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2010 Brags Thread


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:) The tunnel race was rigged!! :D

:) So was the rest of it, Ruby was just pipped to the post by a Lab hair's breadth in the other challenges!! :cry:

At least we came 2nd in the tunnel race. Think it was in fact rigged, as Ruby was quite slow and got 2nd, and Mr Guinness was super duper fast and missed a tunnel incurring a time penalty, and still came first :cry: It was either rigged, or all the other dogs were damn lousy :xmaswelcome: (excluding SugarPlum of course :xmaslights:)

Edited by RubyStar
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Hey leopuppy - shouldn't you be in here????

:eek: you can run but you can't hide ;)

Missy Kinta pulled off her final leg for her CDX title last night :(

wasn't a great score as the little blighter threw away 6 points for anticipating the finish. Otherwise she would have got a lovely score of 195. Alas, we ended up with a score of 189 and 1st in the ring :)

I'm just so proud of this girl - for a dog that was difficult to trial to begin with due to nerves, where we struggled to get a CCD pass = she's come a long way gaining her CD in 3 straight trials and her CDX in close succession only failing the difficult Royal and the Aussie shepherd Show.

So hang in there Ness - I'm sure Kenz will blow you away when her time comes :laugh:

Now onto UD :D Methinks we might hold her back - I can't have 2 failing UD dogs!

Leo did alright last night - he's definitely getting there. did a brilliant seekback (:rofl:) mucked up the middle exercises (what is it about searching the whole mat 5 times EXCEPT for that teeny pocket where the RIGHT article is???) and then finished on a high with his speak on command!!

I could have cried for one of my friends last night who was SO close to her 3rd UD leg, her dog worked lovely and then anticipated the final speak :)

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Last week for our final Tuesday training night we had an agility and jumping course set up to simulate a trial, we got the results last night at the wind up and Kyzer came first in the agility :thumbsup: He won me some chocolates, nom nom.

Now that's a dog earning his keep. Well done and enjoy the choccies.

Great result LP! You'll want to get the puppy out into CCD next, with two dogs in UD+ you'll need the challenge of a muck up pup in the lower levels.

Edited by SmoothieGirl
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Zig and I had a fabulous day yesterday at the last agility trial for the year, despite the hot weather which we both dislike 3.gif

I entered multiple runs even though he only needed one pass each for his Novice Agility and Novice Jumping titles. He was keen and focussed all day and also pulled off the run home fast cue that we really only solidified at Monday night's training.

Results were as follows although I'm not sure if the JD classes are accurate as the cards were written up incorrectly:

Novice Agility A - 1st place and Q

Novice Agility B - 1st place and Q

Novice Jumping A - 3rd place and Q

Novice Jumping B - 3rd place and Q

Novice Jumping C - 3rd place and NQ (tired dog and handler in the heat of the afternoon)

Open Jumping B - 9th place and Q (couldn't get close to the times of the experience dogs and handlers!!!)

Open Jumping A - dog nailed the distance challenge but handler only remembered the beginning and end of the course :)

So, from 7 runs we had 6 results and 5 qualification cards. Completely separate from the results, it was the most fun I've had running him as I'm finding it easier to remember courses (mostly!) and I'm much more conscious about using my body and voice to guide him. There are a couple of things I really would like to work on to cut our times down, such as tighter rear crosses and change of arms, plus the seesaw for next year, but all in all I'm so pleased to finish the year on such a positive note.

Yarrowfell High Society CCD JD AD (pending!) - you are one of the great Spotted dogs :)

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Wow Ziggy's on fire, excellent results.

Well, yep we have a brag too.

Bronte and I got second place in the CCD ring at Croydon Obed Dog Club today, and finished off the final leg of her CCD title with 92. Umm, lost some marks in our drop stay when she had a scratch and a roll on her side, but she self corrected back into a drop with a sheepish look on her face. Think the sun fried her brain for a moment there.

Great heel work and a perfect sit stay though, I'm as pleased and proud as can be. I love my little Bronte Boo.

There maybe more brags to come from others, but I'll stay quiet on those.

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Yay :) Well done Bronte and Poppy!!!

Congratulations on getting Bronte's title SmoothieGirl - great way to round out the year!

JulesP - how were the nerves?

I was originally intending to spectate at today's obedience trial but I am completely whacked after yesterday. Especially with a head cold in tow!!! Zig is fairly sleepy although Miss Emily is terrorising us all as usual :)

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Congrats to everyone on your awesome results the DOLers are really bringing it home for the end of the yr

we had the Purple Fundraiser Trial here last night which is the final Agility Trial of the year we have alot of fun getting dressed up and running with the dogs.. The weather gods were very much on our side the pouring rain stopped long enough for us to all run which was awesome..

Den managed to Completely tip the spread in ADO and I wont be surprised if his toe he injured a few months ago flairs back up again cos he then did the same thing in JDM which is very odd for him so I'm gonna go get his eyes checked out as well in a few weeks just to make sure he is 100%...

We managed to pull it together for our ADX run though slow and steady but accurate hitting and sticking both our dogwalk and see-saw contacts like a pro and actually did 12 weave poles.. misjudged the table but correctly himself nicely (alot of dogs did that with the way it was positioned) but we pulled off a Q and 3rd and our ADX title a great way to finish off 2010 :cheer: Yay my boof!

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Well done on all the brags, sounds like a very successful weekend for trialling :cheer:

Congrats on the CCD title SmoothieGirl and Bronte! And to smisch and (Denver or Jock?) for your ADX :(

Well done JulesP on overcoming your nerves long enough to not only enter a trial but get a pass!

Edited by RubyStar
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