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:D Yes I have handled raw chicken (I wrote children instead of chicken :o didn't sound right :rofl: ) anyway, it might be worth a shot. I'll put the rings in to be cleaned tomorrow. I'll wait until this outbreak has gone completely and then try again. I hope this is it.....it would be great if thats all it was, though like you say what on earth can be in chickens that cause that kind of reaction on skin.....now thats scary :D

Zoe gets very excited at meal times, and the last few days she has started to bark, almost like telling me to hurry up. I have said NO to her, but it doesn't make any difference. But I fixed the problem, when I go to get her meal and I walk back to the lounge where she is fed....and if she barks I stop dead.....she used to run around me and back and forth showing me where to put her bowl. As soon as she stops and is still, wondering I guess why I am waiting, I will continue to walk. If she does it again I again stop. I have only now had to do this 3 times, she still gets excited but doesn't bark anymore. Just thought I'd share in case anyone here has this happen.

Oh and her sitting before she is allowed to eat, has now gone from physically holding her in a sit position with two hands, to just touching her rump. I have always placed my index finger up about 5cm in front of her face, then when I say 'go' I put my finger down. She now watches intently for my finger.....I have always used hand signals when teaching my dogs.....there has been a time when I lost my voice and using hand signals was a godsend. So it pays to use other signals besides voice.


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BF - I learnt from my puppy school the way to let your puppy calm down before eating. Use a leash on her and hold her back. Then put the meal in front of her and make sure she cannot reach it. Hold her back and say "wait" till she calm down then ask her to "eat". That worked quite well for all the puppies in the puppy school and we are training Oreo on it now.

Oreo managed to escape once (twice actually) again. We need to find a secure way to keep him at home. Maybe put his tent in our spare room so even if he escapes, he won't be able to destroy anything. :(


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Georgias' here, yay and she's just amazing. :( She's fallen in love with my youngest cat Gizmo, she desperately wants to play with him, and wants to as well but neither are sure yet, its only been 3 hours. I've haven't got many good pics yet because its a dark and rainy day here. This is the best I could manage.


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We've just had our first accident inside. We've taken her out 10 times but its pouring with rain, so we just cleaned it up and moved on. She held on about 5 hours, so I was just happy she went.

She loves everyone, even my inlaws who came for dinner. :(

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Her first night was a breeze, she slept right through in her crate, not a peep out of our precious girl. She's starting to play with the cats this morning. Toilet training is going a bit slowly but I think thats to do with the fact that we've had heaps of rain since the time we arrived home yesterday.

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Nic ~ Thanks. She never just goes to her meal, she knows she has to sit and wait. When I fed her last night I just got her into a sit position and she stayed there, looking at my hand for the signal to "go" I didn't even have to hold her still this time. So its improving beautifully.

Michelle ~ Georgia is so cute. I am so glad she is settling in well. My first night with Zoe was great.....but Miss Hyde came to visit and stole my well behaved quiet puppy :) I love everything she does during the day.....its the nights are a nightmare. She cried for over an hour last night, and was awake again at 4am, and cried until 5am when one of the girls got up.


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Michelle - wow, what a great first night. Hopefully the rain will stop and that will help with the TT. I don't think my two cats are going to appreciate the new puppy at all. I think it's going to be quite interesting!

BF - Zoe is doing so well with her training - what a clever girl. I hadn't thought about getting them to wait before eating but I can see what a good idea it is. I'm sure her nights will improve soon - fingers crossed.

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Lily123 - Getting them to wait for their meal will let them become calmer and they learn to respect you as well.

BF- Your training seems good.

Michelle - How lucky of you as she slept through the night.

I have managed to teach Oreo that there is a place for him to go toilet in the house. It has been raining and the backyard is all muddy. He went out twice and got so dirty that I use water to run through him

One question - What tricks have you guys been teaching your puppies? I have been teaching Oreo "sit", "down", "come", "stay", "wait", "shoosh" and "hand-shake". Tried teaching him to "fetch" but keep failing.


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Nic - Oreo sounds like he is doing very well - he's a clever puppy to be learning so many new things. I want to teach my puppy to ring bells at the back door to be let out; also to speak and be quiet. It's a long time since I've trained a puppy so I'm quite nervous.

