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Triggers For Drive


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This in another thread made me think as to what triggers some dogs to go into drive.

my 2 shepherds are trained to work in drive for an orbee ball, my 6 year old boy who has watched Dad train the dogs walks out with the same ball I use to drive my dogs.

The dogs will not trigger on the ball in his hands, or any one else's hands.

Drive is triggered by "trigger phrase + me" not toy or other prey.

I dont have to have the toy, move the toy or the dog believe the toy is there to have drive.

And I came to a conclusion that unintentionally I have taught my puppy to trigger on a training vest I wear when I train her. :laugh:

She of course triggers on the word, but the vest is something special by the looks of it, as the moment I pick it up she is all ready and excited.

She goes into drive for most things, and is far from properly trained but me thinks I need to stop wearing that special vest that is sooooo usefull.

What do your dogs trigger on?

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Ok I haven't done the TID programs as such but my youngster triggers on probably a combination of word and my body language. I intentionally have tried to avoid the whole trigger on sight of toy/training bag/treat bag/food/special outfit which is one of the traps I fell into with my older girl.

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I intentionally have tried to avoid the whole trigger on sight of toy/training bag/treat bag/food/special outfit which is one of the traps

I havent done the program either and my pup will trigger on many things, but the other day when I took the vest to put it in the washing machine she started jumping around and went into heel position without asking. I thought oh oh, we need to do something about this and quick!

Mind you it was quite cute.

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Lucky its summer, I will avoid wearing extra clothing and hopefully she will forget about this particular piece of clothing!

Also all my dogs trigger on the light switch that puts the light on outside. The moment I touch it they are all up from the deepest sleep and are ready to go out :laugh:

Not to mention the fride door being opened :hug:

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:hug: oh yes the fridge door is a goodie although you should have seen my oldest while we were staying with another DOL member before Christmas. Fridge door at home isn't a trigger but you should have seen how quickly my friends fridge became a trigger :laugh: .
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Daisy has a few intentional and unintentional triggers :laugh:

- vocal cue (ready to work)

- the sight/smell/suggestion of food

- the fridge door opening

- me opening the 'dog box' especially when I pull out the treat bag/ leash

The biggest one is probably the sight of her food bowl being picked up!

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The trigger isnt bad if I for ever want to wear that training vest :laugh: . Im not sure if its allowable to wear in competions, and even if it is Id rather not in summer as its too hot for it.

Plus I want my dog to trigger on a word not on a piece of clothing I have.

I mean she does do the word and does it quite well but the sight of the vest or a ball is a better trigger for her atm.

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I thought of few other triggers that my dogs have - most are funny

After 9/11 with the anti Arabs propaganda for a joke I would say to Rex (in Polish) - where are the Arabs? and he would run to the door and bark. :laugh:

Rex and Divani trigger on anything touched on the leash and collar rack

Furia triggers on Divani running to the gate, she follows and barks before there is a need

All trigger on the car booth door being opened, Divani the most.

Rex triggers on the switch of the gas heater being put on, he immiediatelly goes and places himself in front of it.

All trigger on the noisy minas making noise on the street when someone goes by.

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My favourite thing about flyball comps is when all the dogs are so so settled in their crates early morn when we are setting up etc, then as soon as the organisers start testing the lights etc, they gradually get noisier and noiser and all hyped up!

Luckily then then learn to settle in between runs and rest during the day! (well most do, I know a few who stay on edge all day!)

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What do your dogs trigger on?

Me walking into the back yard.

Very disappointing for him when it is only to pick up his poop. But he drops back out of drive once he sees that's exactly what I'm doing and all I'm there for.

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I had pretty much given up of trying to work in drive. Had been to a Steve clinic and the dogs are just too polite!

Started to do sheep herding with Poppy. Had a problem in that she got so transfixed with the sheep that she would not move. To get her moving I would use a whooshing noise to encourage her. One day I made the noise during obedience and there she was in drive. It is always said that you need something the dog really values to get drive, and umm sheep is it for Poppy :(

Not sure how long the trigger word will work if it isn't paired with the sheepies though.

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I'm sure it was being discussed before about possible benefits of training in a vest or similar and then trialling in the same vest? Can't remember where I saw that though.

It has but I can't remember when/where either.

I wear a vest when training (it's convenient - somewhere for keys and toys or food), and I have asked a judge if I can wear it in the obedience ring and he said it would be allowed. I have since worn my vest in the ring without any problems. I like the idea of the vest letting my dog know that it's now time for training/fun and her showing recognition for what's about to happen :(

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But I consider it cheating a bit :eek: dont know why, I just do.

Mind you its not to say I wont wear the vest in the ring, need all the help I need :eek:

I got the idea after going to a Steve Austin seminar (airport customs dogs) and he said he put vests on the dogs in the airport so people knew they were working - but the vest also allowed the dog to realise it's working. My vest signals my dog she's training. I'm sure there's plenty of DOLers who's dogs go nuts when they put their joggers on - isn't that the same effect as my vest :eek:

Edited to make more sense

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