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Triggers For Drive


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A lot of people who train in drive use remote rewards when trialling, there are quite a few who train in drive (or, who call the training they do training in drive) in the obedience ring.

What is a remote reward??

Is it placed ringside at a trial?

It's when you place the reward outside of the ring. You train the dog to work away from it and release the dog to it when you're finished. This helps the dog maintain drive even betweeen exercises.

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What level is Ella competing in now Dogdude? Do you have any videos?...would love to see some trialling videos. I ended up having a few entire rounds videoed including the between exercises as I believe that bit is really important. Makes for a long video clip though :laugh:

Brooklyn is hugely motivated by food but I use play as well and at the recent State and National trials he was in the ring 7 times and didn't lose drive or focus at all....just got better and better :confused: I think it does depend on a number of factors including training and what turns your particular dog on.

I believe Ella gained all of her titles thus far using the technique.

This is my first dog that I have trained using prey drive, and I still have lots to learn. I winged it using the Balabanov dvds, and I am quite happy with where we are at at this moment.

She debuted in Novice with a 192, but failed to react to my signal during the recall in her second trial, after scoring highly in everything else (still don't know the reason) She seemed fully focused and pumped at the time."

Bedazzled, I did see a huge difference in attitude and attention from "my" highly food driven dog, to my prey drive dog. I dont have a scientific mind to explain whats going on in the dogs head, but there is a marked difference, and my dog will froth at the mouth over a match stick if I encourage her to.

The attidude seems to last far longer than the powers of food during a trial. In the past, I could see the drive go slowly down hill with my foodie, but it seems the longer my prey driven dog goes unsatisfied, the better she will work sometimes.

These are my observations anyway. When they are switched on, they are really switched on.

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Corvus why don't you go and have a lesson with K9 Force?

You mean apart from the fact that I don't think he and I see eye to eye on the origin of behaviour...? :laugh:

What's the point in having a lesson with one person on something that many people are using to describe many different things? This is a standardisation issue to me. I know what I think of as a working level of drive, but what's the point in me talking about it if other people mean something else? I'm trying to make sure I'm talking about what everyone else is talking about, but it's kinda hard when no one can really explain what they see with their eyes when they see a dog they consider working in drive. I posted several videos of dogs drivey for different things in the last drive discussion and got a whole lot of "You don't understand drive" and none of "I think that is a dog in drive because..." Who doesn't understand drive? I want it quantified, dammit! :confused:

Okay, ignore the overwraught Dawkins groupie. I'll start the thread and anyone who has a definition in their head no matter how wordless can post it in picture/video form.

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Corvus I think the problem is for some, there is only so much that can be explained over the net. Far easier to talk about it and show in person.


What level is Ella competing in now Dogdude? Do you have any videos?...would love to see some trialling videos. I ended up having a few entire rounds videoed including the between exercises as I believe that bit is really important. Makes for a long video clip though

Brooklyn is hugely motivated by food but I use play as well and at the recent State and National trials he was in the ring 7 times and didn't lose drive or focus at all....just got better and better I think it does depend on a number of factors including training and what turns your particular dog on.

Ella is Seita's dog :laugh: From memory, Seita is training her to compete in UD this year - she has some videos on her youtube channel :confused:

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Corvus I think the problem is for some, there is only so much that can be explained over the net. Far easier to talk about it and show in person.


What level is Ella competing in now Dogdude? Do you have any videos?...would love to see some trialling videos. I ended up having a few entire rounds videoed including the between exercises as I believe that bit is really important. Makes for a long video clip though

Brooklyn is hugely motivated by food but I use play as well and at the recent State and National trials he was in the ring 7 times and didn't lose drive or focus at all....just got better and better I think it does depend on a number of factors including training and what turns your particular dog on.

Ella is Seita's dog :laugh: From memory, Seita is training her to compete in UD this year - she has some videos on her youtube channel :confused:

Seita's youtube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/nicoleleyden and yes I believe Ella is in training for UD atm.

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Seita, just out of curiosity, what trialling level was Ella up to before you commenced her drive training? Or have you always done it with her prior to entering the ring?

Ella started in Steve's drive training program at around 5/6 months old and hadn't had any (and I mean ANY) training prior, I left her pretty much green until I started the program. She took about 2 years to get a reliable trialling level and then blitzed through ccd, cd and cdx in 6 months and straight passes. We played around in open last year to pass the time (and had a couple of whoopsies mostly due to my poor handling) and we hope to hit the UD rings this year.

LOL loving all these people who are answering for me!! :confused:

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Ella's just a DOL star Seita :confused::rofl:

You mean she's Steve's Training In Drive pin up girl!! :laugh::)

PMSL! She sure is :rofl:

Part of Daisy's training involves sitting her in front of the computer and showing her your utube channel :rofl::)

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But I consider it cheating a bit :D dont know why, I just do.

Mind you its not to say I wont wear the vest in the ring, need all the help I need :)

If she is so excited by the vest, use it as a training distraction. Put the vest on the ground and work her around it, reward her for attention on you and ignoring the vest. Make it easy for her to have sucsess!!!!! (so you remeber this part)

She needs to work through this and know that the rewards come from you and not the magic vest. :)

The magic vest is someitmes hanging on the dining chair and if there is a ball there she will go an nudge it but usually just ignores it.

Ill try what you suggest Paxy, we will see what we can do.

BTW this is the magic vest, how could someone not like it? :)


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