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Nic ~ Oreo is learning heaps more than Zoe. I do one training thing at a time, until she gets the hang of it. But she knows sit, stay, up, finished and the biggy NO!!! :laugh:

Up: for when she goes up the stairs out back and when she wants to go on the recliner with me or we want her to climb up her steps to get on the lounge.

Finished: I say this every time I think she has finished going to the toilet outside, if she has and I say finished she runs either to me or to the steps.

I have just started to teach her out: this is when we sit down to eat, she is not allowed to jump up, so we say out, and she usually goes and lays on her bed. She knows she will never get anything when we eat, she has to wait until after we are finished, so when I get up she starts to get excited as she knows this is when I will feed her :laugh:


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Nicolatu...... Oreo is doing really well with his training. I am having trouble with Jangels chewing / playing with his lead whilst training. I am just using a normal collar. Do you use a choker? Jangels has mastered sit, down and no & waiting for his meal so far. Next is stay at non meal times.

Lily123 ...... Same Its been a long time since training a puppy for me also. 14 years so very "rusty" at this now. But it is fun & very rewarding.

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Nicolatu...... Oreo is doing really well with his training. I am having trouble with Jangels chewing / playing with his lead whilst training. I am just using a normal collar. Do you use a choker? Jangels has mastered sit, down and no & waiting for his meal so far. Next is stay at non meal times.

Lily123 ...... Same Its been a long time since training a puppy for me also. 14 years so very "rusty" at this now. But it is fun & very rewarding.

jakeyjangels, I do all my training in the backyard off leash. No tangles, wondering which hand to use or distractions for Ava :laugh: I wish I had done more training with my other dog off leash. She's only on leash for loose leash walking :laugh:

Are you clicker training? It takes a while to get used to but most dogs really respond well - Ava LOVES our training sessions. You can teach an attention cue through clicker training, this makes all the other commands much easier and is really a foundation for training! I use "watch" but others use "look" or something similar. As soon as pup looks at you, even if it lasts half a second, reward. You can build up the amount of time he's expected to watch you as he gets better at it. Let me know if you have any training questions, I'm not an expert, but I have a smart little puppy who teaches me an awful lot :rofl:

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Guest belgian.blue

Georgia is adorable!! The name really suits her :)

Well my little man arrived last night and I must say .. he's amazing! Toilet training is a breeze, he's going poohs and wees outside as soon as he needs to go, hasn't had one in the house yet.

Slept from 2am to 6:3Oam with not needing to go out this morning. Just a shame my mind stayed awake listening for him to whinge to go out hehe.

Ivy is great with him now, she wasn't happy last night nor this morning but after some playing in the sunshine they clicked and are very happy together. She was a little too rough but seems to now realise to hold off on her crazy adult playing.

I'm shocked at how quickly he's responding to his name, Badger. His ears prick up and he's coming clobbing over to you. His paws and legs are VERY chunky so expecting him to be a big Pointer.

He's just wonderful and it hasn't even been 24 hours! I'm very over the moon with him and can't wait to live our future together :confused:

I'm uploading some photos at the moment so will add some shortly ..

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jakeyjangels - I don't use choker. I just put him on a leash and brings him to the door. Then i will just ask him to sit on the floor and wait till i say "ok" then we will go for a short walk. He now sits nicely for me to put on his leash (if he is not distracted). Haha just spray something which contains eucalyptus on his leash and he won't bite it(the dog trainer taught us that). Oreo totally hates eucalyptus oil smell so when he smell it, he will let go of the leash. Now we don't need it because when i say "leave", he will drop the leash because he know that if he holds on to the leash, I won't walk.

I am also working on the "stay" part because when i say "good boy"(i don't use clicker), he runs towards me.

BB - good when hearing that they are Toilet Training well. Oreo had a couple of accidents lately because when my guests come to my house, there was too much distraction for me and him. He gets too excited and sometimes he will just wee. Sometimes its my fault that I forgot that he needs to go toilet. How did you introduce your dog to the new puppy? I am trying to introduce Oreo to my auntie's cat but her cat hates him. haha

I have a confession to make, just now when i was carrying Oreo, I accidentally dropped him because he struggled and caused him to sprain his ankle a bit. Then I massage for him so now he is back to his running. It don't seem to bother him so I hope its alright.

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