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I have two GSD's (both on the very big side) and we have a little backyard (with a pool taking up a portion of the yard).

My boys don't get a lot of exercise in the yard (other then general play time) so the younger one is walked twice a day for about an hour each walk. He also get off-leash time at the local off-leash park (with no other dogs around) for anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, swimming once a week and training sessions every day.

The older boy goes to work with my brother (he is a security dog) so he gets all his exercise on the job which can include foot patrols for the entire 12 hour shift. On his days off (if he gets them) then he generally sleeps or leads the puppy astray and teaches him how to get in trouble (not that he needs any help) :laugh:

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3 active working breed dogs (see Sig) in a tiny suburban yard, dogs are mostly inside and the yard is really just a "dog toilet" :D they have a big run at the park most days and train for agility. They are happy, fit and healthy :laugh:

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1 x GSP. House yard is 550 sq m (when I'm not home and most of winter except weekends), rest of property is 2 paddocks totalling 2.75 acres - he only gets out of the house paddock into the nut paddock when I'm with him as a thumping great tree took a fence down and we haven't managed to cut the tree up and get it off the fence yet.

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I don't know how big our yard is in an actual measurement... I guess you'd classify it as "medium" sized. I have a Keeshond and Finnish Lapphund... But again, it's just a big toilet. It is rarely used by the dogs unless for zoomies or flyball training (we have a flyball drag set up in the yard).

The dogs live inside and we have a park 3 houses down and are out doing dog sports most nights of the week.

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Two very energetic labradors (when they are not lying around doinf stuff all). Our backyard would be around 300-350m2 and runs the length of the house and around behind it so the doggies have plenty of length to build up lots of speed when they zoom. The dogs are out there all day when we are not home and when they get a bit too willing inside the house they get put out for a spell.

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1 GSD, and 600m2. She's usually outside, only in with us at night - she has all her creature comforts outside though, she loves her yard and her dog house (house not kennel, she has a 3mx3m shed full of toys and a trampoline bed) and a carport with another bed etc.

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fox terrier cross (he has border collar traits)

3 acres but probably half an acre is taken up by the house and pool. We do training and things in the front yard (one acre) then he is in a small section out the back for during the day for 6 hours (weekdays) or when he plays (1/4 of an acre?) Otherwise he is inside and we do walks or play fetch for half an hour daily.

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1 x medium crossbreed (staffordish looking with a bit of working breed thrown in possibly BC).

Approx 350m2 but not used for exercise except the odd game of dog soccer.

Inside except when I am out in the yard (his choice we have a dog door). Exercised 3 times daily - weekdays off leash/bit of training 30-40 mins early morning, 45-1hr leash walk afternoon, 45 min leash walk evening.

Weekends tends to be more off leash/swimming etc.

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Not sure how big exactly - medium 80's style suburban and 3 big dogs.

But I don't rely on the backyard for exercise. They play in it a lot, but that's not enough exercise by itself.

I expect that is true for most yards unless you have very good acreage to walk through and/or very small dogs.

And most dogs won't self-exercise even in a large yard unless they have a playmate.

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1 GSP (2nd one arrives this week) ... backyard is about 10m x 8m....

Dogs are inside with us when we are home, go to training 3x a week, off lead beach and park are within 10 minutes drive of home and are visited several times a week ...

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Aussie Shepherds - half acre back yard as their space but they spend most of the day in and around with me. They also have at least a 10 acre paddock for a daily run down to the dam for a hoon.

Seems like many of the people here are lucky to have acerage.... we get to excercise our dogs easily.

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