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Testicles And The Show Ring ....


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Don't mean to sound crass but once the testicles get a bit of weight to them (maturity) they should stay down in the sac.

Thanks Whippets, thats good to know - there certainly isnt any weight in the little peas now!! :rofl:

When my GSD had only one testicle down at his 3 months vaccination the Vet told me it was unlikely that the retained teste would come down. When we had his desexed at 7 months (we were planning to desex him in any case) the poor boy has to be Castrated and Spayed! Adominal surgery and a slit sac.

I know retained testicles will cause problems, that not my issue. I was wondering if i could show him in the mean time till it came down into the scrotum, its not far off it. If i ever had a pup or dog with a permanant undecended testicle - he would be castrated and put into a pet home. But i wouldnt make that decision until he was 6 months old, just to make sure it was never coming down!

Shame about your first Saint Lesley. If its abdominal it aint never coming down! I know a vet here that will ultrasound their groin and abdomen to see if they can locate it, because if i thought it was abdominal i wouldnt have run him on at all. But i never got to that point because i finally felt it in his groin at 9 weeks old!

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My boy's testicles had not dropped while he was in puppy class. The onlyproblem I found is that judges will poke and prod to find them, and cause discomfort for the dog. He yelped at one show when a judge was determined to palpate both even though he was only four months old.

So my advice would be to show him, but talk to the judge when you get to the table and explain that one is not dropped, and that you would appreciate gentle handling if they feel they must look for it.

I'm not sure why judges were so determed to palpate when they are not necessary for baby :rolleyes:

He has two dangly sparrows eggs now :thumbsup::welcome:

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I've just been reading the ANKC Regulations (wow i must be bored)

SECTION 9: Disqualification from Conformation Exhibition

9.3 For Conformation purposes, a dog six months of age or over shall not be accepted as

physically entire unless both testicles have fully descended and are in the scrotum.

Any dog disqualified for this reason at a Conformation Show will have its registration

suspended until it can be proved to the satisfaction of the Member body that it is

physically entire.

9.4 Any dog suspended in accordance with 9.3 shall not be accepted for stud purposes

and any litter sired by the dog will not be accepted for registration.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a baby with no testicles and showed him. He got 5 or 6 Baby in groups, but unfortunately they never did come down so once he went into Minor I couldn't show him anymore :rofl:

This post reminds me of an instance when I was showing my Intermediate bitch (only one in breed on this day) and while she was on the table the judge asked "does he have both testicles. When I replied "shes a girl" the judge went a bit red. :rofl:

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the judge asked "does he have both testicles. When I replied "shes a girl" the judge went a bit red.

:D :D :)

Seeing as its back on page 1 again - update: he has had 2 shows, the testicle is still just above the scrotum and has to be pushed down but wont stay anwyere near the sac. Fingers crossed still! He is 14 weeks.

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the judge asked "does he have both testicles. When I replied "shes a girl" the judge went a bit red.


Seeing as its back on page 1 again - update: he has had 2 shows, the testicle is still just above the scrotum and has to be pushed down but wont stay anwyere near the sac. Fingers crossed still! He is 14 weeks.

Are you massaging it down every night.???

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the judge asked "does he have both testicles. When I replied "shes a girl" the judge went a bit red.

:cry: :D :D

Seeing as its back on page 1 again - update: he has had 2 shows, the testicle is still just above the scrotum and has to be pushed down but wont stay anwyere near the sac. Fingers crossed still! He is 14 weeks.

No amount of manipulation will help if if the spermatic cord is too short. Been there, done that. :) Hope you get a better outcome.

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Not what you are wanting to hear I'm sure and not very helpful - but honest.

Time will tell. All the concern, worry, everyday dexamination and prodding and massage won't change the end result. So just be patient until they are there, or he is 6 months old, whichever comes first. Que sera sera.

Relax and enjoy him, you can show him up until 6 months and most judges will have their own ideas on it. I think most, like me, wouldn't penalise a young pup for not being able to find 2. I wouldnt be fixating on it as a point of judging a baby puppy class.(Especially to the point of upsetting the pup during the examination - that's over the top)

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Thanks Nynka. Thats the way i am going about it really. I didnt actually want a dog from this litter, i wanted a bitch :thumbsup: so if it is meant to be - it will be! If not then i wont be absolutely devastated, as much as he is lovely.

I did start the massaging thing, but he started to develop an aversion to having his bits touched and i didnt think that was a good idea considering he has to be happy with having them palpated in the ring, so i let it go. It wasnt particularly comfortable for him either.

Edited by Whipitgood
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Leave them be. If it is going to drop, it will drop. The last thing you want is for him to suck it back up and for the opening in his belly to close at the wrong time and keep it there!

I don't believe in supplementation, massage or anything else. If the cord is too short, or the opening closes at the wrong time, then that is in the hands of Mother Nature.

About the only successful thing I've found is to ignore them and to pray! :offtopic:

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I had one that was a bit slow coming down,my kids thought i was weird,the dog thought i was weird too.Would go out to have my morning coffee and have a feel of his 'bits" while i was there.I have become a fanatic ball feeler,and i think my boys told some of there mates cause we were getting a lot of teenage male visitors for a while :laugh:

If they are going to drop ,they will drop and often when you least expect it.

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