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Should I Be Concerned


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I wasn't sure where to post this msg so i thought here will do.

My 4mth old Alaskan Malamute Tuk, doesn't seem to drink much water. We've been out for an evening walk while it is cooler. He was still hot when we got home so i filled up a bowl full of water but i've noticed he doesn't drink much of it (maybe he does it quietly when i never see). Instead he likes to stick his feet in and pretend to dig/play causing the water to go everywhere in the laundry (inside while it is hot). Then he gets all comfy and lays in it.

So i thought i would find out A) if any other pups out there are "digging/playing" in their water bowls? I have tried a big 9L bucket but he has enough strength to just nudge it over with his head. I've noticed he also has a thing for the big terracotta (spelling) pots with dirt in them and pushes them over quite easily haha. I think he will be a big strong boy when he is grown up.

And B) should i be concerned? I always make sure there is water in the bowl for him. I dont run in and do it as i dont want him to think it is a game, but I give it time for him to walk away and not pay attention to it. Like when he was digging holes which has since eased up lol finally...

Any advice or suggestions pleease i dont want him to get over heated...

Tara if you get to read this do any of your other pups do this or ever done it?? Thanks heaps :rofl:

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lots of dogs dig in their water bowls, Spitz breeds are common offenders.

Some grow out of it, others dont.

As for how much he is drinking.....

No healthy dog will allow itself to become dehydrated provided there is always water avaliable to them. You dont want him to drink huge amounts at once after exercise, that can lead to bloat, smaller drinks more often are good for him.

How much do you expect him to be drinking anyway?

If you are really worried measure out the water you give him (you will have to find a way to secure it so he cant spill it) and record in the evening, talk to your vet if you think it is too little, they will advise you if its healthy or not.

Edited by Wolfsong
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Thanks Wolfsong, he is very healthy so i'll just have to assume that he is drinking just when i'm not around etc.

When it comes to how much i thought he would drink i did think it would be quite a lot after a walk but maybe it is little bits more often for him as you said.

I'll keep an eye on it esp with this extra hot weather we will have here in SA over the weekend (43).

thanks for a quick reply :rofl:

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Thanks Wolfsong, he is very healthy so i'll just have to assume that he is drinking just when i'm not around etc.

When it comes to how much i thought he would drink i did think it would be quite a lot after a walk but maybe it is little bits more often for him as you said.

I'll keep an eye on it esp with this extra hot weather we will have here in SA over the weekend (43).

thanks for a quick reply :rofl:

If you are worried about him over heating have you thought about getting a cool bed?

My little Sammie girl feels the heat badly and loves her cool bed, sorts her right out in now time.

Also something he might enjoy is one of those little clam shell pools.

He would have a ball digging and splashing around in one.

Edited by Wolfsong
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