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Where To Buy Training Equipment


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I've been googling away and getting nowhere just to find some basic equipment for training my dog. Perhaps I'm just being a bit thick or something :laugh:

At the moment I'm particularly interested in getting hold of a long leash/lead/line or whatever you call them. Something thinnish and very long that i can use to train my dog safely while he is learning not to bolt off into the wild blue yonder.

But when I search for them in search engines all sorts of odd things come up except somewhere to buy them!

Can someone tell me where I can find somewhere that sells these kins of things - preferably online. Where do you buy all your training equipment from?

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Try a produce place (horse supplies) and buy a "lunge" lead.

Alternatively you could use a length of cord and tie knots at intervals along the length so you can step on the line if you are using it as a drag line.

Edited by Tilly
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Black Dog does long lines (33ft and 15ft) at a fairly reasonable price: http://www.blackdog.net.au/index.php?page=...rt&Itemid=5

Or as Tilly said you could try a horse lunge line.

I recently bought a 15ft long line from K9 Force. I'm not sure exactly what it's called but it has a grippy line of rubber stitched through the centre. It's the best long line I've ever used. So easy to hold and best of all no more rope burn :laugh: It has nice solid brass clip on it too.

http://www.k9force.net/equipment.html (not listed on the website though, I think you might have to ask for them)

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Ah that k9force rubbery one sounds good SK.

Oh yes, the good old rope burns.

I remember years ago I bought a really long thin nylon line attached to a block of wood. I have no idea where I got it from but it may have been from a dog "school" I went to. Anyway - I used it on my rescue dally at the time, an 18 month old 35 kilo monster who suddenly thought he was free and bolted, whipped the lead through my hand and then whacked the wooden block into my knuckles for good measure. I ended up with a massive rope burn, bruised fingers and a dog screaming through the suburbs with a long line and a hunk a wood flapping dangerously behind him. LMAO. I learnt my lesson very fast! :laugh:

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If you want a very thin one, I got one from Airdogs -


THanks TN - that's definitely what I was picturing in my mind when I posted this. I want something like that for when I don't want the dog to be aware of being on a lead too much. But the lunge lead type, or wider lead, I can see would also be useful for different reasons!!

Being a psychic I see myself spending lots of money on this lovely adoptee in the very near future!!!

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