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2010 Brags Thread


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Congratulations everybody on your great successes!!!!

We had a great trial yesterday and came home with a JDM quallie and a 3rd place, quallie and title for novice gamblers!!!! I am stoked with both of these. We had a massive lull in our JDM quallies - actually got a q on our first run up in JDM last July and then nothing until last weekend, then we followed up with another this week so I am hoping that the JDM hoodoo is over! I'm also super happy to finally get our novice gamblers title. It was our final novice title to gain and the one that I was really struggling to grasp and enjoy. Credit for this has to go to the ADAA games workshop that I attended a few weeks back, I now not only "get" gamblers but I am really enjoying it now too :eek: I am also thrilled as yesterday was quite a warm day and I was able to get Lomani fired up to the right amount to get 5 speedy runs out of her, not our usual 2 fast and then the rest very sluggish ;) Here's hoping for a lot more consistency to follow :o

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How'd you go today Sue & Cindy?

Well the grounds were nice and so were the judges. the scores well.....

In the am trial Cindy would not drop all the way-it was too wet. I did think that we may have scraped a pass though so I was disappointed. Her SFE, recall & stays were no problem. I was happy with my handling and thought I'd worked out a few things. Oh well. A brag soon I guess although will not enter trialling now til August-I need to work on what is going wrong.

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We went to the ADAA WAC Downunder Trial yesterday.

Highlights were a Quallie and 1st place in Intermediate Jumping (with a difficult tunnel call off and then a rear cross into the weave poles) and a Quallie and 1st place in the 3 dog relay team event. It was the first time we have entered a team event, we made up the team at the last minute when we realised it was a jumping course and all team members were inexperienced dogs!

We seem to do better in more difficult Jumping events as we were disqualified in the simpler Starters Agility and Elementary Jumping :laugh:

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We went to the ADAA WAC Downunder Trial yesterday.

Highlights were a Quallie and 1st place in Intermediate Jumping (with a difficult tunnel call off and then a rear cross into the weave poles) and a Quallie and 1st place in the 3 dog relay team event. It was the first time we have entered a team event, we made up the team at the last minute when we realised it was a jumping course and all team members were inexperienced dogs!

We seem to do better in more difficult Jumping events as we were disqualified in the simpler Starters Agility and Elementary Jumping :laugh:

Awesome!! WELL DONE. They were fun courses weren't they - we ran the same ones.

Xena won midi gamblers (Q) and CK won Regular Maxi Intermediate Agility.

Other than that we made a couple of little mistakes here and there, but the puppies were drivey and had everyone commenting about how well they were going. ;);) (especially CK - as far as I was concerned his best run of the night was in Open B Agility where he slipped/crashed off the dog walk and missed his weave entry, but both times he shook himself off and looked at me asking if we can go again - 2 months ago he would have just stopped and I would still be trying to get him out of his crate!!)

Then yesterday after a 1:30am finish we rocked up at flyball for a 6am set up and played all day. CK ran a PB - 4.7 secs and the club broke 20 seconds for the first time EVER, then followed it up with 2 more runs that were just on 20 seconds and under our previous PB.

All in all a great weekend!

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