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Boarding Kennels In Wagga Wagga


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Hi :rofl:

I have a client who I've helped with their dog. Bit of a nervous nelly, the dog is - biggest fear was noise, the scraping sound, and 'narrow ways' (small spaces). They've come a long way with their dog. Part of what spurred them into seeking me out was because they needed to board their dog whilst they took holidays a little time back, but their dog was just too nervous to be able to entertain a stay at kennels.

Long story short, we worked with the dog and she improved. We then organised a couple of doggy-daycare visits to the kennels to see if she could handle it. She was still shy and on the nervy side, but had improved sufficiently to cope with it, so my clients were able to go away and their dog stayed with the kennels where I train. These kennels are really great as the owner has a good understanding of dog behaviour and also empathy for the dogs and his kennel routine/system is helpful in making it as easy as possible for dogs to feel as at ease as they can.

Anyway, my client has just emailed me and informed me they have moved to Wagga Wagga (well, half the family is still in transit) and wanted to know if I could recommend some kennels up there that would be as helpful and as understanding and caring as those where their dog stayed when they still lived down my way.

Fact is though, I don't know of any at all in that area nor what they are like and so I'm asking here as to whether anyone would know.

I apologise for the long post, but I thought you should know a bit of the background to this dog so you might get some understanding of the sort of kennels that would most suit. I would be suggesting a kennel establishment that is not overly big/crowded/busy, with light, airy runs, and with frequent access to outside during the day. And with kennel staff who have an understanding and empathy for nervy dogs (I don't mean molly coddling).

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