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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

jess live die

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Hope it all goes well, for you today.

We have decided and thought that it would be best for him to go back, it is a hard choice but and I feel awful but there other things like we 2 flights of stairs in our house and one of those is to the backyard, when he is bigger and having issues I couldn't carry him there and back. Then there is the operations that might not work, so then there is another and same again. I feel cruel and heartless it is upsetting. But I dont know what else to do about it, I am really feeling like we aren't meant to have a dog.

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I'm sure it was a really hard decision to make, Didles.. The right dog is definitely out there for you.. I truly believe that! Please don't give up..

littlehoot... NO MORE SLEEPS!! :) :rolleyes: Please drop us a post as soon as you can (pics would be good too.. ) to let us know how things are going.

Niques.. How was your first night?

Jakeyjangels, Red Ruby.. Aren't you both also getting your pups this weekend? I'm getting so confused as to when everyone's 'due'.. :laugh:

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received an email from the breeder this morning, pup got microchipped, vet checked all yesterday, i gave my details for registration for cccq and she said my girl weighs 2.5kg at the moment! :laugh:

have submitted info for quotes to a few different pet transport agents ...gotta shop around!

she is arriving 12th March!!!!! :D


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Just spoken with our breeder, she gave us some great options to think about all positive, have to talk to the family, she has been great really great.

Poppy not long then, will be thinking of you.

On the plus side he had a great night slept though from bout 11 til 6 this morning not a peep.

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Didles - I really wouldnt like to be in your shoes and i suppose the longer you have him the more attached you are getting!!

Littlehoot - Good luck for today - photos asap

Poppy - Lucy is 5kg at 10 wks old. She has definately been the smallest pup of our borders however she is growing so fast. Her parents are decent sized dogs so she should hopefully mature to a good size. Am contemplating putting her in the show ring - but not positive.

Niques - How is your baby going?

I know there is someone else I have missed so sorry if I have missed anyone - we seem to be moving very quickly these days!!

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so many people, so many puppies, hopefully we get some photos today :laugh: i know there are new puppies! ....

sounds like your pup has settled in nicely Didles apart from the obvious, i have to give it up to your breeder they sound so responsible and you both seem to be handling the situation as best you can ,

thanks for keeping us updated!! :D for you and the family X

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I know there is someone else I have missed so sorry if I have missed anyone - we seem to be moving very quickly these days!!

I feel the same, oakeydoak1! Hard to keep up these days..

Great news, Poppyx! A definite day to count down towards..

Glad you had a good night, Didles.. Still waiting to hear how Niques's night went?

I'm feeling very frustrated with the toilet training thing today.. I feel like I'm spending every waking minute in the garden and we hardly ever have 'accidents' inside with wees but he still manages to sneak a poo out on the floor.. Usually after I've spent half an hour in the garden with him and have finally decided that he obviously doesn't need to go.. Hubby reminded me that he's not even 9 weeks yet and to be patient and keep trying but I feel like I'm failing in this most basic part of puppy ownership... :D

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Oh, Didles. I hope you make the best choice for your family - your breeder sounds like a terrific person.

Good luck to everyone getting their dogs today! Hope your first day goes well.

First night...was sleepless :D He slept through till what I assume was about 1-2am. We went outside. Had an accident on the way out because it took so long to attach his collar/lead. But he pooed outside which is excellent! He went back to sleep after a tiny bit of crying, but by 4amish, he was shrieking non-stop. Eventually I had to wait for a half a second of silence to praise him and let him out.

We've had a really good morning though. A couple of wees inside, but, for the most part, he's found his toilet spot in the backyard. And he's going quite promptly - within a couple of minutes - of putting him down there.

By god, the boy sleeps though! I knew he'd spend a lot of the day sleeping, but I'm still surprised. Hah, someone reassure me - every dog sleeps this much, yes? I'm feeling a bit unwell today though, so it's good that he's lazing around with me.

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Jax - I know this may sound strange but do you stand around with him outside to make sure he goes to the toilet? I only say this because I had a girl who would NEVER go to the toilet whilst you were watching. I learnt in the end that if I went inside and just let her be she would go (must have needed her privacy). Maybe that is why he goes inside cause he can find a "quiet spot" where nobody can see him. Just a suggestion

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Jax - I know this may sound strange but do you stand around with him outside to make sure he goes to the toilet? I only say this because I had a girl who would NEVER go to the toilet whilst you were watching. I learnt in the end that if I went inside and just let her be she would go (must have needed her privacy). Maybe that is why he goes inside cause he can find a "quiet spot" where nobody can see him. Just a suggestion

Thanks, oakeydoak1.. You may have something there.. He does generally like to go around the side of the pool filter box (which is outside the pool fence!) which is out of sight of me standing there but if I leave him completely and go inside, he follows me in. So its like he doesn't want me watching but doesn't want me to leave.. I must admit, I also like to be there so that I know if he's done something or not. His poos are so small that I battle to see them against the grass or bark chips so unless I see him go, I don't know if he has or not.. But I'll try leaving him today and tomorrow and see how he goes.. Thanks for the suggestion..

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We are keeping him, too tough to send him back, we have been offered a full refund which we will use for the first operation. It was funny took a vote and everyone said the same. So thats, that really. Will be a bumping ride but he is so loveable so well I go on the other computer I will post some pics, which may be later this afternoon.

The breeder has been fantastic and would recommend her to anyone she cares a lot for her babies and it is nothing but the best.

So now we can concentrate on toilet training he is going on newspaper and goes outside when we put him down, had a couple of accidents but not many, hubby says he is a chick magnet and an old lady magnet (men?) but he is all tuckered out as we just went out to drop my daughter off at a friends and to petbarn for his biscuits (didn't want to get them last night under the circumstances) my kids have not watch tv all day as they just a watch and play with him, but we have shooed them off now as it is his nap time.

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look forward to pics too! :D

im so happy you have found your boy, again the breeder sounds wonderful!

how many surgeries are we looking at over his life? I dont know much on the subject but i hope it doesnt stay with him after the surgeries X

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Welcome Jodi! I have a fairly long wait for my pup too...It sucks, but I know he will be worth it :laugh:

Didles, I was so suprised and upset to hear about your pup, but I'm glad you decided to keep him. He is a very lucky puupy! I can't wait to see his piccies :):)

:D everyone else

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Oh Didles congratulations on your decision. I really believe that he must have come into your life for a reason and that reason is probably so that you can give him the best life he could have hoped for. Enjoy your little man. Cant wait for piccies

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