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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

jess live die

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Hi everyone, I am waiting for a puppy too...... a Jack Russell Terrier. :)

I went to the breeder Wednesday and the lady said I can choose my puppy first, aahhhh but they were all so beautiful, :D (almost 7 weeks)...... there was one little girl with the best personality (I just loved her) the breeder explained to me that she is not the best example of a JRT because her legs were a little to long and her body a little to short, but she loves her personality too.

We are not 100% sure that she will be 'the one' but she is the only one I can remember.... :mad

I am buying her on limited registration and will be desexing her as soon as she's old enough.

We still have to wait 2 weeks.... :mad

Edited by Tokkie
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Hi everyone, I am waiting for a puppy too...... a Jack Russell Terrier. :)

I went to the breeder Wednesday and the lady said I can choose my puppy first, aahhhh but they were all so beautiful, :D (almost 7 weeks)...... there was one little girl with the best personality (I just loved her) the breeder explained to me that she is not the ‘best’ example of a JRT because her legs were a little to long and her body a little to short, but she loves her personality too.

We are not 100% sure that she will be 'the one' but she is the only one I can remember.... :mad

I am buying the puppy on limited registration and will be desexing her as soon as she’s old enough.

We still have to wait 2 weeks.... :mad

Congrats! Some puppies just bond to us don't they? Well I would take her if her personality is good and you are not showing her so her long legs and short body won't bother too much~

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Congrats! Some puppies just bond to us don't they? Well I would take her if her personality is good and you are not showing her so her long legs and short body won't bother too much~

Nicolatu, that's just how I feel.... the only reason I say we are not 100% sure is because the puppy and the name is my daughters choice (or so she thinks :D ) and she has not seen the puppies yet. :)

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Hi Tokkie ~ Congrats on the JRT puppy, which ever you choose. But by the sounds of it she looks to be the 'one' :)

Tez ~ Zoe will be going in soon for her desexing.....I hate doing it but I don't fancy keeping her entire either. So the op is booked for just over a month away. As for your question....Mmmm I'm not sure, I have always made dogs sort out the pack order themselves. But reading or watching Cesar Milan (the Dog Whisperer) would be your best bet. You can either buy his books or get them from the library. What he does is amazing. Some people don't like him, but I swear by his training and I have tried some of it on my dogs and it works, it has solved every issue I have ever had. Good Luck.


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tez, how are they acting together? Are they just excited and wanting to play constantly?

A few things that have helped our puppy and our older dog get along:

- taking them for short walks and outings together

- making sure they both have their own space (beds, crate, etc) and that they know which is theirs and which is out of bounds

- spending 'down time' with both of them, just watching TV or hanging out in the study

- supervising their interactions at first, teaching 'gentle' and 'leave'

It might take a while for them to feel fully comfortable with each other but they will get there - it's so different for them having another dog in their space all of a sudden :)

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Guest Pandii

Tez, i would be careful if Jane is smaller than him, his stag hound nature may lead to "Most have a high prey drive and may consider any smaller animal running away from them to be quarry, even if it buddies in the house."

As they can grow to about 77cm at the shoulder, even crossed with a GR, he may well tower of her, They require little exercise as they are happy just lying around the house, and so are suitable for apartment living. Even without exercise, they will be very fast. They need to be kept leashed in public, unless in a secure area.

and I would guess you are aware of bloat in large breeds, and the fact both sire and dam of this pup are hunting breeds, you will need to becareful

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Tez - can't wait to see pics of Gus - I am sure he is beautiful - they all are. I'm interested to see what replies you get to the two dogs getting on together - I'll be in the same situation next week.

Tokkie - how exciting - our older girl is a JRT and they are fantastic dogs.

We saw our baby again today - he is eight weeks old on Tuesday and we get to pick him up on Thursday. At last, the final countdown - we are just so excited. He finally has a name too - Jasper.

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As promised, here are some photos of Gus and his first day with us. Its been mostly good but I have posted a new topic to get some help with an issue we are having. We think he is a cute little guy! He has certainly had a very eventful first day!





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Thanks for all your advice everyone. Its much apprieciated.

Jane my labby cross just wants to play and play with him so I have to limit their time together so they can both rest and recover. They both seem to have the same idea about playing which is good.

