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Is It Just Me


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I have tried it with Yuki but was turned off when I saw a lady in my street have her dog cross her path and send her flying on the road. OUCH. I was horrified and am still suprised that when I checked to see if she was ok I did not find a blood mess, she was very lucky to have just landed on the road and not skid at all. I have had a few near misses with Yuki and since seeing this have not had the courage to try with her again.

I have alot more control over her while walking now though so I might try again after summer eases off. Training for it is definatly key =]

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I jog with my dog, but he's big, he trots ahead on the lead (doesn't pull after first couple of minutes excitement) - he's a good pace keeper!

I was at my parents during the holidays, went to go for a jog on my own (as there dog has already been walked and I didn't know how well behaved he'd be) got about 10 steps out of the driveway and had to go back for the dog - it's so weird jogging alone, feels silly!!

I find he is better behaved jogging than walking, maybe its cause he has to work harder, I'm not sure?

Edited by Pete.the.dog
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I power walk with my dog. During the first 10 minutes he is allowed to water his fave trees/bushes and then we set off. He always stays on my left, never pulls me to a stop. When we are just strolling along he does the usual dog thing of sniffing, peeing for Australia, pooping etc. He just seems very prepared to got vor serious very fast walks - gotta love my dog :thumbsup:

ETA he is a 7 yr old Wire Haired Fox Terrier

Edited by Loraine
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