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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

jess live die

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Waiting for my rotti pup to arrive mid may. Been reading up on alot of info as this will be my first dog, already have a certain vet i would like to take it to, and also a certain puppy school i will take it to as well. What would be the best way to keep the pup in the car when picking him up?

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Hi Thanks for the advices. I remember that when my gf transfer money to me, it took only awhile. Maybe when the breeder email me again later on, I will remind her that it takes 1-2 days for the transfer to go through.


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Arjay ~ I have a soft sided pet carrier I use for the cat, which I will be using to pick up Zoe on Sunday. But after this I will be using a harness and seatbelt connection, so she can sit between my two girls in the back seat. I just need to see if the small harness I have is too small or the other one is too big. I don't know what size 9 week old Pugs are :laugh: I also have a pet blanket on the back seat in case of accidents.


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Jodi- OMG! Where did you get that collar from it is divine. Its the only thing I havent got so far Lola and she arrives next Wednesday by plane! I have to have one!!! Is it puppy sized or for when she is bigger? If I get time later I will take a pic of all the stuff we have bought for Lola. Im going to check our Kmart for the Canvas Wubbas nearly picked one up at Coles today but my 2 yr old preferred the fluffy one so we got that instead! Im a sucker for all the cute puppy stuff.

Im getting so excited reading everyones stories but as I have an assignment due tomorrow and my husband is overseas I only barely have enough time to read your posts once a day let alone reply, 4 kids and uni are keeping me too busy.

Take care!


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For those buying puppy pens for their babies, I suggest you go to Bunnings and buy their compost wire bins. There are four wire panels and cost around $30 - much cheaper than some of the puppy pens available and do the trick. Do a search in general topic and they should come up with pictures. The spiral wire connections are a bit hard to get on so I just use cable ties.

I had a puppy stay for a short holiday recently and had forgotten how they can get thru the bars on the baby gates so just strapped a panel to each gate & no more escapee.

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For those buying puppy pens for their babies, I suggest you go to Bunnings and buy their compost wire bins. There are four wire panels and cost around $30 - much cheaper than some of the puppy pens available and do the trick. Do a search in general topic and they should come up with pictures. The spiral wire connections are a bit hard to get on so I just use cable ties.

I had a puppy stay for a short holiday recently and had forgotten how they can get thru the bars on the baby gates so just strapped a panel to each gate & no more escapee.

most definitely agree with this :whiteflag: - we also find it helpful as we have an indoor cat and therefore an indoor litter box - cat box is now inside the puppy pen (aka compost cage) cat can jump the cage and the dogs can no longer snack (yes its gross but yes dogs will eat it if they can get to it and most dogs think its very very yummy too) ....

also (and this isn't directed at anyone specifically cause I fell into this trap when I was buying for our first boy until someone pointed it out to me) I'd recommend caution when buying collars and leads from discount places - especially if you're buying a large breed dog ... you want something that it going to be able to handle a dog throwing its weight against the metal parts of these items and the cheaper versions just don't always do the job and there would be nothing worse than being out walking your pooch at 16 weeks (who by now could weight 14-15+kgs for a large breed) who see's something and jumps at it and all you're left with is a lead with a broken collar attached whilst you're puppy runs after the items he/she is chasing .... the cheaper metal fastenings can and will break if there is enough pressure placed on them

the better brands may not be as pretty (although the Rogz brand has some lovely colours and pieces in it) but they are a lot safer .... so please have a good think about what you're buying especially if you're getting a boisterous larger breed :confused:

Edited by FionaC
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I have to agree with Fiona C, I've seen it happen at the local shops with a german shepherd puppy. He would have been 3-4 months old, the collar broke and he took off. Luckily I was able to stop him, because there were cars driving less than 5 metres from where he was. Pretty scary for the 15yo girl who was walking him.

I've been talking to the sheltie people about collars because having such a fluffy breed, you can't just put a standard collar on them. I'm learning there are many more collars availalbe than I ever expected.

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I agree with the Bunnings pen. We bought two compost bins (8 panels total) and that's where he sleeps and spends the day if we're out. $50 or so for the two. Compared to the $150-200 or so Petbarn wanted for an adequately sized pen.

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also (and this isn't directed at anyone specifically cause I fell into this trap when I was buying for our first boy until someone pointed it out to me) I'd recommend caution when buying collars and leads from discount places - especially if you're buying a large breed dog ... you want something that it going to be able to handle a dog throwing its weight against the metal parts of these items and the cheaper versions just don't always do the job and there would be nothing worse than being out walking your pooch at 16 weeks (who by now could weight 14-15+kgs for a large breed) who see's something and jumps at it and all you're left with is a lead with a broken collar attached whilst you're puppy runs after the items he/she is chasing .... the cheaper metal fastenings can and will break if there is enough pressure placed on them

the better brands may not be as pretty (although the Rogz brand has some lovely colours and pieces in it) but they are a lot safer .... so please have a good think about what you're buying especially if you're getting a boisterous larger breed ;)

I have to agree with Fiona C, I've seen it happen at the local shops with a german shepherd puppy. He would have been 3-4 months old, the collar broke and he took off. Luckily I was able to stop him, because there were cars driving less than 5 metres from where he was. Pretty scary for the 15yo girl who was walking him.

I've been talking to the sheltie people about collars because having such a fluffy breed, you can't just put a standard collar on them. I'm learning there are many more collars availalbe than I ever expected.

Both good points :) However I am only getting a small breed (perhaps 7.5 kilo's as an adult) and the collar I bought is mainly for puppy training in the backyard to get her used to wearing a collar. I will of course get a "proper" collar for when we go out as cute as my breed is they can be a bit "clueless" LOL and need to be properly restrained :-) Owning a Lab I have lots of experience with the need for proper restraint ;)


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I bought the Rogz collar and lead the puppy ones for now and a larger collar for later. I thought it best to buy a good quality one, and the Rogz brand ones are gorgeous.

The play pen I got was $45 for 8 panels. It is easy to set up and connect the panels, it uses a large metal pin that goes all the way down the loops on the ends of each panel, and there's a nut to tighten to secure it. I got mine from GO-LO. Its very well made.

I also bought a Kitchen cabinet from Cheap as Chips, it has a tall cupboard, 2 drawers and 2 wire baskets. The table top is metal, and has a towel rack at the end. I have the cat litter try on top of this. The cat loves it. Oh and the wheels lock into place so it doesn't move, but can be wheeled where ever you want it to be.

2 more sleeps to go.....I guess I am getting very excited now ;) I'll have to make up a bag of puppy goodies.....harness, collar, lead, puppy treats, travel water bowl, toy to chew on, travel carrier.......oooh its another list to do.

Ok better go plumber is here.


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Hi Everyone

Costa arrived yesterday and is just lovely! ;)

He is such a good boy, he seems to love his crate from the start and took himself off to bed last night when he was tired. We didn't hear a peep out of him all night, I took him out at 2am and he settled quickly then woke at 6am.

He has been to the vet this morning and had his second vaccination so he is very quiet today, sleeping in his crate.

Toileting is going ok, he did have an accident, my fault as I wasn't quick enough. But mainly he sniffs at the door and we quickly take him out.

Good luck to those who are getting there puppies on the weekend, I look forward to the photos.





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