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;) well hurry up its nearly bedtime RubyStar :driving: .

ETA. And where was my text message I saw you posting to facebook with no mention of a brag about an hour or so ago.

I know tell me about it, have been checking my phone the whole evening, thought I was in 'the circle of trust' :(:)

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Anyhoo, at the Bunbury double obedience trial today, Ruby got her first Novice pass in the AM trial with 1st place and a score of 194 :(

Then just when I didn't think it could get better, she got her second Novice pass in the PM trial with 1st place and a score of 190 :)

Congratulations Rubystar :driving: Great scores.

Boy, Ruby looks knackered ;)

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Thanks guys :laugh:

Watching her heelwork back, I couldn't be prouder of my girl! She invented a new 270 degree left turn which I believe should be worth bonus points :laugh: and missed a sit with the wind blowing furiously in her face, but her heelwork, in my eyes at least which may be biased, was just BEAUTIFUL!!! :( I can't wait until we manage to finetune it a bit more :driving:

The wind was so strong that as I was walking off for the recall, it was blowing me sideways and I'm trying so hard to walk in a straight line, which is hard to do at the best of times ;)

Special thanks to Ptolomy and bedazzled for their help today :):rofl:

Here is the video of the AM trial:

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;) well hurry up its nearly bedtime RubyStar :driving: .

ETA. And where was my text message I saw you posting to facebook with no mention of a brag about an hour or so ago.

I know tell me about it, have been checking my phone the whole evening, thought I was in 'the circle of trust' :(:)

:laugh: Sorry guys. By the time the trial was finished we were so tired we just wanted to high-tail it outta there! Spent the trip home eating chips and chocolate in a desperate attempt not to fall asleep :laugh: Sms's coming your way next time!

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Spent the trip home eating chips and chocolate in a desperate attempt not to fall asleep ;)

LOL = celebrating we were.

Rubystar is the best person to have in the car - her bag held an endless supply of Goodies or jackpots for me :(

Big congratulations to Bedazzled who took out UD at both trials today - well done mate :driving:

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Spent the trip home eating chips and chocolate in a desperate attempt not to fall asleep :wave:

LOL = celebrating we were.

Rubystar is the best person to have in the car - her bag held an endless supply of Goodies or jackpots for me :(

Big congratulations to Bedazzled who took out UD at both trials today - well done mate :bolt:

Where is the video's bedazzled?? Would love to see :)

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We've had a BRILLIANT weekend.

Yesterday at Agility we ended up with 4 qualis from 8 runs.

CK scored 3 from 4 - one Agility, one gamblers and one snooker - all in novice.

Xena only managed 1 from her 4, but ran SOOOOOOOOOO fast. I have my girl back which is more important than any card.

Today we went to flyball. Xena still has another 2 weeks out on vet's advice (he doesn't like the box), but CK ran really well in his team to win division and go over the 400 points he needs to have his FM (Flyball master) title.

We will all sleep well tonight.

Hope everyone else is having fun as well.

Oh yeah - I met Yackett's Mum and Smisch at the trial as well. Their puppies were going really well. Good job guys.

Yes It was good meeting you lol I know know another little border... you guys seem to go up an awful lot at presentations!

what a day we had.. The Agility Part of the Trial was more a big laugh for us than any actual work.. mind you Den had an amazing A-frame in Open round 1 and without a doubt that was the Best open run he has given me! We now have table issues because he has worked out if he is on it i'm just at the right height for putting his paws on my shoulders.. Novice rounds we had good weaves and some great distance which i'm thrilled with! I need to learn to trust him more because he does know what to do!

Novice Gamblers Q!! :wave: for a dog that has refused distance lines he Did it in style! I think our distance work in the ring throughout the day paid off!

Novice Snooker : NQ :( we "dislodged" a bar it never hit the ground though which peeved me but rules are rules.. which sucks cos it was such a nice run!

Jock :bolt: my dog thinks he's superman!! lol contact colours meant nothing to him! and so we flew off of Aframes and Dog walks.. Held our see-saws though with some harsh calls from mum.. So needless to say no ADX Qs and more contact reviews are in order.. (I dont do open with him just because he's getting on and the less runs the better)

I swear though in his old age he is speeding up more and more.. he's loving it and I'm finiding it harder to keep up atm!

