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2010 Brags Thread


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  SmoothieGirl said:
:( Yay for us!

Bronte got her second pass in CCD at the Eastern Trial with 90/100. To top of the day she also won the ring, clever girly.

Well done! I've had my fingers crossed for you after our stay discussion! :)

Edited by JulesP
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I have a brag! :D Yesterday my 11mth Chesapeake Lincoln got PUPPY IN GROUP!!!!!!!! :D And he beat a stong puppy line up including the pup that got Puppy in Group at Perth Royal show :laugh: It was under a NSW judge and a real honour! :eek: He performed his absolute best I have ever seen from him going for Puppy in Show but missed out to a lovely Staffordshire Bull Terrier bitch. :cry:

My little boy is growing up so fast and getting so handsome! We were supposed to be showing today but after our REALLY long day yesterday showing we decided to blow it off, go to the beach and drive back to Perth early. Also the show was a fundraiser show so I didn't actually get a ribbon. :eek: (Yes I am actually devestated :( )

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Woo Hoo Valley CBR a win for the rare breeds - I bet you had a smile from ear to ear - well done.

and Neuter in show Terranik - I will drink to that :D

Bedazzled x2 has a couple of brags from today - well done mate he worked so well, even better when you consider how hot it was :laugh:

Our little brag from today Soggy Bear scored 200 in her first novice trial today :( she is a very special little girl :eek: as that makes it 2 perfect scores from 4 trials :D

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Way to go Bedazzledx2 - Brookie is an absolute super trooper he just continues to bring in the quallies and very nice quallies at that :D .

And of course go Ptolomy and Cider - better watch out Brookie you might be in for some stiff competition once Cider gets into Open :laugh: .

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  SmoothieGirl said:
:laugh: Yay for us!

Bronte got her second pass in CCD at the Eastern Trial with 90/100. To top of the day she also won the ring, clever girly.

Well done Smoothie Girl!!!!! I wasn't entered and thought I would come down for a watch. Came 1hr after the trial started and you were all pretty much finished - only stays left in the Open/ UD rings!!! :D

I think there were NO passes in any of the Open/ UD rings!!!!

What SG has failed to say is that the ground conditions were awful and I would say that 90% of the dogs failed to sit/drop etc or hold their stays - yes even the experienced dogs!!! so many people who normally score highly on their heeling (extremely highly actually) failed their heelwork from lack of doing a position or poor heelwork :eek:

so SG - be proud of your girl. I didn't see her work, but to score such a lovely mark in such conditions is pretty amazing :D

WOW PTOLOMY!!!!! Huge congrats on your results!! that's amazing!!!!

And well done Terra nik!!1 I wish we had neuter shows down here :eek:. Leo is very jealous!!! :(

Edited by leopuppy04
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Cider is such a little STAR!!!!! :eek: Well done Ptolomy, she is a dream to watch, and no doubt a dream to work in the ring!! :D Unlike your trade-in this morning :eek:

Well done to Brookie on all his wins today, what an awesome boy :laugh:

Well done to Smoothiegirl too with her second CCD leg :(

And of course to valley with her puppy in group! And well done TN on Jedi's neuter show wins, great brags all round this weekend!!! :D

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  leopuppy04 said:
  SmoothieGirl said:
:laugh: Yay for us!

Bronte got her second pass in CCD at the Eastern Trial with 90/100. To top of the day she also won the ring, clever girly.

Well done Smoothie Girl!!!!! I wasn't entered and thought I would come down for a watch. Came 1hr after the trial started and you were all pretty much finished - only stays left in the Open/ UD rings!!! :D

I think there were NO passes in any of the Open/ UD rings!!!!

What SG has failed to say is that the ground conditions were awful and I would say that 90% of the dogs failed to sit/drop etc or hold their stays - yes even the experienced dogs!!! so many people who normally score highly on their heeling (extremely highly actually) failed their heelwork from lack of doing a position or poor heelwork :eek:

so SG - be proud of your girl. I didn't see her work, but to score such a lovely mark in such conditions is pretty amazing :D

WOW PTOLOMY!!!!! Huge congrats on your results!! that's amazing!!!!

And well done Terra nik!!1 I wish we had neuter shows down here :cry:. Leo is very jealous!!! :eek:

Thanks for the congrats everyone.

LP, I think I saw you with Leo playing after the trial, I wondered if it was you. As soon as I saw that devoted Aussie watching your eyes as you walked down the hill I recognised you both from the videos you've posted. Damn, I should have come and said hi. Yep, the heelwork undid most duos, but our little group stuck our stays, after the judge walked and walked to find the driest spot in the ring - the only dry spot.

JulesP - She stuck 'em, bum and belly in a wet patch and all. :(

Edited by SmoothieGirl
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I'd like to post a tiny spec of a brag. Might not mean a lot to some but it's a pretty huge deal here :D

Ruby managed a perfect stand for exam today, and it was the lengthiest SFE she's had to date!! The score itself wasn't perfect, somehow and somewhere very mysterious, 5 points got sucked into a black hole :laugh: But the score means nothing to me, the paws didn't move an iota! :D

50% of this brag (if not 100%) goes to Ptolomy, she tried out a new coloured handbag this morning, I think it quite suits her, whaddya reckon? :(

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:laugh: just found that video on youtube and had a double take going that wasn't RubyStar handling her :D . Hmmm dunno Ptolomy I think I prefer you with red :D .Obviously Ptolomy didn't have enough dogs entered to keep her amused this morning.

ETA. Maybe the 5 points off was cos Ptolomy was handling - she must have upset the judge before they went in LOL (just kidding I dunno why the 5 points off either looks pretty good to me).

Edited by ness
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  JulesP said:
  SmoothieGirl said:
:D Yay for us!

Bronte got her second pass in CCD at the Eastern Trial with 90/100. To top of the day she also won the ring, clever girly.

Well done! I've had my fingers crossed for you after our stay discussion! :cheer:

Yep she worked like a champion-very impressive!

As for Cindy-well the ground was wet so drops were not on so...I am still stuck on 1 pass.

However my brag is that I was thrilled with the way we worked together. I finally felt confident in my own handling.

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