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Another Lump Question - With Pictures


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OK, so I am having post breakky snuggles with Candy this morning (she is always the first to finish her food) when I felt something on her side. Further investigation revealed a small, pink, hairless lump on her side, around the rib cage. It seems to have come up very quickly, and doesn't seem to be painful. It isn't a bite; looks sort of like a wart. Obviously, a vet needs to see it. We already have a chiro appointment booked with the vet, but it is not for another 11 days. The question is, should she see a vet sooner (like today), or can it wait for the 11 days until she sees the vet at her scheduled appointment? My feeling is leaning towards trying to see a vet today, but curious to know what you, more experienced people, think. A couple pf pics of the lump in question...



Edited by New Age Outlaw
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It kinda looks like a histiocytoma, google images will show you a few examples, cos its only small would be hard to biopsy and the vet will probably tell you to leave it a few weeks to see if it grows

My girl got one on her ear, I got it removed totally and they tested it and it came back as that. It was worrying me and if it had grown more it would have worried her too on her floppy bit of ear , but I went to 2 vets and the first told me to wait and see

Always better to see them right away if you think you will stress for the next 11 days, but otherwise you could just keep a good eye on it, maybe even measure it, so you can tell them next week if it grew at all

Edited by shoemonster
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Thanx for the replies. In the end I decided I wanted to get it looked at, so we saw the vet this afternoon. He did a needle aspirate and came to the same conclusion as you both - a round cell tumour that could be either histiocytoma (more likely) or mast cell tumour (unlikely but not impossible). So, seeing as how I wanted to get her desexed & her teeth cleaned soon anyway (she will be 4 years old in a couple of weeks), I have brought this forward to next Wednesday, when they will also remove the lump (with generous margins just in case) and send it for pathology.

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Well, the patient is home, and feeling sick and sore (no surprises there). She had a lot done all at once; desexed, teeth cleaned and removal of the suspect lump, with very generous margins. Being young and fit, she sailed through the op no worries :thumbsup: (thanx to the wonderful Dr Tim), but I suspect the meds she has had have made her feel a bit off colour, because she has not been particularly interested in food since she got home...at least she wasn't until I went out and got her some BBQ chook...that is apparently acceptable! :laugh:

We should get the path results back on Monday - fingers crossed it is nothing sinister!

Here's a couple of pics of the poor patient, and a close up of the wound.



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What a gorgeous doggie! Hope she recovers well. My lab had a lump removed late last year, that looked similar. It was the latter of your vets suggestion. Fortunately he is doing well at the moment. Going for a check up tomorrow!

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Well, preliminary results are in, and they are inconclusive. They are showing as possibly a melanoma or a mast cell tumour (neither a great option :rofl: ). They are conducting further tests on the sample (stains etc) to try and pinpoint which it is. The margins were really good, except for the depth, which was OK but not great...being a greyhound she didn't have a lot of depth to the meat over her ribcage. So, we have to wait a few more days to see if they can give us any more info - hopefully the results may be in by the time she gets her stitches out on Saturday.

On the plus side she is back to her normal self! :)

Edited by New Age Outlaw
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