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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

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Nushie ~ I agree, NO ONE who has heard a pup cry, got anything on a PUG.....ghee they are loud and I compare it to having someone claw down a chalkboard, its the same feeling you get when you hear them. It took Zoe nearly 2-3 weeks of crying when I put her in the crate to settle. We ended up with her in the lounge one end of the house, our bedrooms are the other end. Then we replaced the door in the hallway, that we removed a year ago. This now deadens the sound somewhat. But Zoe now only cries in the mornings, never at night or during the night.....touch wood.

Plus Jager is so cute, he looks like Zoe did when we first got her, so tiny. Now she isn't....in the last few days she seems to have stacked the weight and height on. I can't believe it, now when she wants to lay at the side of you in the recliner you have to inch all the way over to fit her on the chair.....

I got Zoe's new food and water bowls today. I got the one from Deals Direct on an iron stand, with two SS bowls. Zoe seems to stretch out to get her food or water, so I thought having it a little higher might help her. It does and now she is going right up to the dish to drink or eat.


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Emery - she looks so cute!

Nushie - I'm a sucker for those little Pug faces - he is adorable. Sounds like your kitty is doing well too.

BF - I'm glad you still post in here - I LOVE hearing how Zoe's doing and what she's up to. How is her eye? - all better I hope.

Three sleeps to go - we have a severe case of puppy fever here LOL! The final countdown is excruciating.

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I envy you! My puppy NEVER want to sleep with us. Been trying to encourage him to sleep with us on the bed. My puppy loves to be in the same room with us and just sits happily chewing his toys but does not want to stick to us. I guess you got a BIG lap dog ( :eek::( )

My OH prefers that Mars doesn't prefer to sleep on the bed with us. Mars jumps up from time to time, but doesn't find that he has to do it all the time.

He mainly jumps up on the bed in the morning, but thats more of a.. 'I'm gonna wake Mummy and Daddy up!'

Oh and Nushie - Jaegar is adorable!!!

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Jager is beautiful! Looks like a toy puppy. I hope you are having fun discovering his personality!

Young Gus has now been with us 3 days and him and Jane are starting to relax with each other. Jane gets abit dissappointed when he dosen't want to play tug for the 100th time and looks at me as if to say "why is my toy broken?"

Gus is probably the more sensible one of the two.

With having the two dogs, I am being very tough on Gus and not letting him get away with anything as he is going to be a big tall boy. NILIF is a given but I have to say, its really tiring being so strict especially when he runs over for a cuddle and I have to get him to sit before a pat. All I want to really do is cuddle and love him all day especially when he comes over and sits automatically now and looks up at me with those sweet brown eyes!!! Ugh...being a mum to him is tough!!!

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Thanks for all your advice everyone. Its much apprieciated.

Jane my labby cross just wants to play and play with him so I have to limit their time together so they can both rest and recover. They both seem to have the same idea about playing which is good.

Definitely walking them separately as Jane has too long walks a day. Gus dosen't really need a walk at all...just leash training and socialisation in different environments. At this early stage, he seems very focused on both food and verbal rewards so thats good and he will start at puppy training next week.

We are lucky to have two living areas in this house so the dogs are separated in the evening as Jane is too hyper to let him settle. He has settled very well on his bed in the sitting room with us so thats good! Tonight he gets to sleep by himself so keep your fingers crossed. Hopefully we will all get some sleep!

Tez he looks like a really lovely boy! :eek:

Sounds like you're doing EVERYTHING right so I'm sure your problems will be few and manageable.

Good luck with him! :(

Edited to add..... Still no update to your signature???

Edited by jerojath
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Edited to add..... Still no update to your signature???

Umm...after taking those piccies, Jane ate the camera :eek: We had a second crappier one so I went to get it and dropped it!

It has decided not to work anymore either!

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A few more pics of the little baby.

He didnt cry at all last night when in his crate and put to bed, but he did have another big day, meeting new people (my mum and dad). We both curled up for a sleep on the lounge around 6pm.

