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Which puppy preschool do you run Dory?

Welcome to the wait Lee-Ann! A friend of mine has a Min Pin and he's a really great little dog :) I'm not a little dog person in general but I have a soft spot for these guys :)

2 more sleeps!!! :eek:

Down at the Grange Vet Clinic, Grange. We just started a new class, I can see if we still have room if your interested.

Thankyou for the offer but it's a little far from me, I'm in the hills :)

Do you have Facebook by the way? I've just joined a group called Dogs SA Show Handling Classes/Practice. They do show training on Thursday nights at Kilburn :thumbsup: I'll be going when I can (translation: when I'm not working).

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I've been told it's common to feel you're not bonding with your puppy. That it can sometimes take a few months, but it will happen. I worry a bit, because I know I'd probably blame myself for it :laugh:

When we first went to meet Miah, all the other puppies cuddled up to us except Miah, she was off doing her own thing ! laugh.gif I thought oh no she doesn't think much of us embarrass.gif

Of course now shes home here and very settled in, she is bonding beautifully with us both, atho i think she loves everyone she meets anyway lol

I want her to bond more with me than hubby, but atm shes being fair with us both equally biggrin.gif

I get to spend time with her during the days, and hubby gets to spend quality time with her when he comes from work, which i usually need some time out from them all by then anyway laugh.gif

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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Thankyou for the offer but it's a little far from me, I'm in the hills :)

Do you have Facebook by the way? I've just joined a group called Dogs SA Show Handling Classes/Practice. They do show training on Thursday nights at Kilburn :thumbsup: I'll be going when I can (translation: when I'm not working).

Yep. Not quite a Facebook Junkie. LOL.

I just went and joined the Group. :D Looks good, I think I'll pop down there. We are going to need a lot of practise.

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I was so upset when we first got Chester. I thought we would never bond. He didn't want a bar of us. He hated affection and seemed to always want to get away. He came around and we definitely bonded slowly over time and now he is a big sooky cuddle bum and loves affection. With Lola we bonded straight away. Don't be discouraged, it will come. It depends on the dog and their personality :)

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Called the breeder and got bad news :( Nothing serious, but I'm still worried.

Apparently, Louis has an "irritated lower bowel" so he's having trouble doing proper poos. The breeder says she's never had this happen in all her (many) years as a breeder. Does anyone know how common this is?

He is on penicillin and until he "learns to do proper poos" he can't have his shots. He is very lively (described as "a little yo-yo, always bouncing around") so I suppose it can't be that serious? :shrug:

She says not to worry, but of course I do! After the initial worry about him and his health, I am now worrying that this could come back to bite me in the backside on a future insurance claim.

We're going to see him tomorrow and have a bit of a cuddle and a more in-depth chat. (Chat with breeder, cuddles with Louis, of course) Although we like the breeder so much that I would hug her anyway!)


Edited by Melina Bea
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I'd hold off on the panic until you have a chat, if the breeder isn't concerned should be fine.

Hey, by the sounds if it's just a passing thing it's nothing to fret over, could just be a fancy name for a belly ache.

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Thanks guys. I know if I'd shared this in the American forums I'd have been told to waive my deposit and start looking elsewhere... They're very wary of breeders and scams, but I really trust our breeder, and she says its nothing to worry about. I still know what insurance companies are like, though...

She says she caught them eating their poo (which I know happens), and that might have caused it. She also saw two vets in order to get a 2nd opinion, and they both said the same thing and not to worry. So it sounds like its pretty straightforward and as Steph said, just a fancy way of saying "tummy ache". He hasn't had problems before, except diarrhoea when he was weaned, but we were expecting that.

Dory, thanks for the tip, I'll let her know.

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I know if I'd shared this in the American forums I'd have been told to waive my deposit and start looking elsewhere... They're very wary of breeders and scams, but I really trust our breeder, and she says its nothing to worry about.

Crazy! If she were really trying to dodge you, wouldn't she just have not said anything?

Surely if she were a rip off artist there'd be less openness and communication?

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Just make sure that when you get him you take him to your own vet within a few days so they can give him a good once over.

I took Nacho today and he got a clean bill of health. :) He's a huge Chihuahua though, 1.97kg. :eek: :D

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Should I take my boy to the vet straight away? I was going to wait and take him in three weeks when he gets his 12 weeks shot.

Depends Smash, some people like to take their puppy within the first 24-48 hours just to be sure that the puppy is healthy and to ask some questions of the Vet. This could be useful from a socialisation point of view also, as it means going to the vet without having a scary needle, but still being handled. Ofcourse still will cost you a consult.

Some people do, some people don't. It's what you feel most comfortable with.

Now if I wasn't working in a Clinic, I would probably take my puppy in just for the socialisation opportunity (and to totally show off my awesomely cute puppy. :laugh: ). Unless ofcourse there was an issue I was having, then I would make a consult time.

Some breeders want you to take your puppy, so that if anything should happen to the puppy ie gets sick, then they know that your vet cleared it. Or if there was a problem, then...I suppose a good breeder...would perhaps pay for the treatment if any was needed. I've seen this being applied to kittens on a couple of occasions (pure bred kittens).

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Yep, I think it's a good idea to take your pup for a 'non-scary' vet visit and for them to get a good once over to make sure they're all good. My breeder even recommended it. I also had them scan his chip to make sure it was working and they could record his number.

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Just make sure that when you get him you take him to your own vet within a few days so they can give him a good once over.

I took Nacho today and he got a clean bill of health. :) He's a huge Chihuahua though, 1.97kg. :eek: :D

My pup was close to that at birth :laugh:

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Mine was 160g at birth (projected to be 2.7kg as an adult). Chihuahuas are smaller than Yorkies, but with a cross you're more likely o have a surprise!

Totally off-topic: I recently saw someone say "I have a Teacup Yorkie, he's 10lbs!" :laugh: Standard is up to 7lbs, so I don't know what made her think she has an extra-small dog, except those scamming breeders I mentioned...

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re: bonding - as others have said, give it time and it will happen. Moo didn't like being cuddled or picked up when he was a puppy, was more interested in our other animals than the humans and liked to be off on his own a lot. Now he loves to snuggle more than the other dogs, loves human company and is a very affectionate boy.

Then you get the puppies who you are determined not to bond with and they decide to worm their way into your heart and become incredibly special :laugh:

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Nacho's breeder said that her other pups have been around 600g at 12 weeks, Nacho is 3 times that at 11 weeks lol. His registered name is Aztecian Congo Savanne, he lives up to his King Kong nickname. :laugh:

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