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Chiropractic, Bowen Or Acupuncture Therapy?


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My 9 month old Amstaff pup has had a bit of a hard start to her life :D

When she was about 10 weeks old she jumped from my arms as I was putting her down and landed fairly hard on her front feet.

She cried out in pain and struggled to stand up at first, then after about 30 seconds stood and walked, but very tentatively. After a minute or 2 she was walking quite well, but I rushed her to the vet to make sure every thing was OK.

The vet did a thorough examination of all her joints and back and said she was fine.

At just over 4 months of age she had what the vet called an "avulsion tibial crest" , her right rear leg.

She was crated for 4 weeks with no exercise and then had 2 weeks of 5-6 short walks a day.

So now I am wondering if it would be beneficial to her to get checked over, she has had xrays at 4 months & 7 months(when she was spayed) and the vet said that everything looks good apart from one of her hips, which he said showed a possibility of h/d.

She shows no sign of lameness, but to me she looks like she walks slightly hunched in the shoulders and has a slight wobble in her rear. For a few months she was sometimes turning to look at her rear end, like it was bothering her(hence why I got more xrays done at 7 months) and she also very rarely sits properly(always sits with her right leg/hip under). She is also slow to get up from laying/sitting.

So, if anyone has opinions on Chiropractic, Bowen or Acupuncture Therapy I'd love to hear from you.

Your experiences and reasons for choosing and which you think my girl may benefit from.

Also recommendations of practitioners, in and around Perth.

ETA I just realized I posted this in the wrong section, was meant to be in "Health/Nutrition/Grooming" :):(

Edited by raffikki
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I would find a veterinary chiropractor myself - a qualified vet specialising in that field. Google "Australian Veterinary Chiropractor Association" to find one in Perth.

They sometimes use acupuncture as well.

I have tried Bowen but found it a waste of money. Just my experience - I'm sure others won't agree!!!

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Thanks for the replies so far :rofl:

hilaryo, Thanks for the heads up about veterinary chiropractor's. There is only 2 in WA, one being in Geraldton which is obviously out of the question, but I have bookmarked the one in the metro area. I will wait a little bit to see what other people have to say, but having used a chiropractor myself I do know how good the results can be :rofl:

Aidan, I totally agree with you, having really no idea about the canine side of these methods I'm not sure which way to go, I'm hoping to learn from the replies to this thread :)

showdog, I have read about the Bowen therapy and it does sound very good, would it be possible for you to pm me your therapists details? I'm sure Electra seeing someone is not urgent, as I said she shows no lameness or obvious discomfort. Do you think waiting would be OK?

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I use Chiro for my dogs semi regularly but I have also used Cranio-Sacral therapy for my girl who had surgery for cancer. The lady treating her could identify muscle memory from her knee surgery many years earlier and released all those muscles for her.

I spoke to my boss very briefly about it and he agrees there is often a muscle memory left after big surgery so whether Bowen or Cranio-Sacral I believe it's a good idea to put all the muscles back in their correct positions- as such. :rofl:

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Thanks Staff'n'Toller :)

I think I'm leaning towards Bowen Therapy, with a Chiro coming a close second, but like I said I really have no idea about this kind of thing for dogs OR where to find a good therapist.

Can anyone in Perth recommend someone? Google hasn't helped much :)

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Darren Edwards Midwest Chiropractic Preferred Contact: 08 99215155 Area Covered: Geraldton

Pamela Hellemons Canine and Equine Chiropractic Preferred Contact: 0409 504 381 Area Covered: South Eastern Perth

Ptolomy sees someone with her dogs. I'm not sure where she is in relation to you, though.

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I take my competing kids to a vet who works from home in Shelley. She does accupuncture and also chiro on the dogs. She is the reason Scoota is still able to compete.

I also take my old girl to the lady that Showdog recommended who does Bowen - she is perfect for my old girl and is helping keep her mobile. We see her every 6 weeks.

PM me if you want any more details.

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Thanks everyone for replying :eek:

I took Electra to the lady in Shelley, that Ptolomy recommended, yesterday afternoon and am most impressed with her :eek:

She looked at our xrays and told me that everything looks good there, but saw what I see with her gate and explained why the muscles are the way they are because of her previous injuries.

She used acupuncture and the results were amazing!

Almost immediately I could see the difference in Electra's gate.

We are going back in 10 days for a follow up.

Thanks so much for the recommendation Ptolomy. :eek:

I will keep in mind showdog's bowen therapist for any future problem that may pop up with either Electra or Rhino, so thanks to those who have recommended her :(

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