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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

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Naomi he is gorgeous! I don't think I could ever get sick of seeing photos of him!

With our boy one of us would put the leash on him as another put down his dinner or breakfast infront of him. Only a step or two away at first then gradually incresing the distance. He then assosiated his leash with a big reward and loved it.

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Archie is such a handsome devil.

Sid is still going really well. He can sit, has a pretty decent recall and is going really well on the lead (with only the odd silent protest). Still working on toilet training. Just when I think he's got it, he does a puddle inside :laugh: My fault, but it is always near the door, so I assume that means he's heading in the right direction. Frenchies are notoriously difficult to toilet train.




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Lovely photos of Sid. He is growing up fast! What method are you using for leash training?

I think I should start on recall soon. There are soo many things to teach them.

He has quite a light webbing martingale collar/lead combo thingy. The first day, I popped it on, took him and Lola for a walk, but carried him (just around the block). He watched Lola and took in the surroundings. The next day, I did the same, but on the way home, I popped him on the ground, kept the lead very slack and encouraged him to follow (which he does anyway). I just built up the walk over a week and now he walks the whole way. If he sits down, I just give the lead a gentle tug and call him and he starts walking again. He's getting really good at it :)

The recall was just an accident really, he doesn't need much encouragement to come to me. But I do get down on the floor with him quite often and just call him to me and reward him when he does.

Huga- You take such lovely photos of your little boy :rofl:

Tomorrow we will have exactly 1 week to go and we get to pick up our puppy :laugh:

Thank you. It's easy because he's super cute :)

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Tomorrow we will have exactly 1 week to go and we get to pick up our puppy :)

Us too - I have a feeling the week will pass very slowly... :laugh:

I have 6 sleeps! (sleeps are shorter than days!) This is torture.

Edited by DogNerd
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Guest Panzer Attack!

Well last night I found out that both pups passed their patella testing and I got to finally choose my pup - the one I picked out from day dot but didn't think I would get because his blazing was so perfect! :laugh:


Everyone, please meet Paptacular Miles Prower aka Sonic :) (currently known as Scooter at his mummy's house)

I can't believe this time next week he will be here!!! I am so scared and excited and nervous!

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No laughing allowed, and I'm not posting it in the training section for scrutiny :hug:

This is Tess at 13 wo. Can you tell I have overdone the 'drops' :D no where near as tidy as we can do it, but the pressure of being on camera :laugh:

She's so clever Jakemon. I love her hi-5s.

On the upside I have 5 and a half weeks left

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eeeeeeeee send me Tess Jakemon, I promise I'll look after her.

She is so keen, I love her trying and anticipation, you should try some shaping with her I reckon she'd get a real kick out of it and its such a magical training technique.

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eeeeeeeee send me Tess Jakemon, I promise I'll look after her.

She is so keen, I love her trying and anticipation, you should try some shaping with her I reckon she'd get a real kick out of it and its such a magical training technique.

right now she is being packed into a parcel for you! NEVER teach 'speak' until you have 'be quiet' down pat. The best game ever is barking at mum then diving under the bed so she can't grab me. MY GOD she is persistant ;)

We had our 2nd day of herding on saturday. A different instructor who was lovely, but at first was a bit 'Borders are the natural balancers, ACD's not so much' and 'you wont get to do much with her being so young' ect, just a tad standoffish.

2min in the round pen and the instructor was like 'wow, although not balancing with you, she is balancing the sheep really well'

Then into the big yard with 5 sheep. Much more intense stare this week, stiff body ready to go either way the sheep did. Brought the sheep around us, and when one broke off she cantered up around it, turned it around and then just casually trotted back behind it to the group. :rofl: here I was ready to crash tackle her if she was too rough!

Instructor was much more animated after our little 10min session. I was sooooo proud when she says its exciting to see a pup do everything exactly was you would want. Now.....to work on a stop :rofl: she backs off with 'ahhhh!!!' (which is the biggest word in her vocabulary)

Back to show training tomorrow night with Luci Ellem. Her husband is a bit of a ACD man (ie judge) and he assured me I wont get laughed at, at the upcoming specialty. :o

Where is Naomi on this thread, we need an Archie update....oh and more Sid photos

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Well last night I found out that both pups passed their patella testing and I got to finally choose my pup - the one I picked out from day dot but didn't think I would get because his blazing was so perfect! ;)

Everyone, please meet Paptacular Miles Prower aka Sonic :rofl: (currently known as Scooter at his mummy's house)

I can't believe this time next week he will be here!!! I am so scared and excited and nervous!

Congratulations! :rofl:. I can relate to the scared, excited and nervous bit... :o

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Naomi, I think I saw one of Archie's litter mate on the weekend. A little blue merle female that had been brought to Vic for pick up. She was a cutie, but boy could she howl.

Oh really? Where did you see her? It was probably Kenzie. She is a cutie! Archie can howl too. And bark. And whine. Oh joy. Haha.

Where is Naomi on this thread, we need an Archie update....

Haha. Still lurking and enjoying all the cute puppy photos. Here is my most recent one of Archie at 10 weeks.


Here is a video of him at 9 weeks. He loves the beanbag. He went through a stage where he would run into the study and do a flying jump right into the middle of the beanbag. It was so funny. link

He is doing well. He is directing most of his biting to his toys now which is really good! He seems to be irritated by his ears so I'm going to try and get him to the vets today to check that out.

We start puppy school finally this weekend. I can't wait!! He is a smart dog but I would love some guidance with his training. I think I'll work on a good recall for the rest of the week. Because until he can behave well on the lead I need the safety of a good recall.

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