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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

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We got to meet our beautiful Georgia today, and she's officially ours when we get back from holidays. Now I just need this holiday to hurry up so I can get home again. :driving:

She has the most amazing temperment, so friendly and outgoing, she's a real credit to my breeder. And yes, the breeder described her as being fuggly, but in our eyes she's just beautiful. Her coat is changing from a pup to adult coat, so its at that in between stage and very uneven, but she looks cute with all these long bits and short underneath. Its only temporary and her personality is what matters anyway.

The second Georgia met us her tail wagged madly and she had a huge grin on her face, she fell in love with us the same time we fell in love with her, it was a beautiful moment for us as a family and for the breeder. We're all confident she's going to fit in very well here, and now I can't wait to bring her home. She's 14 weeks currently and will be 16 weeks when she comes home.

Some pics from today.



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Diesel is so cute. Hope your wait is worth it! What sort of temperament does he have?

Wow Georgia is so beautiful. You must be really happy to meet her. 2 weeks will past by very quickly. Haha your moment will come soon.

We taught Oreo to "sit" and "come". Everytime he sees us with treats, he will just go into the sit position. So funny. But he doesn't respond everytime. Have to slowly work on it.


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Hi everyone Thought it was about time to post again. Jangels is 13 weeks old and absolutely gorgeous. We are having so much fun with him. He is thriving on his raw diet putting on about a kg a week. His biting is getting much better and he is nearly house trained. Just the odd accident! Having lots and lots of toys has really helped with his typical destructive Labrador nature. Only casualities so far are a pair of thongs and a few plants. We took him to friends yesterday for a BBQ who have 2 Bull Terriers which was a bit stressful at first but he ended up bossy them around. He is just wonderful!! Here is one the latest photos taken yesterday. Congratulations to everyone on their new babies and hope you have all had a great Easter.


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Matt ~ Diesel is gorgeous. I love brindle's :wave:

Michelle ~ Georgia is very feminine in looks. I love her white stockings.

Nic ~ Zoe tries to bite our hands and toes too, but if we say or growl NO she stops it instantly. If she doesn't she is put down straight the way and ignored. I have learned to only pick her up or play with her when she is calmer, and not in that hyped up state, as they just bite anything in sight. But then Zoe doesn't know what sit is, her breeder never taught her as she was going to be shown. But she knows what stay is and is very good with it. So retraining is in order. I have to make Zoe sit for her meals, she'll stay, but not sit. So looks like separate training with treats is in order for this one.

Jakeyjangels ~ Jangles is so cute, I love labs. Ghee he is growing quickly huh? I love the picture with his Teddy. And its great he is socialising well. That is something I am yet to do. Zoe isn't vaccinated fully yet, so when I take her anywhere it will have to be in my arms. She is going to the vets on Thursday for her last shot and to be microchipped. Luckily she loves the car, I just hope they have some dogs come in.... :( for her to get to see.

Zoe is now down to about 30 minutes of crying at night when she is put in her crate :bolt: and she wakes at 6am, so not bad at all, though she does use the papered section of the crate to go toilet in. At least its easy to clean. The cat and Zoe walk together and I was noticing that Zoe just comes above the cats belly. So the cat at the moment is double her size.....I told you Zoe is tiny :)

Its funny, the breeder gave me a container of food for Zoe to come home with. So I slowly gave Zoe this and added the Supercoat Puppy I had to put Zoe on. Zoe used to eat a little bit and walk away, then she'd graze on it until it was finished.....I thought this weird at the time (never seen a puppy eat this way before). But now Zoe is on the Supercoat only with Sardines and mackerel added once or twice a week, she now sits and eats all the food until its gone. Now this to me is how puppies normally eat.....I got the feeling she didn't like what the breeder was feeding her. What do you think?


Edited by Bluefairy
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Wow isn't Jangels getting big now, they just grow so fast.

BF, great news about Zoe settling quicker now, atleast she is heading in the right direction and sleeping till 6am is great.

It does sound like she wasn't so keen on the breeders food, or maybe she was just getting sick of it and was ready for a change?

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Hi BF - Oreo doesn't like the dry food that the breeder is feeding on as well but there is only a 12kg pack so he have to finish it before changing to another brand. He will finish either his chicken mince or meat balls before eating the dry food. Woah Zoe is improving fast. She will be quiet in no time.