Novice Gamblers: Q! I literally ran out of places to go hahaha cos he was running like a loony and I just kept on handling him! But we did it well! This is Q 2/3!

Excellent snooker: Q and 4th! 4th seems to be our lucky place this year... every Q and placing has been a 4th! Great run and A great save at the end by me.. he went to take a red in the closing sequence!

Video is coming!

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Wow, well done RubyStar!!! One more to go! Woo!

Smisch and the boys, :bolt: well done! But Jock, I've got some bad news for you, you're not superman!!! So be a good boy and hit the colours instead of flying :wave: Congrats on Q's!

Well done everyone else!!

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Spent the trip home eating chips and chocolate in a desperate attempt not to fall asleep :(

LOL = celebrating we were.

Rubystar is the best person to have in the car - her bag held an endless supply of Goodies or jackpots for me :)

Big congratulations to Bedazzled who took out UD at both trials today - well done mate :bolt:


Big woohoo for bedazzled! Her UD rounds were great!! :wave: (as always :wave:) Then Brooklyn celebrated his success by playing i-squeak keepy-off with Ruby :shrug:

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Wow! What a weekend :wave::(:bolt:

RubyStar - congratulations - you've worked so hard and deserve every bit of success! Hey Ptolomy - what'd you have to do to earn a jackpot? :)

bedazzled - consistency or what! Brilliant!

You Bunbury triallers weren't too far from my old stomping ground in Pemberton!

smisch - some great results too - sounds like it was a fine weekend :cheer:

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Fantastic work everyone looks like we'll have strings of titles to celebrate this year.

RS that's just wonderful! You have worked so hard and Ruby is going beautifully, you should be very pleased and very proud. Not so long ago you were worrying about CCD now your girl is working so well that open will just come. We know you've had help but mostly it's down to hard work and perseverance. Well done you! :):thumbsup: And that SFE was just lovely.

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:) Congrats to all those super dogs and their handlers.

Ruby looked great - and so happy RS. Was the 270 left turn the one where you turn left as normal, and the dog, being slightly in front, wraps around the back of you and comes out at heeL? :laugh: My first BC Sam used to do that sometimes - it always cracked me up, and he would do it so neatly that I would wonder if the judge believed whats/he saw. :thumbsup:

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I have issues at the moment. My newish (Christmas) external harddrive has crashed and it appears not to be re-coverable :laugh: and my C drive is telling me its out of space!!!! My camera is a hard drive so I have to download it to regain the space....I think I'm up for new external hard drive....bugga!!! Anyone have any recommendations of brands or brands to avoid?

Spent the trip home eating chips and chocolate in a desperate attempt not to fall asleep :thumbsup:

LOL = celebrating we were.

Rubystar is the best person to have in the car - her bag held an endless supply of Goodies or jackpots for me :laugh:

Big congratulations to Bedazzled who took out UD at both trials today - well done mate :)

Where is the video's bedazzled?? Would love to see :laugh:

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Yeah he was a bit mean wasn't he! He is the past master at the game of tease...we often say he's like the little brother who is mummy's little darling but teases the other kids terribly!!! He pinched Scoota's plastic boot in Adelaide and did the same thing!!!!

Spent the trip home eating chips and chocolate in a desperate attempt not to fall asleep :laugh:

LOL = celebrating we were.

Rubystar is the best person to have in the car - her bag held an endless supply of Goodies or jackpots for me :laugh:

Big congratulations to Bedazzled who took out UD at both trials today - well done mate :)


Big woohoo for bedazzled! Her UD rounds were great!! :thumbsup: (as always :rofl:) Then Brooklyn celebrated his success by playing i-squeak keepy-off with Ruby :rofl:

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I have issues at the moment. My newish (Christmas) external harddrive has crashed and it appears not to be re-coverable :laugh: and my C drive is telling me its out of space!!!! My camera is a hard drive so I have to download it to regain the space....I think I'm up for new external hard drive....bugga!!! Anyone have any recommendations of brands or brands to avoid?

I asked my Dad(he's a computer nerd :) ) and he said if you take the hard drive to a computer shop they might be able to recover what was on it but he's not sure what they'll charge. As for getting a new one he said they're all pretty much the same.

When I first read the 'I have issues at the moment' I thought it was dog related and thought it can't be Brooklyn he's too perfect :thumbsup: .

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