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2010 Brags Thread


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State Games Champs in Adelaide today - my two girls both did me very well. They each managed a quallie card.

Ness came out of semi-retirement to run Excellent Strategic pairs and after a tunnel collision with her partner in the morning managed a second place quallifcation in the PM trial.

Kenz had a few baby dog discussions about contacts but managed a very nice fourth place in Novice Snooker in the PM trial. Not helped by a mum who didn't direct her up the dogwalk smoothly enough :laugh: .

Both girls did well though and pretty pleased with their performances.

Well done! :D

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Congratulations on both of your dogs but I also had to add a brag

Today we had our State Championship Games trial today and young Gabby is the 2010 State Novice Strategic Pairs (with brother Ash) and Master Gamblers and Inka got third in Master Gamblers. Passed quite a few things with both and Inka got her Snooker Master title finishing all of her games title YIPPEE !!! Not bad for a young girl who only has started trialing in June 2009. This year we have won 5 State Titles. Including our 2 from today we also are 2010 Master Jumping, Master Agility and Open Agility Champion. So proud of my baby


Woohoo :D Go Gabby! DOL has a few State agility champions amongst it :laugh:

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Well done to bedazzled who has 3 BIG brags from tonight's WA State obedience trial.

Winner of UD, Open AND Winner of Winners :laugh:

Glad to see she could walk a straight line in Winner of Winners after the celebratory bubbly :laugh:

There was some lovely work in all the rings from everyone with just some bad luck in the stays.

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Very big congrats to bedazzled and Brookie!! :laugh: Love to watch them work!!

Millie got 3rd place in Novice tonight at the State trial on 194/200. 2nd place got 195 and 1st place got 196 :laugh: So there wasn't much in it at all! Millie stopped to sniff one of the figure 8 posts dammit :D But a few dogs did so we suspect the figure 8 posts must have smelt like yummy treats or something :p To be fair, I don't do a lot of figure 8 work with Millie, but I will see if I can scrounge up a few people at training to walk around and make sure they have pockets full of nummies!! ;)

Very proud of my Moo! 1 more pass for her Novice title :) Not bad for a dog I got as an untrained, neglected adult :laugh:

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Thanks Caffy and RubyStar :laugh: Brookie was a really good boy and even coped with my crappy dumbbell throw....find the lost dumbbell!!!! Cider put in a lovely round as did Scoota but the stays took their toll. Lets abolish stays!!!!!!

Millie did very well too. Congratulations!!!

I thought I'd try the multiple quotes thingy but its late and I've had way too many glasses of pink bubbles to do that!!!!!

Well done to bedazzled who has 3 BIG brags from tonight's WA State obedience trial.

Winner of UD, Open AND Winner of Winners :laugh:

Glad to see she could walk a straight line in Winner of Winners after the celebratory bubbly :laugh:

There was some lovely work in all the rings from everyone with just some bad luck in the stays.

Edited by bedazzledx2
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I'm going to have a little brag but it's about a fail :confused: , took Pebbles to her first open trial today & she got 27 in the heel work, 19 in SFE, 26 for DOR, my hand signal was to long, 19 for ret. on flat & 28 ret over the jump, now for the fail bit :(, did change of position, she dropped beautifully but decided not to sit :eek:, ah well lifes like that :rofl:.

But I was soooo proud of my girl for her first time out & mine I'd never even watched one before, I also have to fess up about my D... Head moment ;), yeah what a numnuts, I don't do a lot of trials & am a bit ignorant on some of the rules &, this is sooo embarrasing :o, I didn't know I had to take my own dumb bell :confused: so had to borrow one :clap::clap:, ok you lot stop laughing at me now it wasnt that funny :(, I've learned my lesson now & WILL take it with me to Melbourne in 3 weeks. Now I'll just slink off & wallow in self pitty ;).

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Oooh lot's of brags this weekend!!

Congrats to those at the state games champs! :confused:

And to RS and bedazzled at your state trial :clap:

Dova, those are some nice scores :confused: Just remember your dumbbell next time :clap:

And my brag would be...

Jess got her first open quallie with a 2nd on 185 :rofl:

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Ok... I'm too exhausted to remember but Congrats to Ness, xena98, RS, Dova, Bedazzled!!!!! :confused:

I have a bit of a brag too... Jedi got his first flyball title today! Nothing special, just Flyball Dog.... But Soaks got her Flyball Dog Champion title! :confused:

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I'm going to have a little brag but it's about a fail :clap: , took Pebbles to her first open trial today & she got 27 in the heel work, 19 in SFE, 26 for DOR, my hand signal was to long, 19 for ret. on flat & 28 ret over the jump, now for the fail bit :(, did change of position, she dropped beautifully but decided not to sit ;), ah well lifes like that :(.

But I was soooo proud of my girl for her first time out & mine I'd never even watched one before, I also have to fess up about my D... Head moment :o, yeah what a numnuts, I don't do a lot of trials & am a bit ignorant on some of the rules &, this is sooo embarrasing :o, I didn't know I had to take my own dumb bell :clap: so had to borrow one :rofl::eek:, ok you lot stop laughing at me now it wasnt that funny :o, I've learned my lesson now & WILL take it with me to Melbourne in 3 weeks. Now I'll just slink off & wallow in self pitty :(.

Hi Dova,

Was watching you and Pebbles. You both looked fantastic :confused: Never mind there's always next time. Pele was on a pass going into the Open stays and lay down on the sit-stay, apparently 30 sec to go. She broke her front foot when younger and I always worry about sit-stay especially on a warm day :( I was sooo proud of her anyway. I forgot my dumb bell too and luckily remembered it just before we were due to go into the ring and had to race back to my stuff and get it - a blonde moment ;)

Well done DSO :confused: Congratulations!!!

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Congrats on your first Open pass, DSO! :cheer: Never mind, Dova, you'll know for next time :)

I have a bit of a brag too... Jedi got his first flyball title today! Nothing special, just Flyball Dog.... But Soaks got her Flyball Dog Champion title! :rofl:

Congrats TN!! What does a Flyball Ch title look like? FDCH before her name? :)

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