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Max Our Gentle Giant

Zali Lane

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We gave Max our beautiful boy his wings today. He was our first Mastiff ever and has turned our lives upsidedown, with love for the breed. He just passed his 13th birthday and would still do the puppy dance at dinner time or try to. Time wore hardest on his back legs but still was able to tug at our heart strings right to the end. Holding your head and watching you in the last few moments was so hard but I had to be there as you were always there for us and I couldn't let you go without taking you to the gates of rainbow bridge myself. We love you Maxi, simply saying Thank you for sharing your life and spirit with us does not seem enough. We will miss you forever. May you spend your days in the sunshine forever. You have a special place in our hearts forever.



:) :) :eek:

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:):) Oh god what a beautiful tribute, just tears streaming down my face.

And such a smooshable face - handsome Max, zoom free and young over the bridge big man.

Hugs to you and congratulations on getting that beautiful boy to an amazing healthy 13 :eek:

fifi & the wolfies xxx

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