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Need Advice


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Need some advice.

My partner and i are getting married in November and we will be having a engagement party at home end of march.....

Not sure what to do with our staffy boy. He is 8months old now. We had a party about a month ago and he hung out with us and was very excited at the start but generally just layed on his bed most of the night. It got to a point where he was looking a little confused so we let him in our bedroom to go to sleep.

I was thinking of putting him in a boarding kennel when we have our wedding and thought maybe i should try him out on the engagement party night (i know that i will just worry on my wedding night if i try it first then) and also there will be a lot more people then last time and don't want him getting scared.

It is only for one night each time. When we have our honeymoon he will be taken by my parents.

Any suggestions or thoughts.

I was looking online at boarding kennels and just can't imagine him sleeping in a little "cage",Can anyone share there stories.

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Each kennel is individual, but we have one nearby, Margot's, and the dogs love it there. They get a lot of human contact and one of my newfs even went back inside after pick-up, because a toy was left behind in the run. that means to me that their is no fear at all

It might be a good idea if you can find a good kennel, maybe just visit a couple before and get the feel of the place. I prefer leaving my dogs in a kennel, which is safe and secure to friends who always offer to take them. I would be too worried leaving them in anyones yard except our own.

We don't leave ours very often and usually only for one night.

Leaving your dog at a kennel will be good if the event is likely to make him nervous/anxious. It will aslo mean you can relax. And a practise run at the engagement sounds like a good idea.

Our dogs just love it when we have visitors or parties, so they stay home. They love meeting and greeting. I would be more likey to leave them at a kennel ( though we have our own very large kennel room/run), because some realatives might not cope with three large dogs. :thumbsup:

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What newfies said, except I'd be inclined to do the trial before your engagement party - pick a weekend you're going to be home and not have much on - better than being all stressed out about him when trying to enjoy your engagement party!

I've had boarding kennels & have Staffords. They can be very challenging to board because they are sooooo people orientated, so IMO choose a smaller kennel and take extra special care to inspect the kennels from the safety point of view.

Most dogs don't really have issues with sleeping "in a cage" - so long as they're comfy and well fed.

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