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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

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Damo & Jaws - Your boy is so lovely~ His fur is so shiny. What are you feeding him? I have changed my boy to Eukanuba, his poo reduced and his coat is shinier. I couldn't be happier. =D

we are feeding him a small mix of wet pedigree pal puppy chicken and turkey to a large mix of Purina ProPlan dry food - which is what the breeder was feeding him before we picked him up.

thing is also, out of the litter, he had the best coat.

we also gave him a bath on sunday too :)

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I love pug puppies, they remind me of sausage rolls with their little squashy faces at one end and their little curly tails at the other. And whenever I see one, I'm always suprised by how tiny they are at 8-12 weeks!

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We're picking up our little girl in 3 weeks and I can't wait! We've been waiting since February for a litter, and we got first pick last weekend. You always forget how tiny animals are when they're only 5 weeks; she couldn't climb into my lap without a helping hand.

Her name is Scout and she's a GSD.

Edited by Yvette
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Yvette - How exciting! I love GSDs. Thats great that you got first pick of the litter. Was the choice an easy one?

We get our boy on Saturday! I can't wait. The breeder gave us the option of getting him today, but hubby's been having some really long days at work, so we thought it best to wait for the weekend so that we can enjoy him together :D

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I love pug puppies, they remind me of sausage rolls with their little squashy faces at one end and their little curly tails at the other. And whenever I see one, I'm always suprised by how tiny they are at 8-12 weeks!

:D Best description EVER!!

They are VERY cute though, friend has an 8 week old and it was adorable watching the Pug play with my BC pup.

We're picking up our little girl in 3 weeks and I can't wait! We've been waiting since February for a litter, and we got first pick last weekend. You always forget how tiny animals are when they're only 5 weeks; she couldn't climb into my lap without a helping hand.

Her name is Scout and she's a GSD.

You must be so excited and a GSD! Can't wait to see pics!

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Michelle ~ Unfortunately there isn't much you can do when a puppy is teething, other than give them something hard and soft to chew on. Zoe has claimed all the cat toys too, even the cat tunnel is her haven....poor Shadow. Zoe is teething but its not bothering her any, but she has tons of chew toys and biscuits now and again. I haven't given her any bones yet, mine see if I can get some cut up.

Damo ~ Totally agree about the vacuum cleaners at meal times....well anytime, Zoe wonders the house sniffing and eating anything that looks interesting. I am forever removing what she eats from her mouth ARGH!!!

Zoe woke up this morning, I was unbelievably tired, but got dressed, went into the lounge to get her out and checked the clock :laugh: 5 friggin am....I could have killed her. So I made a hot cuppa sat myself on the lounge and watched TV, much to Zoe's disgust I wouldn't get up and get her breakfast :dancingelephant: so she chased the cat and then sat on the other lounge chair watching me in case I decided to get her breakfast when she wasn't looking.....Grrrrrr


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BF, I've been giving her a few chicken necks which are still partially frozen. I figure babies like cold stuff on their gums, so why not a puppy. She's destroyed a few cat toys and I have to check her bed everyday because I usually find my sons little cars and all sorts of stuff she's collected during the day.

Does anyone else have a hoarder?

This was taken today, Georgia is a few days shy of 5 months.


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Michelle - How lovely is Georgia! She's got the "bling-bling" eyes~ Oreo usually plays with his toys but occasionally, he will try to have a go at my girlfriend's soft toys collection. :laugh:

BF - I bought a lot of things for Ore to chew and he enjoys them. I guess Oreo is teething as well because he chews a lot these days. He usually wakes up later than I do because he don't sleep during the day! He just wants to play, play and more play. Then he will chew on his toys but not sleep.


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Today was the day!! Yay, Jasper is in the house. It has been a wonderful day. Our JRT just wanted to play but was a bit rough but by late this afternoon they were playing beautifully. The cats have been hissing and acting like they just can't believe their eyes!

I can't believe I haven't taken any photos - I haven't had time! I'll definitely get on to that tomorrow.

We've had a fantastic breeder who has done a great job. We got a grooming demonstration before we left today - I think that is going to be challenging and there will definitely be some bad haircuts along the way LOL!

Hard to believe the day finally arrived - such a great feeling. We are on a puppy high!

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Yvette - How exciting! I love GSDs. Thats great that you got first pick of the litter. Was the choice an easy one?

Thanks Magstar and Clastic! It was not an easy decision; thankfully there were only two females in the litter. I fear that had the decision been any harder we'd walk away with all of them! :laugh:

We spent about 2 hours playing with them before our decision, but we both had the same gut feel for one of them. I'm absolutely besotted! Pictures will be coming soon (we have some but I'm not the technical whiz kid of the family).

