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Walking The Dog Log


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Just a short walk this morning with my two greyhounds. They are very well-behaved so I can take both of them at once, the only problem is Clyde (the older one) just likes to amble and sniff and pee on everything, while Ryan wants to go at a much faster pace :D I will have to take Ryan for a walk on his own sometimes, or with my little whippy girl, it must be her turn next.

have to rush off, working today. i will put the list of names in the first post tomorrow :laugh:

PS I love hearing stories of everyone's 'adventures' on their walks :laugh:

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Well, it's really hot in Melbourne at the moment, yesterday was too hot after work to take Dakota for a walk. I could have waited 'til later, no excuse for that one, just couldn't get my butt off the couch after a week's work...sorry puppy!

If it cools down enough tonight I will definitely take her, and should be able to rope the OH in as well, being a weekend..

We're supposed to be going to Kepala (private dog park) tomorrow to play with 21 other doggies and their humans (DOL meet), but if it's anything like today, I can't justify putting my big woolly dog in the car :( I love going, I really hope we get a miracle cool change.

Good luck everyone ;)

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In the Melbourne heat it is definitely best to walk them in the morning (6am ish). It often only reaches the peak temp here at 7pm, so mornings are almost always best. Even if it is hot, generally the sun isn't out in full force and the pavement is cool.

Mine get at least one walk a day, my boy gets to. My goal is to give my girl two walks a day too. Now that she is less fearful and her fitness has improved, I have no excuses! Even if it is a 15 min walk with 5 mins of training, it will improve her quality of life.

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In the Melbourne heat it is definitely best to walk them in the morning (6am ish). It often only reaches the peak temp here at 7pm, so mornings are almost always best. Even if it is hot, generally the sun isn't out in full force and the pavement is cool.

Mine get at least one walk a day, my boy gets to. My goal is to give my girl two walks a day too. Now that she is less fearful and her fitness has improved, I have no excuses! Even if it is a 15 min walk with 5 mins of training, it will improve her quality of life.

Hi Megan! Thanks for the tip re: melb weather, unfortunately on weekdays I'm up at 5.40am to get ready for work, I really can't see myself getting up any earlier than that to walk Dakota. I guess after getting up at that time 5 days a week, I don't really feel like taking her on a 6am walk on the weekend...but if this heat doesn't relent, I'll just have to! :(

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post-31607-1263004667_thumb.jpg I'd give anything to be able to take my darling old girl Lady for walks, but she won't walk far anymore gets to corner of our road which is only 1 house next door and turns around and wants to come home again, so I take her cruisin in car instead just down to local park and a little walk around there (snail pace now), has aged sooo quickly 18 months ago she would still demand her walk every night and was still doing 1/2 hour walks.

So I have to take my horse for walk every night instead as she's been lame and haven't been able to ride her so she gets an hour's walk of a night time around the block, :thumbsup: get some funny looks though people probably wondering why I'm leading her and not riding her, and after the hour I'm wondering the same thing. :D

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Very Very hot in Camperdown, Vic today and more to come by the looks of it!

Jane is a 10 month old Lab x nutcase so hopefully by 8 tonight it will have cooled down enough to take her out.

I have discovered one advantage to walking her later in the evening though...she is much less naughty (Jane has a tendancy to be really full on mental at night)! When I have walked her earlier, she comes in, has a rest and then gets her second wind.

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43deg yuck

I will join in great idea Daisy, I made the mistake of walking my dogs really early because of the heat. Now my Jack Russell wakes me up between 4 and 4.30 every morning to go walking. So before I have time to think about I get out of bed and hit the road around 4.45am.

I am surprised at how many dog people I see out at this time. I have started to try and walk a different route every day or I get bored and I am sure they do as well. I walk all four of mine at once on my own or occasionally my husband will join us.

If I don't walk them in the morning it just wont happen, I can talk myself out of anything :rainbowbridge::cry:

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Can i join in too? This is such a great idea ... :confused: my two are so fat from lack of exercise i'm feeling very guilty. so tonight we went for a 40 minute walk.. poor Meeka is exhausted! Bandit is a foxy and is always ready for anything.

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I think the dogs know whats going on :confused: they were both sitting by the front door looking at me at 7 and were not happy when i told them they had to wait till it cooled of alittle more. We have just got back from our walk and i think im in trouble if i dont keep this up because they loved it.

Maya was weighed at the vets the other day so atleast ill beable to tell if she is loosing the spare tyre :laugh:

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43deg yuck

I will join in great idea Daisy, I made the mistake of walking my dogs really early because of the heat. Now my Jack Russell wakes me up between 4 and 4.30 every morning to go walking. So before I have time to think about I get out of bed and hit the road around 4.45am.

I am surprised at how many dog people I see out at this time. I have started to try and walk a different route every day or I get bored and I am sure they do as well. I walk all four of mine at once on my own or occasionally my husband will join us.

If I don't walk them in the morning it just wont happen, I can talk myself out of anything :confused::laugh:

4.45am :) Thats not morning...its still the middle of the night!!!! You are a very dedicated and brave soul!

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i'm gonna be honest..we didn't go....again! i'm so pathetic...

on the upside..a friend of ours brought his new girlfriend around for a visit..and turns out she's a DOLer....lol...had a great old yarn! sorry Dakota

off to Kepala tomorrow morning for lots and lots of exercise! :confused:

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We went down to the beach again this morning at 06:30. A little early for my dad but the weather was stunning and the beach full of people. There were a lot of dogs off-lead so I didn't enjoy it quite as much as I might have but we had no trouble and Max was infinitely better behaved this morning than he was last night. It is now hotter than hell out and I probably won't take him for a walk tonight. We have obedience classes in Port Elizabeth tomorrow (about 80km one way) so he'll probably not go for a walk tomorrow either.

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A very late good morning to all :)

Well done to all the dog-loggers who have managed to get out and about despite the heat!

Cuchulain what sort of dog is Max?

I didn't get to bed till late last night because of my son's farewell party, so had a bit of a sleep-in this morning. I have decided to put the walk off until this evening (hopefully it will be cooler!), and stay home and get some housework done today. Nobody here, just me and the dogs, and they are all flaked out so it is nice and peaceful at the moment :rofl:

I just went through the thread and put everyone's names in the first post. There are quite a few! I didn't think there would be so many, I thought all DOLers were paragons of virtue who walked their dogs religiously every day, rain, hail or shine :rofl: Mind you, there are a few people who posted in here that they wanted to join in and have not been heard of since. Do you think I should send them PMs reminding them of their pledge to walk-the-dog? :)

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Hi Daisy, Max is a Rhodesian Ridgeback and the best thing that ever happened to me. I'll admit it's been a steep learning curve since I only know cats. :( Thanks for starting this thread, although I'm very new to the dog world I think it's wonderful to have a group of people motivating each other like this.

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Im back of night shift, but wont be going tonight, i have only had 2 hour sleep :( I am buggered and it is on 30degrees right now, just too hot for kaos. I will get back into it tomorrow after a good night sleep :)

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Well there wont be a walk tonight and its not that i dont want to but the dogs were really stressed today with the heat poor babys and the temp is still in the high 30 :thumbsup: .........I love summer but this heat is nuts :)

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