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52 Weeks For Dogs 2010


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Akira looks relieved to be out of the bath, and psyching herself up to go to get dirty again :laugh:

Yes, she spent the rest of the day lying in the dirt. Luckily she wasn't wet underneath anymore so it didn't stick, and the spitz teflon coat means it all drops out nice and easily. :laugh:

I love that photo of Alera, Evolving, not sure if I told you that in the Spitz thread. And the photo of Bella and Chazer makes me want to have a nap. It's a great photo. :)

I'm getting in early for week 35. It's resized (and edited) now so that I won't stretch everyone's browsers with the huge image!


Akira relaxing on our bed this morning.

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More gorgeous photos everyone, well done for keeping up with the 52 weeks.

Helen I love the first shot if yours the big yawn is hailarious!

Evolving, your little poppet is growing into a big poppet really quickly!

Looks like the fur on Akiras leg is growing back nicely, why can't they find a nice piece of clean grass to lay on after thier baths :laugh:

Love the bed shot!

Huga, lovely Lola shot!

CM, I like that one of Jamie, if only she had of turned her head towards you as you snapped the shot. It looks like a big wave is baring down on her in the background.

Only another snap from me this week.



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I got the 50mm 1.8.

:laugh: awesome, remind me again what camera you have?? It will take a little while to get used to I remember when i got mine I didn't want to use it as it annoyed me i was so used to zooming but i persevered and now I love it, once I got the hang of it, it stayed on may camera for ages.

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I got the 50mm 1.8.

:laugh: awesome, remind me again what camera you have?? It will take a little while to get used to I remember when i got mine I didn't want to use it as it annoyed me i was so used to zooming but i persevered and now I love it, once I got the hang of it, it stayed on may camera for ages.

I have a Canon 500d

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Thanks everyone. I feel like I over did the editing a bit but never mind. There is a big drop down to the ocean here. Luckily Bella is a really good judge of where it is and isn't save to jump down for a swim as she was a bit keen to go in but realised it wasn't safe - she is normally on lead here, just took it off for the photo

Edited by helen
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week 35 (I think)

Haven't decided which one of these to use??



Think I might go with the first one.

this one is of my pup who sat inside the whole time whining while I took some shots of Cooper, the minute I let him out he was up on the seat posing :love:


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Awesome shots everyone - I've been coming in and out to look at what everyone is doing but not posting anything! Eventually I'll get around to putting all of the photos up from my 52 weeks for dogs - I've been so very lazy about posting both them and my project 365 shots! :eek:

Here's this week's shot - Zero and the love of his life, Ahsoka. :)


ETA: can you pull the vignette back a little on the 1st shot TLC? I like the composition of the first one more but the vignette annoys me in the bottom left hand corner.

Edited by ~*Shell*~
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What a gorgeous shot of the love birds, it looks like Zero is telling Soaks a secret and she is laughing!

I agree about my first shot, I was trying to even up the darkness but it just didn't work. I would have much prefered the background to be all the same color!

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Lol - i thought it looked like Zero was kissing her on the cheek :) Zero has been wrapped around Soakie's dew claw from the time she was about 10 weeks of age. It's so funny to watch him with her now that she's all grown up. I think he loves her even more now :eek: Between Soaks, Poocow's Morgan and now Fable too, he's pretty much in heaven!

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