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Training And Other "newbie" Questions


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OK so I'm all set to send off my entries for the Armidale Dog Show, but now I need to know what I need to do to prepare!

I haven't shown for about 5 years, and even when I did show in the past I was always a hopeless handler anyway! So what should I be doing? She's 11 weeks old now. Is there training I should do above and beyond just having her used to the lead? Should she be on a loose lead or a tight lead in the ring? I always used to aim for a loose lead, but the dogs that did well always seemed to be on a tight lead.

Can you bring treats into the ring? Is it a good idea to let them nibble at a treat while the judge looks at them as a pup?

Should I bath her before the show? Fluff her up? Paint her nails?? (jk)

I'm very excited to say the least! :rainbowbridge:

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ummmmm, what sort of dog will you be showing????


OK so I'm all set to send off my entries for the Armidale Dog Show, but now I need to know what I need to do to prepare!

I haven't shown for about 5 years, and even when I did show in the past I was always a hopeless handler anyway! So what should I be doing? She's 11 weeks old now. Is there training I should do above and beyond just having her used to the lead? Should she be on a loose lead or a tight lead in the ring? I always used to aim for a loose lead, but the dogs that did well always seemed to be on a tight lead.

Can you bring treats into the ring? Is it a good idea to let them nibble at a treat while the judge looks at them as a pup?

Should I bath her before the show? Fluff her up? Paint her nails?? (jk)

I'm very excited to say the least! :confused:

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You show Paps is that right Jeanne?

Yes you can bring treats into the ring... it's quite acceptable to bait and use treats to distract pups during examination...

Definitely bath her before a show, but other than that i have no idea what preparation is required for your breed.

I would consider attending a showcraft class or two so you can get your pup used to things... also obviously get her used to being examined/teeth etc...

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Yes I have a little Pap pup who I will be showing.

We don't have showcraft classes here. There are a few people at the dog club who show their dogs though so I might ask them if they'd be happy to help. Not sure how they go in the shows though!!

Is clipping nails necessary even if they are short? I was trying to get her used to having her nails clipped the other day and cut the quick on the second nail! I never cut Berri's nails and they are always short anyway from daily walks. Can I just skip that bit? I hate clipping nails.

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Yes I have a little Pap pup who I will be showing.

We don't have showcraft classes here. There are a few people at the dog club who show their dogs though so I might ask them if they'd be happy to help. Not sure how they go in the shows though!!

Is clipping nails necessary even if they are short? I was trying to get her used to having her nails clipped the other day and cut the quick on the second nail! I never cut Berri's nails and they are always short anyway from daily walks. Can I just skip that bit? I hate clipping nails.

You don't have to clip nails for the Show Ring. It is just general dog husbandry that require regular clipping to keep nails in good condition. It's part of the overal grooming picture. If your dogs nails are kept trimmed by regular walks that's great.

It is a good idea however to have your pup used to having her nails trimmed so you should probably regularly go through the motions with her even if you just shave off the tiniest bit, which is probably all she needs at present. Less chance of nicking her that way too.

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Paps are a table breed. You should be practising stacking her for examination on a table and having her follow you on her lead.

Treats are OK but don't overdo it.

Your dog should be clean and groomed iaw the Standard. I don't know what that is for Paps.

You should be regularly tipping the nails.. good practice for tolerance of the practice in case hers are longer than your other dogs and don't wear the same way.

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another tip which was given to me was going on to the dogsnsw website and downloading the junior handlers manual for the triangles and up and backs ect. Get a hold of the DVD How to Handle at a Dog Show by Jane Harvey its REALLY basic but has great tips for newbies and handling tips in general. I loved the visual format too. Great ring training tips too :)

Put up a post in this forum and see if you can get someone in your breed to mentor you on the day. Havasneeze (Jo) did for me and I cannot tell you how much of a Dog send it was to have her outside the ring encouraging me and telling me when to go in. I think it was the single best thing about my first show :rofl: that and a great judge with a sense of humour after Toby pooped in his first metre in the ring :rofl:

ask any questions now some of the people in this thread are VERY knowledgable and will point you in the right direction!


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Thanks all so much for the tips. A DVD is a great idea, where do I get the Jane Harvey one from? I have to say, Toby is cute as a button! What a lovable little face :thumbsup:

I'll keep up the desensitisation with the nail clipping, but don't think I'll actually make much contact while they are short for fear of cutting the quick again!

I've been trying to stack her on the table, how do you stop them from moving their legs about when stacking? Is that something that just naturally comes with practice and maturity?

Just about to read the Dogs NSW site, thanks for that link!

I'm sure she'll have some pretty tough competition, Mondelise and Welona always come up this way, both have fine paps and years of experience! It will be fun though :laugh:

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OK so I'm all set to send off my entries for the Armidale Dog Show, but now I need to know what I need to do to prepare!

I haven't shown for about 5 years, and even when I did show in the past I was always a hopeless handler anyway! So what should I be doing? She's 11 weeks old now. Is there training I should do above and beyond just having her used to the lead? Should she be on a loose lead or a tight lead in the ring? I always used to aim for a loose lead, but the dogs that did well always seemed to be on a tight lead.

Can you bring treats into the ring? Is it a good idea to let them nibble at a treat while the judge looks at them as a pup?

Should I bath her before the show? Fluff her up? Paint her nails?? (jk)

I'm very excited to say the least! :thumbsup:

hi jeanne

What does she do better for you loose or tight lead? Go with what ever she's used to, she's only a baby and don't want to stress her out to much as this will be her first show and Im sure you'll be a bit nervous too.

Just like whippets (you did show the whippet right?) they're a table breed so the same rules generally apply when showing all table breeds.

just remember to breathe and you'll be fine :laugh:

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Well it's such a very fine line between a loose and a tight lead with her, she's so tiny and just the littlest bit of shortening the lead means the difference between a loose leash dangling near her feet and her swinging from the air!! No, I haven't had her swinging by the air though :banghead:

I think if I pulled it tight she'd put the brakes on and just wouldn't move at all, loose might be better but I'm not sure if I've got the right type of lead or not. I was given to me by someone who used to show chihuahua's and is kind of a light weight weaved rope that has the "collar" all in one, with a little ring to tighten or loosen the bit that goes around the neck. I hope that makes sense. I've always used a nice check chain with a light weight lead in the past, this is very different to that but I was wondering what is better for such a small puppy or if there is something better?

I did show the Whippet, with absolutely no success. As soon as I handed him over to someone else to handle he got BOB and best intermediate in group over lots of dogs, I could never get him to beat one dog! I must have been a dreadful handler lol. Is there something that sets apart a good handler from a dreadful handler? I think I was always a hopeless stacker, I'm hoping that with a little fluff ball it isn't such a problem!

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Heya - this is the link for the DVD I mentioned :laugh: Like I said basic but great for a newbie like me so you might find it usefull :(

http://www.rangeairevision.com/educational/handling.php I picked up my copy second hand by posting on this site asking if anyone wanted to offload their old one :laugh: I cant sell my copy as hubby and my little miss 6 and half both want to handle :rofl:



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