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Please Make Sure Your Dogs Are Okay In The Heat


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Please everyone. Most states are experiencing extremely high temperatures at present so please make sure your dogs and your animals are not exposed to this heat(43 degrees forecast for melb. today with strong northerly winds)

Also remember if there is a fire near you- get out at first sign of dnager. Houses can be replaced but lives cannot.

Personally today I have dogs leads, briefcase with all important documents etc by the front door and car is full of fuel.

Already at 10am it is 30 degrees.

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Already at 10am it is 30 degrees.

40 at 10am here. :) scary. Can't believe pets get left out in this by anyone. Stay safe.

It's a bit difficult for people who work full time to not leave their pets outside Christina. Although I'd really rather not leave our boy outside, he has a pool filled with water in the shade which he regularly sits in as well as several buckets of water in shaded areas, a number of frozen bottles of water around different areas and I have soaked his matt so he has somewhere cool to lie down on.

Not sure what you suggest as another option for people who need to work? Our boy is 8 months old so leaving him in the house is not really an option, (potential for puppy destruction is quite large!) especially given it's a rental.

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and native animals too. I've just gone out to make sure there's water bowls low down for lizards and birds have their bird bath.

I am going to hose under some of my shady bushes too in case the dogs want to lay there. And before someone has a go at me, I am on tank water.

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Outisde with plenty of water and shade and they will be fine.

natamalie teach your young one how to use a clam shell in order to cool off, encourage the pup in with a toy, treats or whatever it takes to get him excited about using the pool. They learn very quickly how to cool themselves.

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natamalie, how about the bathroom or laundry and put down water, bedding, newspaper and food? :)

I think the outside option as described by natamalie is fine. No way would I leave an 8 month old pup in one room all day..

Yeah I was thinking the same thing poodlefan. Thanks for the idea though puggerup, I think he might go a bit stir crazy if he was locked in our laundry or bathroom all day. Neither rooms are overly large :)

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Outisde with plenty of water and shade and they will be fine.

natamalie teach your young one how to use a clam shell in order to cool off, encourage the pup in with a toy, treats or whatever it takes to get him excited about using the pool. They learn very quickly how to cool themselves.

Thanks SBT123. He *loves* his clam shell, (that's what I meant by 'pool' in my first post). He took some coaxing when we first bought it to get in but once he did, he started jumping around and digging at the water, so funny! :)

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It was 34 at 10am where I am... 5 mins from the weather station too so I know it's accurate.

We have the dogs crate-trained, although my terriers are usually crated when we are out, and the Collie is normally outside, on a day like today if I had to go out the collie would be crated.

However in the past or on hot (not extreme) days, we have provided the outside dog/s with a clamshell, lots of water in various shade spots, frozen treat cubes (freeze and icecream bucket of water with stock or something for a doggy icy pole :) ), some damp towels and canvas sacks wet down and placed over the kennels.

Kirislin- as bad as I feel for the wildlife, I also fear snakes so do not have any water in my yard at this time of year unless absolutely neccesarry.

Edited by SpikesPuppy
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Already at 10am it is 30 degrees.

Wrong again! :)

Read the weather right!!!

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 28.7 °C at: 10:59 AM

Not sure how it is in Vic but here I am an hours drive from the city on the plains & the weather report is never accurate for us.

We are always 3 to 6 degrees over the areas they take the temp.

My thermometer is outside but in shade.

Rain is even funnier. It can go down the highway which is close & miss us completely.

We call this tiny area the Bermuda Triangle of SA, its weird. :)

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Already at 10am it is 30 degrees.

Wrong again! :)

Read the weather right!!!

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 28.7 °C at: 10:59 AM

Not sure how it is in Vic but here I am an hours drive from the city on the plains & the weather report is never accurate for us.

Colleen likes to make the weather out to be hotter then it really is. :)

One minute she will read Melbourne, then Cranbourne = then she picks and post the hottest one.

I have given Colleen the Cranbourne weather site several times now (and she has posted from it before, so i kow she has it) :)

The guy who runs it is a local weather nerd (said with affection) it is updated every 30minutes


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