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i might check out runcorn rallyo then when i have some spare cash :rofl:

Hi Dandybrush

The fees at Runcorn are more than reasonable and you will get very individual coaching

Look forward to seeing you

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Yes, edit where necessary but please pass the word along...without the support of the clubs and the reps, this won't happen, and I'd hate to think all my jetting around and hard work has been for naught! Come on everyone...we can do this!

I have just been informed all reps have voted yes and we are just waiting on the ANKC :rofl:

HI Rally Valley

Is this just the reps in WA or is it all States?

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Yes, edit where necessary but please pass the word along...without the support of the clubs and the reps, this won't happen, and I'd hate to think all my jetting around and hard work has been for naught! Come on everyone...we can do this!

I have just been informed all reps have voted yes and we are just waiting on the ANKC :rofl:

HI Rally Valley

Is this just the reps in WA or is it all States?

The impression I got was that it was all states :rofl:

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I"ll have more on this after my trip to Tassie the beginning of April. I"m doing an intense one day seminar on advance and excellant and it should be a blast as the folks there are SO keen.

I"m hoping to have some news on how the proposal to the ANKC went and will pass the news along when I get it.

As for having votes from ALL states...I"m not totally sure on that as I'm still trying to convince some here in Vic about the merits of this sport. I've actually had some judges tell me they don't like Rally and don't think it has any value, and yet when asked if they KNOW anything about the sport, admit they don't...:laugh:

I wouldn't say definately we have the VIC vote, but I do have a few working on it, within the VCA and hope by the time of the meeting, we are a bit more towards this.

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jeb5 - do you train at runcorn? what am i looking at to train there? what nights do they train? i might come down and check it all out one day

Hi Dandybrush

http://www.southsideobedience.webs.com/training.htm is the website address for Southside Dog Obedience Club.

All the details you seek are on this Website and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Club's ethos is such that the welfare of our dogs is paramount and we treat them with the respect they deserve.

Cheers for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Sounds promising :D

Promising it is.

Rally O is now "An Approved ANKC Activity." We are able to run Rally O Ribbon Events and Queensland now has 28 scheduled for 2011, but what of the other States? Things do not just happen, it takes people to make it happen, so let's hear soon that there is to be more activity in States other than the "Sunshine State." Yes things are still moving here despite floods & cyclones and Rally O is really taking off.

A little imagination and any Club can run a Rally O Ribbon Event

Will post a list of Queensland Events soon as more are still coming in at this stage

Life's good

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Several Tasmanian clubs have been running club tests, and also running mock Rally trials at obedience trials for the past year or so. In fact we had one at the first obedience trial of the year - only novice yesterday - although some of the handlers are at advanced level already.

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I can't wait for the advanced/excellent training day Angelsun!

I just got my 3rd rally novice qualify last week down in Hobart. It is becoming very popular down here, to the point where we seemed to have more people doing the rally-o than obedience tests at our last club day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

Great that Tassie is running competitions, the more the better. Bet they're real good days.

Heard there was a Rally O Seminar in Sydney recently for any interested parties but have no info. Anyone hear what came out of this Seminar?

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There was one to be held at Erskine Park in the evening but I have not gotten any feedback good or bad on that one. The other was a chat/discussion where it was attended very well, but agreed that more work needs to be done, so I"m in the process of hopefully getting organized to get up that way and do a two day seminar for about 50 possible attendees.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got home buzzing from a fantastic workshop by Angelsun on Advanced and Excellent. Wow, we worked hard - our brains are fried, I think, but we had a great day, and we were so proud of what our grogeous dogs were able to achieve (in my case, in spite of a klutzy handler.) :D

This sport is so challenging but also so very, very rewarding - and fits in so well with our other disciplines.

Thanks so much Angelsun - it was great. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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