I just trained Oreo to "sit", "stay" and "come" but does not work 100%. He has only been home for 6 days so I am very impressed. He responds well whenever there is cooked chicken. It must be his favourite treats I guess. He is going to puppy preschool on Wednesday for the first time. Hope it is enjoyable for him.


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Michelle, Georgia is such a spunky looking dog! What breed is she? What a perfect meeting for you - she sounds made for your family!

Diesel is so tiny!! What a cutie!

Only casualities so far are a pair of thongs and a few plants.

We had one plant in the living room when James came home. He immediately looked at it as a chew toy (and when he wasn't chewing it, he was after its pot) and we decided that he had to learn he wasn't allowed to chew it. Still, no difference. We coated the leaves in vinegar, still chewed it to death. About two weeks in, after the plant looked decidedly shredded and he'd tipped it over a good number of times, we gave in and the plant had to move :) Glad to hear Jangels is doing well! James is 13 weeks as well - it's amazing how fast they grow! Little weeds, labradors are. He's so big now.

So I slowly gave Zoe this and added the Supercoat Puppy I had to put Zoe on. Zoe used to eat a little bit and walk away, then she'd graze on it until it was finished.....I thought this weird at the time (never seen a puppy eat this way before).

We've kept James on the diet (including the brand of dry food) his breeder had him on and he spent the first three weeks eating like you've described Zoe did. He'd have a bite and then just graze until we eventually would toss the remainder after 30 minutes or so. It's only in the past two weeks that he's started eating everything in his bowl and only in the past week has he actually been devouring it in 2 minutes flat. So it's possible that she may still have been settling in a bit. She sounds so, so sweet! Sleeping better, paper-trained - you've got a lovely girl there!

I haven't popped in here in a while so a bit of a James update. He was the most insanely excited pup at preschool last week. They all sat calmly under their owner's chairs staring at him whilst he leapt around, choking himself on his leash and barking his head off throughout the night. Although he was the most advanced in terms of commands :rofl: His "Stay" is unbelievable. Clever little sod. Toilet training is brilliant. I don't think we've had an accident for a few days now. He's been getting out for short exploratory trips around the park which he enjoys. Still needs work with his interactions with other dogs - he very much enjoys jumping up and "hugging", for lack of a better term, their faces. Which also involves sticking his nose in their ears and licking their eyes. God knows what he's doing, but now the little white fluffy dog one of our neighbour's owns is a tad wary around him :thumbsup: The poor girl :laugh:

Ran into some teenagers in the park today who went gaga for him but then encouraged his jumping and chewing on their fingers!! Grrr :laugh: Seriously? Let's just promote his worst behaviours. Was not happy.

It's also finally occured to him that I will get up when he barks at night. So we're still doing a once a night toilet stop, but then at about 5am he'll start crying until I let him out...and then try to play!! He spent about an hour screeching this morning, on and off between 4:30am and 6am. I feel for our neighbours over the next few nights as I try to train him out of that. He then proceeded to spend the morning (after breakfast) chasing and humping his stuffed elephant :laugh: You can't stay cross at him!

Edited by Niques
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Gumnut ~ Thanks. Yes she is settling in very well....all she does besides playing is walk around the place sniffing and chewing on anything, then its a mad rush to get what she has out her mouth before she swallows it. :) she at least knows what the word NO is :thumbsup:

Nic ~ Good luck with the Puppy school I think Oreo will love it. Lots of new friends and new smells. They must get sensory overload I think.

Niques ~ Our problem was the breeder had premade a container of this food, it was either chicken or turkey mince, pasta, veggies and soaked Eagle Pack. Everything was soft.....we can;t get Eagle Pack or Science Diet here, so we chose the best supermarket food we could get, which was Supercoat. I don't soak it, never have for any pup I have owned, and Zoe loves to chew on the biscuits.....I think as the breeders food was all soft textures and mine is hard and crunchy, Zoe prefers the crunchy stuff. This might be the reason she likes one over the other, or like you said needed to settle in a bit. I'm just glad she's now on the Supercoat fully, as the breeders food smelled funny :laugh:


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so cute little puppies, good to see some borders too .

my girl been here a few weeks.............this morning as soon as she woke up took her outside - she did a pee then we went into the lounge/kitchen for brekky , i turned around and she had done another wee and three poops ! GRRR

she just goes wherever, sometimes she goes to the door , and she sits and paws and rools over - sometimes hahaha!

got electrocuted by a fence up the back today and ran like they do , 2 minutes later she was running through the puddles like nothing had happened, feel bit bad tho will watch her closer!

hope all the puppies are going well x




oh thats our One-eared cat above! not sure how old he is but he was left behind at this house twice so we the third family ! =) Harley we call him x

Edited by Poppyx
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Hi poppyx - BC are just so active aren't they? They just don't know how to stop. Haha even when Oreo is sleeping, he is still running. Crazy little guy. I need him to grow up quicker so we can go jogging and burn some energy of his.