Definitely walking them separately as Jane has too long walks a day. Gus dosen't really need a walk at all...just leash training and socialisation in different environments. At this early stage, he seems very focused on both food and verbal rewards so thats good and he will start at puppy training next week.

We are lucky to have two living areas in this house so the dogs are separated in the evening as Jane is too hyper to let him settle. He has settled very well on his bed in the sitting room with us so thats good! Tonight he gets to sleep by himself so keep your fingers crossed. Hopefully we will all get some sleep!

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Yeah...Young Jane loves him! As you can see, we go all out on doggie toys around here...a used paper towel roll! Easy to see he's our second dog, we spent a fortune on toys when Jane was a young-un!

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Lily ~ I agree standing out on the crunchy frozen grass, in the ice cold at 6:30am is not my idea of fun :thumbsup: Zoe thank heavens doesn't like it either, so she does her business quick and runs inside to the warmth. I am extremely grateful for that :D

hates the cold nights so must admit i have been lazy lol but touch wood have only had the one accident and that was her first night we have been dry and clean to morning :rofl: and last night she slept form 12.30 to 6.45 with no noise woop woop lets see how tonight goes rofl

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Emery ~ Aww she is gorgeous. She certainly looks so contented in her crate and with her teddy :o

Gus has a lovely colouring, I have a soft spot for brindles :eek: I'm glad Gus and Jane get on so well together.


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Guest Pandii

Emery, so lovely to see a well breed pure breed dog, just stunning, You must be very happy

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Emery, so lovely to see a well breed pure breed dog, just stunning, You must be very happy

thankyou pandii i am very happy with her and very greatful to her wonderful breeder :eek: she is currently asleep with my husband in bed lol well alst night didn't go so well screamed for most of the night lol she is so vocal rofl a little sleep deprived but i can't stay mad at her face :o

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Emery, so lovely to see a well breed pure breed dog, just stunning, You must be very happy

thankyou pandii i am very happy with her and very greatful to her wonderful breeder :D she is currently asleep with my husband in bed lol well alst night didn't go so well screamed for most of the night lol she is so vocal rofl a little sleep deprived but i can't stay mad at her face :D

I envy you! My puppy NEVER want to sleep with us. Been trying to encourage him to sleep with us on the bed. My puppy loves to be in the same room with us and just sits happily chewing his toys but does not want to stick to us. I guess you got a BIG lap dog ( :laugh::rofl: )

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Emery, so lovely to see a well breed pure breed dog, just stunning, You must be very happy

thankyou pandii i am very happy with her and very greatful to her wonderful breeder :D she is currently asleep with my husband in bed lol well alst night didn't go so well screamed for most of the night lol she is so vocal rofl a little sleep deprived but i can't stay mad at her face :D

I envy you! My puppy NEVER want to sleep with us. Been trying to encourage him to sleep with us on the bed. My puppy loves to be in the same room with us and just sits happily chewing his toys but does not want to stick to us. I guess you got a BIG lap dog ( :laugh::rofl: )

indeed :rofl: she doesn't want to be away from us but at the same time is very independant and pig headed lol. she is currently curled up at our feet sleeping :rofl: and boy can she bite lol her teeth are sharp sharp sharp. i am starting crate training so we will see how we go :(

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We picked him yesterday and he is huge! He is sister and brother that were still there, were only about half his size. Breeder did say he was born big :laugh:

He slept all the way home in the car. Played all afternoon and after a few mishaps with toileting (he goes into his crate to pee). He has a set of lungs on him, please see my thread about getting him to settle down. But otherwise he is the cutest little bundle of fur.

The cat is a little standoff-ish but better than i thought she would be, she spent the afternoon in the lounge room checking everything out and coming up for a sniff or two when she was ready. If he approached her then she would hiss and take a step back, he just looks at her for a moment and then turns around and goes to check something else out.

I am a little on edge, even though he slept well in his crate all night, i slept really lightly and woke up to everything, be it him moving around, the cat scratching or the boyfriend snoring. So thank god this week is only half days at work. I need to catch up on some shut eye.

Just thought i would post a few quick snaps of him. They aren't fantastic as he just does not sit still. But at least you can see his adorable little face.




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