiny bit of steamed chicken to build up his ability to digest protein other than egg. I did give him some raw chicken but it was a bit too much for him to cope with at this stage.

PLUS I figure the poor little bloke deserves some different taste sensations given he has been eating nothing but rice/carrot/egg for 5 years.

Pepper continues to get raw meat/fish, VAN and bones tho and they both get MASSES of raw and cooked veggies and fruit (altho Tango is also restricted a bit in the veggie dept!!!).

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