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When Do You Interfere


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I've not tied off cords...I simply use my fingernail and shred which simulates what the mom would do if she was chewing. I tend to get in there because my breed has a tendancy to nip close to the belly and as a result will cause hernias. Without coat to hide them, it's an issue I'd rather not let happen.

As for moving pups around etc....I've only had one bitch that went feral on me....and it didn't last, because my rules are THE rules....all my girls are quite fine with me being in there mucking around to move pups, change bedding or weigh them....it's just what is done and they know it....doesn't mean they aren't protective....would like to see a stranger go in and try it!! (cept one bitch I had that felt her pups were meant to be looked at and touched by anyone that passed by!)

but from friends that have the best approach seems to be to leave it with the bitch for an hour or so, then let her see you take it away. If you take it straight away or sneak it out, she will never stop looking for it.

I disagree. I've never had a bitch pine over a dead pup, be it newborn or die after....they know more than we do when it comes to this. My last litter born in Canada, I had the first pup born with a severe deformity....removed....second pup born fine..third born with another severe deformity....disappeared....went on and on unfortunately, and at no time did the mother stress out by missing puppies. She neither paniced or looked for them.

I've had many occurances of this sort of thing over the years and can't say that even one time, have I had a bitch stress out over a missing whelp.

What I DON"T do, is drag the new mom out for a wee or poo ten minutes after I think she's done...when she's ready to go out..she will tell me....what so many forget is that she has purged herself prior to whelping...she's empty.....

Edited by angelsun
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