Toileting is a bit hit and miss at the moment. He doesnt seem to circle and cause he is always sniffing around checking things out still, it is hard to catch him when he needs to wee. One minute he is trotting along across the lounge room, he stops, pees and then keeps going. So we have missed a few. But he will get it in time. Poo's on the other hand, he pooed in his bed yesterday, so that got a good clean out. And last night after dinner, i could see he was thinking about it, and just as my boyfriend jumped up to take him to the paper, Jager walked back into him pen, sniffed in a circle and pooed on the paper! We were so thrilled! (Cant tell that story at work, people just look at me funny for getting excited about it. But i know you all will understand). I am sure it was just a fluke, but at least it was a fluke in the right direction.

Anyways enough of my jabbering. Onto the photos.




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Nushie - you got a very cute pup there. He just enjoys being on people's lap (as seen from picture). Haha as for toileting, Oreo used to run around playing and all of a sudden, he just squats and pee or poo. No signal whatsoever. It took me 1 week to find out that my puppy, Oreo gets excited whenever he wants to pee, poo or sleep (of course play but that is an exception). There will be signal, just look out for it. Now he can hold on his pee or poo until I bring him out. He is 14 weeks old when learnt to hold for pee. It takes time so just relax about it.


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Lily ~ Yes Zoe's eye has healed beautifully thank you. I like it here so I might stay a while :) I agree the last few days are the worst, you want time to fly, but your scared to death of the what if's too....makes for a very nervous time. Good Luck.

Nushie ~ Jager, is just adorable. As for the weeing, Zoe still sniffs everything and just wee's, though sometimes, and I mean only sometimes she will get your attention. So its a watch him like a hawk to see what he does just before he wee's or poo's, if he does this same thing most of the time, this is your clue as to knowing he is about to go. We get one maybe two accidents a week from Zoe, but only wee's. She only ever poo's outside. I have made it a rule after she has done her business outside to ask her if she has "finished" (I only say the word finished?).....if she has she runs towards the steps to get inside I know she has....if she continues to walk around I'll wait a while longer, and 9 out of 10 times it is worth it.

Shadow decided to lay down on OH's chair last night. I think she forgot that the steps were against the chair too. After about 10 minutes of playing, sniffing, chewing....Zoe decided it was time for her nap, she climbed the steps and laid down next to Shadow. The cat was tapping Zoe in the head, Zoe turned her head upside down and tapped Shadow on the head and they just did this for about 10 minutes. Then mean Zoe decided to move over to Shadow and Shadow didn't like it so jumped off. I could of kicked myself for not having my camera handy. I must get a pic of them together. Its so cute. At least now they are on the same chair..... :mad


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tez - I gather a new camera is on the cards?! You can't miss out on puppy photos!

Nushie - cuteness overload! He sounds like he is doing great.

BF - yep, we definitely need a pic of Shadow and Zoe together.

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OMG pug puppies are very very cute!

Lily123...yu are right about getting a new camera but I will have to wait for the weekend. Its a shame as there was a priceless photo just waiting to be taken of Jane and Gus both passed out on the couch bum to bum today!

Its great to see them both able to relax with each other now and Gus is gaining in confidence and not quite so frightened anymore.

He's a sweet little man who loves his dinner...it almost kills him to have to sit and wait for it!

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here is our beautiful new pug puppy, Jaws!

we got him a week ago, and we are slowly getting the toilet outside business down.

he still pees sometimes on his newspaper, but we are getting the #2's outside which is good :)

scaled photo for future camparison to when he gets fat and spoilt! :)


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Sleeping like a human #1!


Sleeping like a human #2!


Sleeping like a pug!


Being a hoover!


My food! Hands off!


I sees you human!


Argh! Camera! Im not my sunday best!


What you talkin bout willis?!


You're still here?????


Finally, im asleep!



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Awwwe look at little Jaws. I love his name by the way, too cute. It reminds me of the sheltie I met a few years ago named Rambo. :)

I was just wondering if any of your pups are teething yet. Georgia is nearly 5 months and her teeth are really annoying her. She's spat a few out, and had some bleeding on her gums. Does anyone have any suggestions what I can give her to make it feel better. I know they all have to go through it but I feel sorry for her. She's eating her chicken necks as well as some bigger bones for chewing on. I keep finding my sons toys in her bed, she takes them there to have a gnaw on. She's also chewed up numerous cat toys in the process.

She's also been off her food a bit, the breeder is convinced its because her gums are sore, poor bub. Tonight she ate everything up, I fed her later and waited till she was really hungry, it seemed to do the trick.

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