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Puppy Wees Herself When Over Excited


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Our 18 week old goldie sometimes wees herself when she is over excited. She went through a period of doing it when she was about 4 months old when my husband would come home. She would be all excited and opps, a puddle.

She hasnt done it for a while, but yesterday when visitors came, same thing, excited and wee on the floor, this morning my husband let her in, and as soon as she was inside, a rush of drops (a half wee).

Is this normal for excited puppies to do this sometimes? Do we need to get her checke out? I have read that early de-sexing can cause bladder problems in females, is this something to be aware of with her, should we wait unitl the 1 year mark, rather then the 6 month mark? Hope I am just over analysing as I havnt had a puppy before.


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I have met a few dogs that do this. From pups to older dogs.

Been told by some that it's best to ignore it. Is there any way to over come this?

My 1st bc used to do it whenever I came home & at the vets. She eventually grew out of it. My present bc hasn't done it at all.

I have heard that you should discourage over excitement when you come home to try & prevent it, something I didn't do with 1st bc. With Tilba I wait until she sits b4 I pat her when arriving home.

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My girl (18 months old) does it when her doggie friends come to visit our house. The level of excitement she gets is unbelievable so I don't blame her! I'd pee my pants too if I were that excited!

If she was doing it whenever ANYONE visited the house, I would be putting her away and trying to minimise the level of excitement.

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