How exciting that you get your pup this weekend, Magstar! It will be such a lovely, amazing weekend!

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Yvette ~ All pups are gorgeous, and seeing as you can't take them all home, its a hard decision to pick only one. I was lucky as the breeder only had one pup left :rofl: so the decision was made for us, though she is the perfect pup for us.

Lily ~ Yah at Jasper being home. Now the fun begins... :cheer:

Nic ~ I'm glad Zoe loves to sleep and lots of naps during the day. When she is awake she's full on, but I take a nice sigh of relief knowing when she settles down and snuggle in to someone or something :rofl: We are not an active family, all us girls are computer nerds and OH is into hands on work.

Michelle ~ Georgia is gorgeous and certainly growing up. I have never been a fan of giving dogs bones, I would never give a Pug chicken necks as they tend to swallow everything whole, and I know of a few that have choked on them and 1 that actually died from eating them. I just won't take the chance. When Zoe finally gets the yard to herself (a secure yard I mean) then I will buy her some larger bones to chew on and she can leave them outside.

:rofl: Its OH and my 11th Anniversary tomorrow, we've been together for 16 years :rofl: Even though its marked on the calendar OH has forgotten, the look of utter shock on his face when my parents sent a card today said it all....typical. Oh well, I have got him a set of Wood Lathe Tools.....they are gigantic, and loads of books on how to use a Wood Lathe and patterns to make things. So that should keep him busy :o


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BF - Congrats on your anniversary. As a man, I also tend to forget about these dates. I put the dates on an alarm mode 1 week before the actual day so I have time to get a present or prepare something for my gf. Glad to hear you are going so well with Zoe? Her eyes are all good now? My gf and I are also computer nerds :rofl: we enjoy playing on the computer reading news and stuffs like that. Oreo is much more settled now compared to when he just came. I do lots of training and 2 x 30mins walks each day. After that he wi happily sleep around or settle with his chew toy. I am so glad now.

All my close family and friends come to our place to visit Oreo because they love playing with him. Everyone needs to pat him and tell him that he is a "good boy" before he settle down a bit more. Then he will bring out his toys to play with the visitors. He is a joy to have.

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And just thought I would show you my two. Banjo is 4 months, Lucy is 5 months. Not a big fan of having two puppies together but I lost my stud dog and Banjo came up and I fell in love.



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Oakeydoak ~ I have had my rings cleaned, and one has had to go and get made thicker on the band (why it was made paper thin is beyond me). So I am waiting for all of them to come back. I cannot seem to get rid of a red ring around my finger though, its not itchy anymore, and it looks ok but the ring around the finger has turned a pinky colour. I might have to go back to the Drs to see if it has cleared up first before putting the rings on again. I'll get there in the end. :rofl: I love Lucy and Banjo, they are gorgeous dogs, including the cute little kid :)

Nic ~ With OH I gave up putting my Birthday on the calendar, every year he'd forget and every year I got nothing, but a rushed out to get card :rofl: how hard after 15 years is it to remember its 4 days after yours :rofl: He did make an effort to remember this year though, so thats something :rofl: And yes Zoe's eyes are perfect again, thanks.

Thank you for the well wishes :rofl:


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BF - I had to go through 5 different creams until I found the one that cleared it up. Very annoying. In the end it was a cortisone cream that worked but I cant remember which one, it was pretty strong though.

They are pretty gorgeous puppies and very well behaved.(The kid too!)

Glad to hear that Zoe is settling for you.

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Am on the waiting list for a border collie pup, mum dog was in labour today so keep re-checking emails every 5 minutes (it seems) to find out if we will be getting one!!! fingers crossed

I had been past that stage of checking emails every 5 minutes. I think most of us did that before! :thumbsup: What colour and sex are you getting?

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Am on the waiting list for a border collie pup, mum dog was in labour today so keep re-checking emails every 5 minutes (it seems) to find out if we will be getting one!!! fingers crossed

I hope it all goes well and you hear soon!

I'm getting a puppy! A gorgeous little finnish lapphund, how am I going to wait 5 more weeks!

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I'm getting a male black and white. I cant believe how obsessed I am to keep checking my emails!! Still havent heard anything but she said it was mums first litter so to give her a couple of days to get things settled and she would contact us all, hasnt stopped me checking but!!

5 weeks! Wow I hope it goes quick for you, cause then it means my 8 weeks will!!

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