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2010 Brags Thread


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:p :D :o ;)

congratulations to Mr CK on getting his JD title last night in just his 4th outing. (OK, we've been running with ADAA, but who'd counting). We've won 3 out of 4 outings.

The better news is that Missy Xena had a run last night as well and while she knocked a bar because I wasn't clear with my handling she ran very nicely and had a ball - no sign of any back or neck problems before, during or after.

Will be interesting to see how we go tonight.

Good luck to all who are competing tonight.

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I didn't want to start my own thread so thought I'd post this here and it is a bit of a brag anyway :drink: . I took the dogs to the park and did the 'Hansel and Gretel' game with Banjo which he's going great at :laugh: and then I decided to give Sophie a go and she was a star. I just had to say 'ready to work' and she was super excited, I've never done the 'Hansel and Gretel' game with her and it's been years since she's done 'competition heeling' and she was so good at it :rofl: . The two dogs are so different, Banjo is laid back and a plodder :) and Sophie is pretty high strung and so fast. I did want to trial her but she did her cruciate before she was even 12 months old :drink: (she's 4 now) and I kinda ruled it out but I've been thinking she races around on her off lead runs without pulling up sore so why not give her a go and I'm glad I did, it'll be good to train two such different dogs. I think it'll do wonders for her confidence, she's already strutting around and I love that.

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:laugh: Well done CK and AD - and good job Xena (my Kirra knows all about the problems of sloppy handling :drink: )

:drink: We could probably all relate to that, however Barb with that many titles I think you both have it worked out fairly well.

I didn't want to start my own thread so thought I'd post this here and it is a bit of a brag anyway :vomit: . I took the dogs to the park and did the 'Hansel and Gretel' game with Banjo which he's going great at :rofl: and then I decided to give Sophie a go and she was a star. I just had to say 'ready to work' and she was super excited, I've never done the 'Hansel and Gretel' game with her and it's been years since she's done 'competition heeling' and she was so good at it :) . The two dogs are so different, Banjo is laid back and a plodder :drink: and Sophie is pretty high strung and so fast. I did want to trial her but she did her cruciate before she was even 12 months old :vomit: (she's 4 now) and I kinda ruled it out but I've been thinking she races around on her off lead runs without pulling up sore so why not give her a go and I'm glad I did, it'll be good to train two such different dogs. I think it'll do wonders for her confidence, she's already strutting around and I love that.

Go for it! Recently a good friend of mine got her TD with a dog that had been retired due to a cruciate and she's so happy she made the decision to give it a go.

Good Luck!!!

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Tiggy I hope that you are bringing them both to the Mock trial tonight :rofl::laugh:

I'm not :drink: . Banjo hasn't had a good run lately. He had a throat infection, then a grass seed inbetween his toes he had cut out on Monday. Today is the first time I've done any training with him this week and Sophie is going to need a refresher course :) .

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We ran a dusk till Dawn agility trial on Saturday night/Sunday morning. The weather was atrocious! There is nothing quite like running a course at 3am holding on to your pants b/c they are so heavy with mud they are falling down, while water is so deep it is splashing into yur face affecting your visibility :D .

Our big brag is that my daughter ran Shine on Saturday night & qualified with her in Excellent Gamblers :laugh: . It is her first ANKC qually with Shine...now she wants to run her all the time :) .

We had some good runs, a couple of bars down which I think were weather related, but ended up 2nd in Open Agility with Shine, 3rd in Masters Gamblers & 1st in Masters Agility with Trim. Our last run of the night/(morning) was the best, despite the weather, it was one of the funnest courses I have ever run. Both dogs ran it beautifully but each had a bar down. It was a course built for Shine & she came in a full 2 seconds faster than Trim ;) .

The morning ended badly when I couldn't get into my road as the water was covering all entrances. After no sleep, I had to sit at a petrol station for over an hour until it was light enough & the water had dropped enough to get through :love: . It was worth it though :) .

Edited by Vickie
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I have a club brag. Took CJ to first day of club and passed two levels! It took her a little bit to focus mainly because I hadnt taken her out much last week but she still did what I asked of her she was a good girl :laugh:

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I have only just seen this thread :thumbsup: , Jarrah & I qualified in our DwD trial on Saturday night which gives him 3 legs & his title in Novice Freestyle. He worked really well & we ended up with a score of 161 & 3rd place which I was really pleased with :laugh: .

Tony :D for CK & Xena :) & congrats to your daughter & Shine Vickie :mad .

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:laugh: Way to go MrsD and Jarrah - great stuff. (do we have vids? - I love watching the vids from comps - inspires me to go do bits with Kirra.)

And how exciting for Chloe - great job - she must have handled Shine beautifully in what sound like awful conditions - and well done Vickie.

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YAY to Chloe and Shine! Chloe your going to be as great as your mummy one of these days, talent runs in the family.. come up and run Jock anytime.. sounds like he'd do better with you lol!

That weather -UGH-.. it sounds like the weather we had up here 140mm of rain in 24hrs..

My brag for the day is that the brat of a border Collie has learnt how to enter the weaves from pretty much any postion.. I can send him ahead from a 90 entry, from the left or right side.. his left are more confident and speedy but his right side are catching up!

I had trouble keeping up with him.. It was like running a bullet! I need to learn better distance!

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Barb, we havent been able to take video of either of the last 2 comps as Dagboy has become equipment officer for the DwDQ club & as a result has been music man at the trials. But I am getting a copy of my routine from someone else who was kind enough to video it & put it on a disc for me, so when I get it I'll post a link for you to have a look :rofl: .

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I just realised I have a brag!!

Ahsoka (aka Miss Wiggle Bum) did her first proper SFE tonight!!! She didn't move a hair! :rofl: She's 19 months and finally a glimmer of hope that she'll be able to suppress the Black Wiggle gene (we blame her great grandfather - the original Black Wiggle!) - I was starting to think we'd never get there!

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Not a big brag but we now have single stepping through solid base weave poles :rofl:

He was single stepping stick in the ground poles nicely but slower, less sure and putting the second foot down in solid poles. I got solid poles over Christmas and last night he was giving me good drive, speed and single stepping!

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