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I have a nikon d90 with kit lenses. I so want to catch my dogs in action like the shots Ive seen here. I always get the grass around the dog in perfect focus but the dog is blurred....I have tried sports mode, shutter priority.... occasionally if I manual focus and all falls to the mark I get a crisp picture of a moving dog...but for one shot I have 3o blurred.

Can anyone outine a rechnique that I could practice to gain a better shot???

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You could increase the ISO a whisker or two, then use a higher shutter speed (shutter priority) and a tripod. A good tripod. And you will hate it, and trip on it, and the dog will trip on it, and you'll forget to take it in and leave it in the rain. All that. Persevere. Tripod can make a huge difference.

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I have been practicing alot to get action shots of animals and high shutter speed is a priority! My favourite action shot to date, the settings were - f - 5.6, shutter 1/500, iso - 1600. The lighting was dim and the animals very fast. It is just a matter of playing around with manual settings to find what works :laugh: (and have a fast focusing lens!)

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Wow was thinking thats nearly dark think the pic below was on a setting like that


Try ISO 400, F8 1/1000th with back to the sun and try taking action pics - and remember to pan with the dog (even better if the dog is running side on to you). With the focus on AI Focus on equivalent if you keep the centre focus square on teh dog it should all work fine. (should being the operative word).

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