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Dog Running Around Dog Park With Its Lead On


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Haven't been on here in awhile but i have a question/need advise

We live about 20 mins walk from a dog park. It's a lovely park and the people and dogs that go there are all great.

There is rarely any trouble between dogs, they all get on big dogs, small dogs all breeds.

They all play lovely together as all know each other.

However, recently a new lady has started coming with her young dog( not sure of the breed- mid sized very sturdy dog)

She lets him off in the park to run around with his lead still on.

My issue is this little guy likes to roll around with the big dogs and the big dogs tumble and run etc my worry is a dog will get his/her leg stuck in the lead and there will be damage.

A few people have asked her nicely to please take the lead off while she is in the park and others have told her to take the lead off.

Her response is she couldn't catch him unless he has the lead on( she walks up to him and stands on his lead to stop him running off)

It's at the stage now where people have had to stop their dogs playing with this particular dog.

He is a lovely little dog and all he wants to do is play so i feel very sad for him

Tonight i spent the whole evening calling our guy away as there was a few near misses yesterday when all the dogs were running together and there nearly was a entanglement.

Talking to this woman is not working, is their anything else we can do? Aside from finding another dog park or not going there anymoew

Edited by swazzie
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If she can't catch him without his lead on, then he is not under effective control.

Not sure, but you could possibly report her to the council for this? :thumbsup:

Perhaps mention it to her first though - ie. "Your dog by law is meant to be under effective control while in public, yours is not."

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I don't really have any advice but would love to hear what others think as we have one lady who does exactly the same thing with her little jack russel only thing is the lead is chain and so so so dangerous, my guys love to play with him but on occasion have been caught up in the lead, so now I just avoid her if I see her as it is a big park. I haven't but i know others have asked her to please take the lead off but she says the same thing that she cant catch him if he has no lead on.

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There is a dog around here like that.

I have previously taken the lead off it, handed it to the owner and said, not the best idea to leave it on cos you can be sure if my dog gets injured I will be giving you the bill and it will be rather large. You do have public liability insurance don't you?

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I might try chatting with her again tomorrow about it. The issue is guite a few people have had a word with her about it and offered all sorts of solutions help because they are a lovely group of people and wanted to stop it and help

She just either doesn't listen or doesn't want to listen, i can decide from her which it is.

The sad thing is her dog is lovely and very friendly, our guy loves him but i won't risk a broken leg.

The same is the case for others that go, who have outrightly said they don't want her dog near theirs if she doesn't take the lead off.

Explained to her how dangerous it is etc

Thanks for the advise i'll see how we go again tomorrow

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A snub lead should do the job and be a lot safer. Or a collar with an inbuilt handle.

You could suggest to her that she brings some treats with to the park and practices his recall (without the leash on). That way she wouldn't need to catch him.

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Could you make some suggestions? Eg. "my friend had that same problem with getting her dog to come back, so she tried X".

Or maybe suggest that she buy something like this: http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/BDLSNUB ...or if it is really bugging you then buy her one and say you had it laying around at home and didn't need it anymore. :thumbsup:

I'm going to print the info about the snub lead and show it to her tomorrow see what happens

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Could you make some suggestions? Eg. "my friend had that same problem with getting her dog to come back, so she tried X".

Or maybe suggest that she buy something like this: http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/BDLSNUB ...or if it is really bugging you then buy her one and say you had it laying around at home and didn't need it anymore. :thumbsup:

I'm going to print the info about the snub lead and show it to her tomorrow see what happens

I just remembered that vet-n-pet direct usually have a minimum amount that you need to spend to do an order (think it was around $20 from memory). So if she wants to buy the snub lead it might be better to order from black dog directly on their site: http://www.blackdog.net.au/index.php?page=...rt&Itemid=5

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He's another suggestion - she may also want to think about if her dog came past you (and anyone else ) and you happened to step on the lead and you were knocked over and injured she would be liable for medical costs as well.

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I'd just take the lead off myself and hand it to her - and collude with others at the park to do the same... if she letting the dog run unattended in an off leash park, and it's a friendly dog, then the lead should be off to avoid injury to her dog and others.

If she wants to keep the lead on, then one end of it should be in her hand.


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