BF - he just chew up everything as well. Oreo likes to play tug a lot. Bt after playing his toys for abit, he begins going for my hand. Then I have to put him into his tent and let him settle down.

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Michelle, Georgia is such a spunky looking dog! What breed is she? What a perfect meeting for you - she sounds made for your family!

Georgia is a shetland sheepdog. She'll eventually get her adult coat and look exactly like a collie in minature. And yes, we are a perfect match. Her coat is changing from puppy to adult so is very uneven, but we love her anyway.

Oh and I changed my name on here, used to me Mich & Jake.

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Hey everyone, only two more sleeps to go. We are in Melbourne on holiday at the moment, getting back home late tomorrow night and then pick up Maggie around lunch time on Thursday from the airport! I emailed the breeder last Wednesday asking for some more photos and have heard nothing... I guess the answer is no??!

RCBG - I celebrated the same thing as you at the Easter Vigil too, congrats!

Everyones puppies are looking gorgeous! I should really appreciate my last two nights of sound sleep!

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Poppyx ~ What cute pictures, your baby is growing up fast ;)

Nic ~ Its not nice when pups get carried away with the chewing thing :) Zoe doesn't play the tug of war game....I think if she did she'd just slide across the lino floor. When she sits she slides slowly backward and its so funny to see her trying to stay put in one place :rofl:

Michelle ~ I noticed you'd changed your user name. I had to look twice at your signature to make sure it was you :eek:

Lauren ~ Maybe the breeder is not at home or out for a few days. I don't think its right not to give at least weekly updates of puppies. After all you are buying (for lots of $$$) something from them, they should give details frequently. I hope your babies arrival goes well and after this we need pictures posted here asap OK????? :D

Well my daughter and the grandkids (aged 7, 5 and 2) came down, all hyped up and Zoe got into over excited mode and did zoomies everywhere rofl1.gif making the kids laugh, they played with all Zoe's toys.....OK yes she has more toys than most kids nahnah.gif but after about 2hrs she was getting a little zonked out, so I asked Nicole to take her out for a toilet break. When she got back she was ready to play again, then it was time for everyone to go home, Zoe just plopped herself on the floor next to me totally exhausted....poor thing heart.gif stroke.gif

She did jump up at them, but I think she was in hyper mode with the kids. She never barked, bit, or hurt any of them. So after 2 different days of varying experiences, I think Zoe did extremely well. As far as I am concerned she passed the aptitude test with flying colours laugh.gif now I'll give her a couple of days quiet time and then its off to the vets for vaccinations and microchipping (I was supposed to get it done last week but I had to cancel).


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Ok, I'm the breeder who cancelled the sale on BB and the reason was because I was warned not by one other breeder but by FOUR other breeders (non DOL members too BTW) NOT to sell to her because she is a fruit loop, as a responsible breeder I had to listen, I did some research of my own and did get very nervous so I sent her a 'feeler' email, an email that left her with a few options to the problem solving of this particular pup, but what I received back ;) well let's just say her response completely and utterly confirmed all suspicions!!! Sorry guys for all the delusions you may have had about her, but cyber persona's can be completely different to real life, sad but true :D if any of you take any advice at all, what is said by those you don't personally know, always take it with a grain of salt, keep being friendly with those you want to, but don't get in too deep if you don't truly know all the facts :)

I wouldn't have bothered posting but this is what prompted me.

I much much prefer this breeder to the first, so I'm VERY glad the first one fell through!! Even though it sucked at the time.

edited for spelling.

You are not the only breeder she has said things about :rofl: - I have never met BB, but she saw fit to tell others that a mating that I had done might be an illegal intervarietal mating! Just because the litter produced 1 Terv puppy. Well hello - the mother is 2/3's Terv and the sire had Terv siblings. I consider myself damn lucky that I only got 1 Terv. But this did cause me to loose a fair bit of sleep until my litter got registered. I was worried sick that CAWA might ask me to DNA test [at great expesne] the whole litter as a result of a complaint from other BSD people. Thankfully the littler was registered without problems and I am able to relax. But I was really angry, confused and upset that instead of contacting me and asking me about MY litter and MY bloodlines, she chose to listen too and pass on false information from another breeder who may or may not have had a hidden agenda. Oh and yes, I made damn sure that other BSD breeders knew about this too.

