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Changing Puppy's Routine


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Hi Everyone :)

Im a very proud owner of the most adorable - the sweetest black Lab Girl...she is 10 weeks old

We got her Friday morning. Since then she has not peed or pooped in the house once... we are crate training her and she sleeps really well in there - my husband has set his alarm to go off every 3 hours at night and he takes her out to go potty.

My concern is that even though weve only had her a short while we are making good progress... she would have slowly understood there is a routine - and now we are back at work :( ( I hate these Mondays :laugh: )

Do you think this will completely ruin our potty / sleep routine ?

( and the fact that weve nearly taught her to sit aswell ) ?

Because its 41degrees here today weve left Misia in the laundry with the door open so she can go inside and out as she needs

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