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Do You Have A Permit For Fostering?


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I called the Brisbane City Council this morning to check if I needed to apply for an animal permit (the permit for having x amount of dogs or x amount of cats) to foster multiple animals and apparently yes you do have to have a permit if you will have more than 2 dogs or 3 cats. I don't mind having to pay the $209 but it seems a little... innappropriate that foster parents would be required to apply. :love:

Curious what people think of this and how many of the foster carers here actually have a permit... :)

*edited to clarify what the permit was for.

Edited by 16Paws
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Is it a different from the permit for having more than 2 dogs of your own? Because one of the conditions on that permit is that the animals must be desexed, and some foster dogs may not yet be desexed (especially if they are rescues and are underweight, or sick etc). Just curious - I am in the process of applying for a permit (because I have three of my own), but I never bothered when the extra was a foster dog (because they were never here that long).

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It is the permit you need for having more than 2 dogs on your property. I did ask if the permit was for specific dogs (i.e. I have a, b and c living here) and the lady I spoke to said it's just a general permit, it doesn't detail the specific animals you keep.

I think it's strange that a permit would apply, if I was pet sitting for friends or family during the year I wouldn't expect to require a permit...

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Did you speak to someone in the call centre or ask to be put through to the animal control section?

I have previously asked and been told that for fosters a permit is not necessary. I have one anyway for four animals but I often have considerably more dogs than that here on foster at any one time. I have told them when the visit for a permit compliance to be ready to see way more than four dogs here. I specifically rang when I became a co-ordinator for rescue instead of just fostering and asked how I would register all of the rescue dogs. I was advised not to bother but to ensure they are registered by the new owners.

I also have a permit for 10 cats.. all in a fully enclosed catter - used to be a pergola. Council comes and compliance checks for that permit as well.

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