If you read this BB - next time please contact the breeder involved rather than listen to gossip [false or otherwise] from others! You have no idea of the distress and hurt that you can cause :eek:

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Myzchev ~ I'm sorry you went through all this crap. Its horrible all the thoughts and worries that go through your mind and all the bleeding "What if's????" I agree with you BB should have asked you and not listened to others and their opinions. BB has been reading this thread, so yes she will see it. I have seen her in here a few times. Thank you though for coming in and stating the facts for us and for her.


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Lauren Golden - so close for you now! Shame about the photos though. My breeder has been great and I have been getting weekly photos and updates (my guy is two weeks old today).

Blue Fairy - sounds like Zoe has settled in really well - she sounds a real cutie.

It sounds like everyone else's pups are settling in pretty well and I love seeing the photos. I do not, repeat DO NOT, like hearing about the lack of sleep though. Ignorance is bliss LOL! I'm getting nervous about that. Our current dog did not give us one sleepless night - she slept right through with no crying from day one. Is it too much to hope we'll be this lucky again?

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Guest belgian.blue
Myzchev ~ I'm sorry you went through all this crap. Its horrible all the thoughts and worries that go through your mind and all the bleeding "What if's????" I agree with you BB should have asked you and not listened to others and their opinions. BB has been reading this thread, so yes she will see it. I have seen her in here a few times. Thank you though for coming in and stating the facts for us and for her.


I never started rumours about Myzchev and her dogs. Another breeder over East told me incorrect information and a friend who has Belgians cleared this up for me. I never said anything about this on DOL, never!

While we're all at it .. anyone else want to have a go at me? Feel free, I'm already feeling very low so going a little more low can't hurt.

I'm feeling pretty darn useless and I'm sorry for all the shit I've stirred up. I know I'm very much hated around here, so I'm going to leave Dol.

Good luck to all and feel free to kick dirt at me if you ever see me in the streets. By the sounds of it, I deserve it.

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Myzchev ~ I'm sorry you went through all this crap. Its horrible all the thoughts and worries that go through your mind and all the bleeding "What if's????" I agree with you BB should have asked you and not listened to others and their opinions. BB has been reading this thread, so yes she will see it. I have seen her in here a few times. Thank you though for coming in and stating the facts for us and for her.


I never started rumours about Myzchev and her dogs. Another breeder over East told me incorrect information and a friend who has Belgians cleared this up for me. I never said anything about this on DOL, never!

While we're all at it .. anyone else want to have a go at me? Feel free, I'm already feeling very low so going a little more low can't hurt.

I'm feeling pretty darn useless and I'm sorry for all the shit I've stirred up. I know I'm very much hated around here, so I'm going to leave Dol.

Good luck to all and feel free to kick dirt at me if you ever see me in the streets. By the sounds of it, I deserve it.

I did not say you brought it up on DOL - another breeder contacted me - not the one original one that you talked to, but another breeder. They told me what was being said about my litter. You where the one who brought it up originally with the person who gave you the false information - why not contact me instead? I could have given you a complete run down of my bloodlines and the reason that I got Tervs.

I am afraid I don't feel sorry for you at the moment, maybe I will one day in the distant future. But please let this be a lesson to you [i mean this nicely] PLEASE, PLEASE contact the breeder. As you have no idea, the stress and the tears that you have caused me. It is a dreadful thing to think that you might not be able to register a litter that you have been praying to happen for 2 years!!!

This was to be my Grand Champions last litter - I was lucky not to loose her to pyometria early last year, so this litter is almost a miracle. To think that all the planning and the money I had spent, as I had to bring the sire over from Tasmania, then Angel had an emergency caeser as the last 3 pups where not forthcoming might come to naught if I could not find even more money for DNA tests. So try and imagine my distress when breeders started contacting me to tell me what was being said about my litter? Don't worry the person who gave you the false information has not been forgiven and nor will she be in the forseeable future [if ever]

Also for the record - and the puppy buyers have receipts to prove it I charged $800 for my pet puppies and my show pups when for $1500.00. The Terv was given to my mother as a gift and I kept 1.

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