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Very Frequent Seasons


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I have a 3yo GSD bitch.

A little while ago I posted about her coming into season every 4 months, and was hoping to just stretch the gap out a bit. I decided to leave it for a while, but then when she started coming in more frequently (getting closer to 3 months), I decided to speak to a vet about it. I went to Monash vet as from what I've been told, they are pretty knowledgable about reproduction issues.

His view was that she might not be fertile every season, and the best thing to do would be to try and stop her coming in so often, in the hope her next season she would be mated, and her body/uterus would have had a rest.

So, anyway, he suggests first we try a monthly injection, due to the time in her cycle, it was our only option aside from another tablet which increase the risk of pyometra, so he didn't recommend it.

Well, 2 weeks later she comes into season!!! :cry: At 2 3/4 months!

So, following this season, we try an implant that was supposed to last 6 months. 1 month later she comes in again!!! :cry: This was about 2 months I think.

That season only seemed to last about 2 weeks, and now, after a 2 week break, she appears to be in again. She has bright red discharge again, and a swollen vulva, all her typical signs. The last season, he did a vaginal swab to make sure it was vaginitis as she had clear/yellowish discharge before it went red. Nope, she was coming into season.

So now I'm at a loss, is this likely to be a split season?

The vet is stumped, as what we've been doing seems to be bringing her in more rather than less.

He wants me to mate her, but I'm not in the position to for another couple of months as I start a new job in 2 weeks, and don't know if I could get time off for whelping, etc. Although chances are she probably would take 2-3 seasons to get in whelp as he feels her uterus may not be rested enough to be receptive to implantation every season she has.

Just wondering if anyone has had experience with anything like this? And can give any suggestions? Or possibly a repro specialist vet who may have had experience with similar cases.

At the moment, I am planning on seeing what happens with the current season, if it doesn't settle down and she comes straight back in again, she will be desexed, but as I got her as my foundation bitch, am really hoping not to have to do this until after she has 1-2 litters.

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I guess not, but is seems to be since we've started trying to influence and manipulate her cycles that she's gotten really stuffed up. She had one season under 4 months before we started playing around with things. Now I'm wondering if she'll go back to normal, or if we've stuffed her up completely.

Edited to make it clearer- She started about 4 1/2 to nearly 5 months, started to get longer, then had probably 2-3 that were closer together, one being 3 3/4 months between. I worried that she would get more and more frequent off this.

Edited by MissMaddy
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Considering all else seems to have failed I'd be starting to think about opening her up to investigate further (cysts etc.)

Ive got a bitch that cycles every 4 months, that's just her, she's just had her 2nd and final litter with no problems.

Edited by Aziah
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You said she was coming in season every 4 months, then started coming in every 3 months before you went to Monash. Before you started messing about with her?

Ovarian cysts or similar come to mind but I would guess the repro specialist would have ruled that out to start with?

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Thanks Aziah, great idea. I know she's very familiar with our breed too so will get in contact with her.

Will see what she says, chances are this girl will be desexed soon, and I might see about getting another bitch down the line.

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Perhaps she'd have been fine if not medicated, we don't know that she would have had hormone issues, just because she cycled more often than what some feel is normal???

I've had a bitch come in every 4 months (pain in the butt that is :laugh: ) but the fact that the bitch's seasons started to change BEFORE the vet started messing around with her suggests there is something not right, perhaps something "accidental" which can be fixed, perhaps not.

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Our GSD bitch had very close cycles although it took her a LONG time for her first, she began to cycle every 13 weeks or so. We decided to breed her as we felt that this was what was needed to kick things back into a better sort of pattern. We did not attempt to stop a season or manipulate anything but as she was all health tested, did the breeding.

We did get a litter without issues albeit smaller than average, however all good size, healthy and happy.

We have another two girls in season here at the moment so are wondering if that might bring her in, but so far, no signs. Am hoping she can hold off another 8 weeks which would put her about 'normal'...then the real trick is, can she maintain that? Time will tell.

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Our GSD bitch had very close cycles although it took her a LONG time for her first, she began to cycle every 13 weeks or so. We decided to breed her as we felt that this was what was needed to kick things back into a better sort of pattern. We did not attempt to stop a season or manipulate anything but as she was all health tested, did the breeding.

We did get a litter without issues albeit smaller than average, however all good size, healthy and happy.

We have another two girls in season here at the moment so are wondering if that might bring her in, but so far, no signs. Am hoping she can hold off another 8 weeks which would put her about 'normal'...then the real trick is, can she maintain that? Time will tell.

This has been suggested as a way to regulate her cycle. The vet feels it may not work, but he has been wrong so far with how her body works. She's fooled him each time!

So obviously you eventually intend to breed her? Is that right? What are you waiting for?

I have just finished uni, live with my mum for another week, and she very strongly objects to there being a litter in the house. I also felt I should wait til I was financially more stable in case something should go wrong. I start my new job in Feb, so think I should be a little more secure and settled in my new job and house before bringing a litter into it. The plan was on her next season, but it's still too early. Her breeders have offered to whelp the litter, but will have 1 of their own at the same time.

I have actually gone back and looked at her seasons just to be sure I got it right. She came in at 10-11 months old first time. After that, she was between 4-5 months between each but not sure regular. She had one closer to 4 months, then one just under 4 months, so I panicked that she might be getting too close. Now she is ridiculously all the time, but only since I started interfering with her.

I wonder if she needs time to regulate her hormones and get back to normal for her.

Anyway, will get a second opinion from another repro vet and go from there.

Thanks everyone. :laugh:

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I think she needs to be bred and then perhaps she'll regulate...

I agree with Steve - what are you waiting for, but I understand your position. Perhaps the breeder whelping her is a good idea, I do fear it could be a now or never scenario.

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