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The Adventures Of Atlas & Luuka On A Sunday.


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Just thought I'd share (for about the third time on DOL haha sorry for those who've already seen in various breed threads!) these photos I took yesterday of Atlas and Luuka playing. I'm a terrible photographer and my iPhone camera is dreadful as well so not a great combo but they came out okay and you get the picture anyway :(

I gave Atlas a bath in some Malaseb because he has a patch of flea allergy dermatitis. I let him out in the yard to dry off and followed him downstairs ....

"Oh, hey little sister, just coming down for a roll in the grass after my awful bath, carry on with whatever you're doing..."


"Mmmmm yep rolling in the grass sure does feel good!"


"I have a strong sense of foreboding... I wonder what that's about... oh well!"




"Oh you're dead meat girl!"


"Awww, kisses. I guess you're forgiven."


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"Alright in you go, I'ma just wait here, don't like that clam pool unless it's ridiculously hot."


"Okay please get out now you're making me nervous."


"How about a spot of puppy bowling?"




"Ow my leg!"


"Argh, terrifying puppy attack! Halp!"




The aftermath...


Thanks for reading :(

Edited by FranCQ
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I know they're so cute! He is so good to her, I would have lost my patience/temper with her so many times if I was him but he just does the doggy equivalent of the benign smile-and-nod or jumps up on the bed/couch if he needs a break :(

That was also a really calm reaction to her being in the pool, he gets very protective so he runs circles around the pool barking madly like "HALP SOMEONE HAAALP" while she sits primly in the middle watching him rund around like a mental case!

Edited by FranCQ
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